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AICP Exam Misc 2011

Miscallaneous questions for the AICP Exam 2011

Wrote the article "The Science of Muddling Through" in 1959 and a primary proponent of what theory? Charles Lindblom, Incrementalism
Requirement that plans be consistent with neighborhing jurisdictions Horizontal consistency
Requirement that local plans be consistent with statewide planning goals Vertical consistency
Leader of the garden city movement. First manager of Letchowrth, England Thomas Adams
What city claims the first comprehensive plan (and year) Cincinnati (comprehensive plan, 1925) Chicago (1st regional plan, 1909)
The name of the City Beautiful plan for Washington DC (and year) McMillan Plan
Author of "A ladder of citizen participation" Sherry Arnstein (1969)
Describe Sector Theory Concept taht land use is based on transportation corridors (Chicago) radiating out from the CBD. Developed by Homer Hoyt
Movement spearheaded by Daniel Burnham City Beautiful
Concentric circle theory (and who developed) Theory that the city is divided into 5 rings (CBD, Industry, transistion, working men's homes, and high-class residential). Developed by Ernest Burgess in 1925...based on Chicago
Garden City City with 32,000 people (30k urban, 2k rural) developed by Ebenezer Howard
Kevin Lynch Wrote the book "Image of the City" and focused on urban design including nodes, edges, paths, districts, and landmarks
Rexford Tugwell Head of the resettlement administration and part of the FDR administration and later as the director of the NYC Planning Commission
Nectow v. City of Cambridge (1928) The Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had no valid public purpose (e.g., to promote the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the public).
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon; (1922) The court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment.
Kelo v. City of New London, 2005 The Supreme Court ruled that a economic development is a valid use of eminent domain. The court found that it is not in a position to determine the amount or character of land needed for a particular public project.
Created by: 17113042
Popular Geography sets




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