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68wm6 p2 Oth Ur Tr D

Other Urinary Tract Disorders

What is the medical name for the most common form of kidney cancer? Renal cell carcinoma
Why are renal tumors often large when detected? due to vague symptoms that are often ignored early on (clinically silent)
What do renal tumors arise from? cells of the proximal convoluted tubules
What are the most common sites of renal carcinoma metastasis? *Lungs *Adrenal glands *Liver *Bones
What is the subjective data for Renal Tumors? *Hematuria which “comes and goes” with no associated pain *Weight loss *Fatigue *Dull Flank pain
What is the objective data of renal tumors (Advanced stages)? *Palpable mass in flank *Hematuria *Signs of metastasis
What is important for a nurse to check prior to the PT receiving an Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) Allergy to iodine
Why is the medical management for renal tumors a radical nephrectomy? Radiation and chemotheraphy provide minimal benefit
What is the most common site of cancer in the urinary tract? The bladder
What is the medical management of bladder tumors? *Fulguration: burning with an electric spark *Laser ablation *Chemotherapy instillation into bladder *Radiation therapy
What is polycystic kidney disease? Genetic disorder with growth of numerous fluid-filled cysts which can slowly replace function of kidney
True or False: A single renal cyst may occur without clinical significance True. Multiple cysts interfere with kidney function.
Other than genetic, who else can develope polycystic kidney disease? Person with long-standing renal insufficiency or on dialysis
What is the medical management of polycystic kidney disease? No specific treatment, Aimed at relief of pain and symptoms of the disease, Heat and analgesics
Urinary stasis from polycystic kidney disease can lead to what? UTIs
List 3 causes of renal function compromise in polycystic kidney disease *Pressure on the cysts on kidney structures *Secondary infections *Scarring from ruptured cysts
Who is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) common in? Men over the age of 50
Symptoms of BPH are associated with what? Symptoms of urinary retention
What symptom do Renal Tumors, Bladder Tumors, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy have in common? Hematuria
What are objective signs of BPH? *Hematuria, pyuria *Distended bladder *Enlarge prostate on rectal exam
What is the initial goal of the medical management of BPH? Relieve obstruction
Upon relief of obstruction from BPH, what is the drainage stopped at, and why? Drainage should usually be stopped at 1000ml initially to prevent rapid decompression of bladder to avoid rupturing mucosal blood vessels.
What is the most common surgical procedure for BPH? TransUrethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
What is ruled out before a Transurethral Ultrasound-guided Laser-Induced Prostatectomy (TULIP) is performed? The possibility of cancer since the procedure destroys the obstructing tissue.
What is used to provide continuous irrigation and continuous drainage of the bladder? Three way foley catheter.
What may cause bladder spasms in a PT with a 3-way foley catheter? Clots
Why is the 3-way catheter taped to the PTs abdomen? To maintain upward pressure on the prostate
When do you remove the tape from a 3-way catheter? Not until ordered by physician
Why is prolongued sitting discouraged in a PT who just had a TURP/TULIP? It may cause the operative site to bleed
How will the urine of a PT who just recieved a TURP/TULIP appear for the first few days after surgery? Bloody
PTs on their first dose of Terazosin Hydrochloride may experience what? Orthostatic hypotension
When should Terazosin Hydrochloride be administered? At bedtime
What anti-HTN drug is given to the PT with BPH to help relax the prostate? Terazosin
What are the adverse effects of Finasteride? *Decreased libido *Decreased volume of ejaculate *Impotence
What should be performed before and periodically during therapy for BPH? Digital rectal examinations
What alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonist is given to a PT with BPH to relax smooth muscle in the bladder neck and prostate? Antispasmodics such as alfuzosin (Uroxatral)
What are the frequent metastasis sites for cancer of the prostate? Pelvic lymph nodes and bone
What is the normal range for the Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 0-4ng/mL
What interventions should NOT be implemented in the PT with cancer of the prostate? Rectal temperatures, enemas, rectal tubes.
Which prostatectomy procedure provides access to the pelvic lymph nodes? Retropubic prostatectomy
Created by: Shanejqb
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