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Exam II Bioterrorism and Disaster management
Question | Answer |
Define disaster? | Is an event that causes human suffering & demands more resources that are available in the community. Can be natural or man-made |
Define Preparedness? | Having plans in place in case of a disaster either personally, family of in the community. |
Define Natural disaster. | A nonmanmade event that causes human Suffring and demands more resources that are available in the community |
Define mand made disaster? | Acts of individuals that cause devastation and destruction, such as war, terrorist bombings, or riots. |
Define Response? | Ability to be present and able to help victims when disaster strikes. |
Define traige? | Deciding which injured or sick individuals need the most immediate attention and by whom. |
Define mass casualty incidence? | An event where by there is are many people killed of injured. |
Define Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)? | Term used to describe a munition with the capacity to indiscriminately kill large numbers of living beings. |
Define Chemical, Biologic, radiologic, nuclear, and explosive agents (CBRNE)? | Describes the full spectrum of munitions used to create a man-made disaster. |
Define Recovery? | A return to normalcy. |
What is Federal response plan. | Ability to be Federal government to be present and able to help victims when disaster strikes. |
What is Disaster medical assistance teams? | a team consisting of approximately 30 volunteers including physicians, nurses, and other allied health personnel who train as a group to perform specific emergency functions during a disaster. |
What is Emergency support functions? | |
What is Delayed stress reaction? | stress that occurs after a disaster that is related to the disaster; workers' feelings of exhaustion, frustration, and guilt over not having been able to do more |
Disaster mitigation, actions, or measures? | |
What are the Levels of disaster management ? | 1. Preparedness. 2. Response. 3. Recovery. Some places list 4. Mitigation. FEMA starts with 1. Prevention (5 steps total). |
Disaster Preparedness Should include what? | preparedness for natural, man-made, or terrorist disasters. identification and assessment of populations at risk. |
What other thing should be included in disaster preparedness? | planning for possibility of worldwide pandemics (such as avian flu). Setting up a communication protocol. Mass casualty drills or mock disasters. |
What are 3 types of preparedness? | Personal. Professional or Business, and community preparedness. |
Health Department must be prepared to? | Collect and analyze surveillance data. Work with local physicians, State Dept of Health and CDC to manage outbreaks. Conduct epidemiological investigations. Develop plans for NPS. Mass prophylaxis. Lab testing. |
What are the Role of Clinicians disaster preparedness? | Participate in planning and preparation for immediate response to a BT or other disaster event. Must use critical thinking skills in clinical judgment and decision making. |
What further role do Clinicians take during disaster preparedness? | Need to set priorities in order to ensure appropriate care for individuals, families and special groups (elderly, pregnant women, children, people with chronic conditions) . Triage, care for victims. |
Clincians should be ready to do waht during disaster? | Do appropriate lab tests, ID potential agents for BT. Call local Health Department to report BT activity. Measures to contain and control spread of infection from BT. |
Astute clinicans in front line are a key to what? | Early identification BT. |
What is the big picture in relation to BT? | Data comes from all sources to the health department so that we can get a good overview of what is going on in the community. We can then provide this overview to our State department of health and on to CDC. |
What is the principle of triage? | The greatest good for the greatest number of people The greatest good for the greatest number of people. |
Medical Vs. Disaster traige? | Triage in a disaster is different from traditional medical triage |
Goal of triage in a disaster? | Decrease loss of life |
When responding to a disaster, what is the FIRSt thing nurse a should do? | Assessment of how big area is affected including, #’s of people. Food and water available. Sanitation problems or areas of risk. |
What is the nursing role in Disaster Response? | Triage of victims. Prioritization of care. Transferring patients to hospitals. First aid. Tetanus shots. Medical attention to victims. |
What further role do nursese have during Disaster Response? | Shelter management. International relief efforts. Psychologic stress of disaster workers. Stress reactions in adults and children. |
Disaster Recovery | Recovery for community as whole and for person as an individual. Plague and sanitation control Mental health needs |
Nursing roles in Disaster Recovery? | Stress counseling. Home health care. Reassessment of health care needs of affected persons. |
Mention Phases of emotional reaction during recovery? | Heroic . Honeymoon . Disillusionment Reconstruction. |