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Bowel Elimination

Ch. 34

Anatomy of the GI tract mouth, esophagus, sm. intestine, lg. intestine, anus
what is peristalsis? contractions that propel food through GI tract. Pushes
Where does digestion begin and end? begins in mouth and ends in sm. intestine
What three tasks does the stomach perform? 1. storage of swallowed food/liquid 2. mixing of food/liquid/dig. juices 3. emptying into sm. intestine
What is the movement within the sm. intestine? Segmentation and peristalsis
What is Chyme? semifluid material that mixes with digestive juices. What comes out of stomach into sm. intestine
The sm. intestine is divided into three sections: duodenum- process chyme jejunum- absorbs carbs/proteins ileum- absorbs h2o,fats,bile salts
Which sections absorb most nutrients and electrolytes in sm. intestine? Duodenum & jejunum
Which section of sm. intestine absorbs vitamins, iron, and bile salts? ileum
How long is the sm. intestine? approx. 23 feet
what three sections of the lg. intestine divided into? cecum, colon, rectum
The colon is divided into? ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
What is the colon's three functions? absorption, secretion, elimination
In lg. intestine, bicarbonate is secreted in exchange for? chloride
what physiological factors are critical to bowel function? Normal GI tract function, sensory awareness of rectal distention and rectal contents, voluntary sphincter control, adequate rectal capacity and compliance
Which sphincter relaxes to allow awareness to defecate? internal sphincter
Which spincter relaxes to force stool out? external sphincter
What is the Valsalva maneuver? pressure exerted to expel feces while straining and holding breath. Blood is trapped in veins and is released quickly possible causing problems with pxts w/ glaucoma, cardio disease, intracranial pressure
What are common causes of constipation? diet, meds, inflammation, env. factors(not able to get to toilet), lack of knowledge bout bowel habits
What kinds of foods stimulate peristalsis? What slows peristalsis? high fiber(raw fruits, veggies, greens, whole grains), gas-producing foods(brocolli, cauliflower, onions, dried beans) Low-fiber foods slow(pasta, milk, lean meats)
What psychological factors incr peristalsis? What ones decr it? stress, fear, anxiety depression
What is impaction? unrelieved constipation
What is fecal incontinence? inability to control the passage of feces and gas from the anus.
What are hemorrhoids? dilated, engorged veins in the lining of the rectum.
What is a stoma? temp. or permanent artificial opening in the abd wall.
What is the most common bowell diversion reconstruction surgery? ileoanal pouch anastomosis, pouch connected to anus
When an ostomy has more intestine remaining, what kind of stool is present? more formed and normal stool. I.e. ileostomy creates more liquid stools and bypasses entire lg. intestine
Where are loop colostomies usually found and when are they usually performed? In emergencies and found in the transverse colon. It has two openings thru stoma. Proximal end drains stool and distal portion drains mucus
An end colostomy has 1 or 2 stomas? Why would one tend to have an end colostomy? 1 stoma and usually a surgical treatment for colorectal cancer pxts and diverticulitis.
Describe a double barrel colostomy 2 stomas and bowel is surgicall severed and both ends brought thru abd.
How often should you change an ostomy bag? About 3-5 days
What does the Kock continent ileostomy create a pouch out of? sm. intestine, usually for the treatment of ulcerative colitis
what is the most common complaint of pxts who seek health care? abdominal pain
what physiological changes occur with aging in the GI system? loss of teeth, taste bud atrophy, decr secretion of gastric acid, slight decr. in sm. intestine motility.
What does the Bristol Stool Form Scale measure? types of stool, i.e. types 1-7 hard lumps - watery
what do normal bowel sounds sound like? How long do you listen if no sounds? 5-30 high-pitched gurgling sounds. Listen for 5 min. before deciding whether sounds are absent
Name 4 lab tests to diagnose problems in GI tract total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
What is Melena? blood loss of over 50 mL in stool, looks black
How much stool should you collect for specimen, solid and liquid? 15-30mL of liquid, about inch of formed stool
What is the fecal occult blood test? also known guaiac test, measures blood in stool and screens for colon cancer.
what foods cause a false positive test in a fecal occult blood test? red meat, poultry, fish, some raw veggies, vit. C, aspirin
Which race has highest colon cancer rates? african americans
Where are bowel diversions located? ileum(ileostomy) and colon(colostomy)
What health promotion activities help with bowel elmination? excercise, diet (high fiber, low fat, fluids), timing and privacy, promotion of normal deficacy
Pxt will pass a soft, formed stool within 48 hours is a goal or outcome? outcome
Pxt will establish a normal defication pattern by incr fluids and bulk to diet is goal or outcome? goal
Outcomes provide measurable _______ or physiological ___________ that indicate progress toward goal of a normal bowel elimination pattern behaviors, responses
The location of the ostomy determines type of diet initially, pxt on low fiber diets, slowly adding high fiber foods over weeks. High fluid intake. Avoid blockage foods: oranges,apples w/ tough skins,corn, popcorn
What position promotes defecation best squatting incr pressure on rectum and uses abd muscles
What are cathartics? laxatives that have short term action of emptying bowel
What are 5 types of cathartics stimulants- invr intestinal motility, inhibit reabsorp. h2o saline-intestines don't absorb salt, h2o drawn into fecal matter wetting/stool softeners- bulk forming- absorb h2o, incr solid intestinal bulk lubricants- soften fecal mass, mineral oil (dang
What is the most effective antidiarrheal agent? opiods
What is an enema? instillation of a preparation into rectum and sigmoid colon
What do enemas do? stimulate peristalsis
tap water, normal saline, low volume hypertonic saline, and soapsuds solutions are what kind of enemas? Cleansing enemas
What do cleansing enemas promote complete evacuation of feces from colon
tap water enemas are hypotonic or hypertonic? hypotonic and water escapes into interstitial spaces with a low mvmt of water. Do not repeat, causes water toxicity
Which cleansing enema is safest and for children? normal saline becasue exerts same osmotic pressure as interstitial fluid spaces. No danger of excess fluids
What kind of soap do you add to soap enemas pure castille
What kind of enema is the Fleet enema hypertonic exerts osmotic pressure that pulls fluids out of interstiital spaces.
High enemas clease what? entire colon
low enemas cleanse what? rectum and sigmoid colon
what two complications accompany digital impactions? irritation to the mucosa adn bleeding and vagal nerve stimulation which can slow heart rate.
What are the two types of NG tubings? Levin and Salem pumps, most common for stomach decompression
Is nasogastric tube insertions sterile or clean technique clean
what is good treatment for hemmorroids? excercise, proper diet, fluids, heat, sitz bath
How much volume of enema solution should be administered for an adult? child? infant? toddler? adult: 750-1000mL infant:150-250 toddler: 250-350
How far should you lubricate tube of enema bag? 21/2 -3 inches
How far should you insert tip of enema bag in adult/adol., child, infant? adult/adol: 3-4 in child: 2-3 in infant: 1-1 1/2 in
How far should enema bag be above anus and mattress? 12 inches above anus, 18 in. above mattress
how measure distance for ng tube insertion? traditional method: distance from tip of nose to earlobe to xiphoid process
Created by: palmerag
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