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Healthcare Spanish ch. 3

el aire air
el alivio relief
la ampollo blister
el antibiotico antibiotic
el asma asthma
la aspririna aspirin
la balsa belly,tummy
el caldo broth
la cama bed
la camara de llanta inner tube
el catarro cold
la cita appointment
la clinica clinic
el colchon de aire air mattress
la cobija blanket
la comezon itch
la concusion concussion
el corte cut
la dolencia ailment, complaint
el enfermedad illness
el/la esposo/a husband/wife
la farmacia pharmacy
la fiebre fever
la fractura fracture
el golpe blow
la gota drop
el hielo ice
la hichazon swelling
el jarabe syrup
el/la joven young man/woman
el jugo juice
la lesion sore
la llamada call
la locion de calamina calamine lotion
la luz light
el/la maestro/a teacher
la medicina medicine/medication
el/la medico/a doctor
el mensaje message
la muerte death
la ninez childhood
el ojo morado black eye
el padre father
el panuelo handkerchief, tissue, kleenex
el/la paramedico/a paramedic
la primaria elementary school
los primeros auxilios first aid
la pulmonia pneumonia
la quemadura burn
la reunion meeting
la sala de emergencia emergency room
la salud health
el sarampion measles
la sensacion sensation
la tarea homework
el termometro thermometer
la tos cough
el tranquilizante tranquilizer
la vacuna vaccination
la varicela chicken pox
el virus virus
la voz voice
avisar to notify, warn about
causar to cause
cerrar(ie) to close
conocer (zc) to know
consultar to consult
deber ought to, should
dormir (ue) to sleep
estornudar to sneeze
gritar to shout
hacer (g) to do, make
inclinar to bend
ir to go
lanzar to throw
levantar to raise, lift
llorar to cry
moverse (ue) to move
perder (ie) el conocimiento to loose consciousness
picar to itch
poner (g) to put, place, turn on
proteger to protect
rascar to scratch
recobrar to regain
recomendar to recommend
remar to row
reportar to report
respirar to breath
saber to know
salir (g) to leave
sentir (ie) to feel
subir to go up, climb
sujetar to hold in place
temblar to tremble
toser to cough
traer (g) to bring
vacunarse to get vacinated
venir (g)(ie) to come
volver (ue)en si to come to
alto/a tall
aturdido/a dazed
caliente hot
consciente conscious
contagioso/a contagious
caulquier/a any
favorito/a favorite
grave serious
inconsciente unconscious
palido/a pale
peligroso/a dangerous
ocasional occasional
quieto/a still
(estar)resfriado/a to have a cold
rico/a rich, tasty
sengundo second
serio/a serious
torido/a sprained
traquilo/a calm
urgente urgent
algo something
antes before
contra against
en ester instante at this moment
lo siento I'm sorry
me duele my...hurts
mientras while
nada nothing
nadie nobody
probablemente probably
segun according to
socorro help
Created by: mischa2744
Popular Nursing sets




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