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Exam II Bioterrorism and Disaster management

Define disaster? Is an event that causes human suffering & demands more resources that are available in the community. Can be natural or man-made
Define Preparedness? Having plans in place in case of a disaster either personally, family of in the community.
Define Natural disaster. A nonmanmade event that causes human Suffring and demands more resources that are available in the community
Define mand made disaster? Acts of individuals that cause devastation and destruction, such as war, terrorist bombings, or riots.
Define Response? Ability to be present and able to help victims when disaster strikes.
Define traige? Deciding which injured or sick individuals need the most immediate attention and by whom.
Define mass casualty incidence? An event where by there is are many people killed of injured.
Define Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? Term used to describe a munition with the capacity to indiscriminately kill large numbers of living beings.
Define Chemical, Biologic, radiologic, nuclear, and explosive agents (CBRNE)? Describes the full spectrum of munitions used to create a man-made disaster.
Define Recovery? A return to normalcy.
What is Federal response plan. Ability to be Federal government to be present and able to help victims when disaster strikes.
What is Disaster medical assistance teams? a team consisting of approximately 30 volunteers including physicians, nurses, and other allied health personnel who train as a group to perform specific emergency functions during a disaster.
What is Emergency support functions?
What is Delayed stress reaction? stress that occurs after a disaster that is related to the disaster; workers' feelings of exhaustion, frustration, and guilt over not having been able to do more
Disaster mitigation, actions, or measures?
What are the Levels of disaster management ? 1. Preparedness. 2. Response. 3. Recovery. Some places list 4. Mitigation. FEMA starts with 1. Prevention (5 steps total).
Disaster Preparedness Should include what? preparedness for natural, man-made, or terrorist disasters. identification and assessment of populations at risk.
What other thing should be included in disaster preparedness? planning for possibility of worldwide pandemics (such as avian flu). Setting up a communication protocol. Mass casualty drills or mock disasters.
What are 3 types of preparedness? Personal. Professional or Business, and community preparedness.
Health Department must be prepared to? Collect and analyze surveillance data. Work with local physicians, State Dept of Health and CDC to manage outbreaks. Conduct epidemiological investigations. Develop plans for NPS. Mass prophylaxis. Lab testing.
What are the Role of Clinicians disaster preparedness? Participate in planning and preparation for immediate response to a BT or other disaster event. Must use critical thinking skills in clinical judgment and decision making.
What further role do Clinicians take during disaster preparedness? Need to set priorities in order to ensure appropriate care for individuals, families and special groups (elderly, pregnant women, children, people with chronic conditions) . Triage, care for victims.
Clincians should be ready to do waht during disaster? Do appropriate lab tests, ID potential agents for BT. Call local Health Department to report BT activity. Measures to contain and control spread of infection from BT.
Astute clinicans in front line are a key to what? Early identification BT.
What is the big picture in relation to BT? Data comes from all sources to the health department so that we can get a good overview of what is going on in the community. We can then provide this overview to our State department of health and on to CDC.
What is the principle of triage? The greatest good for the greatest number of people The greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Medical Vs. Disaster traige? Triage in a disaster is different from traditional medical triage
Goal of triage in a disaster? Decrease loss of life
When responding to a disaster, what is the FIRSt thing nurse a should do? Assessment of how big area is affected including, #’s of people. Food and water available. Sanitation problems or areas of risk.
What is the nursing role in Disaster Response? Triage of victims. Prioritization of care. Transferring patients to hospitals. First aid. Tetanus shots. Medical attention to victims.
What further role do nursese have during Disaster Response? Shelter management. International relief efforts. Psychologic stress of disaster workers. Stress reactions in adults and children.
Disaster Recovery Recovery for community as whole and for person as an individual. Plague and sanitation control Mental health needs
Nursing roles in Disaster Recovery? Stress counseling. Home health care. Reassessment of health care needs of affected persons.
Mention Phases of emotional reaction during recovery? Heroic . Honeymoon . Disillusionment Reconstruction.
Created by: nze
Popular Nursing sets




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