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Found of Nursin Ch.5

Physical Assesment

Acute A disease process characterized by a relatively short duration of signs and symptoms that are usually SEVERE and BEGIN ABRUPTLY
Assessment EVALUATION or appraisal of a condition
Ausculation To listen for sounds within the body to evaluate the condition of the heart, lungs, pleura, intestines and other organs or detect a fetal heart sound.
Borborygmi LOUD, GURGLING sounds that accompany increased motility in the bowel.
Bruits ABNORMAL SWISHING sound heard over organs, glands, and arteries.
Chronic Developing slowly and persisting for a long period, often for the remainder of the individuals life.
Crackles SHORT, DESCRETE, interrupted CRACKING or bubbling sounds heard on ausculation of the chest.
Disease any disturbance of a structure or function of the body. A Pathologic condition of the body.
Drainage FREE FLOW or withdrawal of fluids from a wound or cavity by some sort of system (such as urinary catheter or T-tube).
Dullness Low-pitched THUDLIKE sound upon percussion of the body.
Edema Abnormal accumulation of flids in interstitial spaces of tissue. A combining form meaning SWELLING.
Erythema REDNESS or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes resulting from dialation and congestion of superficial capillaries.
Etiology The study of all factors that may be involved in the development of disease
Exudate Fluid, cells, or other substances that have been slowly exuded or DISCHARGED from body cells oar blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membrane.
Flatness Soft-High pitched, FLAT SOUND produced by performing percussion over tissue such as muscle tissue.
Focused Assessment Concentration of attention on the part of the body where signs and symptoms are localized or most active in order to determine their significance.
Functional disease May be manifested as an organic disease, but careful examination fails to reveal evidence of structural or physiologic abnormalities.
Infection Caused by an invasion of microoganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that produce tissue damage.
Inflammation Protective response of body tissues to irritation, inury, or invasion of disease-producing organisms.
Inspection VISUAL EXAMINATION of the external surface of the body and of its movements and posture, including observation of moods and all responses and nonverbal behavior.
Level of conciousness (LOC) Responsiveness
Neoplastic Any abnormal growth of new tisse, benign or malignant.
Nursing Health History Data collected abot the patient's level of wellness, changes in life patterns, sociocultral role and mental and emotional reactions to illness.
Nursing Physical Assessment Identification by a nurse of the needs, preferences, and abilities of a patient. Assessment provides the cientific bases foe a complete nursing care plan.
Objective Data clinical finding that is observed, palpated, or ausculated. MEASURABLE
Organic Disease Results in a structural change in an organ that interferes with its functioning.
Palpatation A technique used in physical examnination in which the examiner feels the texture, size, consistenccy, and location of certain parts of the body with hands.
Percussion Using fingertips to tap the bodys surface to produce vibration and sound.
Pruritus The symptoms of ITCHING; an uncomfortable sensation leading to the urge to scratch.
Purulent Producing or containing PUS.
Remission PARTIAL OR COMPLETE disapperance of clinical and cubjective characteristics of teh disease.
Signs an objective finding as percieved by the examiner; a sign can be seen, heard, measured, or felt by the examiner.
Subjective Data Symptoms, verbal statements produced by the patient. FROM THE PATIENT
Symptoms Subjective indication of a disease or change in condition as percieved by the patient.
Thrill FINE VIBRATION sensation alont hte artery, which is palpated by the examiner.
Turgor The normal resiliency of the skin caused by the outward pressure of the cells and interstitial fluid.
Tympany A HIGH-PITCHED DRUMLIKE sound produced by performing percussion over a hollow organ such as the stomach.
Wheezes Adventious BREATH SOINDS that have a WHISTLING or SIGHING sound resulting from narrowing of the lumen of a respiratoru passageway.
Name four risk factors for disease. 1. Genetic and Physiologic (Genetics and Predisposes). 2. Age 3. Environment 4. Lifestyle (Smoking, Overeating, Sunbathing, stress, alcohol and substance abuse).
______________ diseases are transmitted genetically from parents to children. Hereditary
______________diseases appear at birth or shortly thereafter bur are not caused by genetic abnormalities. Congenital
Anorexia Lack of appetite resulting in the inability to eat.
Asthenia Debility, loss of strength and energy, and depleted vitality.
Ecchymosis (BRUISE) - discoloration of an area of the skin or mucous membrane cause dby the extravasation of blood into the subcutaneous tissue.
Fetid Foul, Putrid, or offensive odor
Sallow unhealthy, yellow color
Scleral icterus The color of the Sclera is yellow
Which assessment is conducted by a Dr., but often carried out by a nurse? Medical assessment
_________ __________usually includes data such as the date of birth, sexz, address, family members names and addresses, marital status, religious preferenve and practices, etc. Biographic Data
A patients reason for seeking health care is oftern referred to as the __________ ____________. Chief complaint
When discussing the history of a patients illness. What does (O P Q R S T U V) mean? Onset, Precipitating-Provacative-Pallative, Quality, Region-Radiation, Severity, Treatments, Understanding, Values
What is the purpose of obtaining someones family history? To obtain data about immediate and blood relatives and determine whether a patient may be at risk for illnesses of a genetic or familial nature.
What do these Mneumonic letters mean when assesing a patient? ABC, In & Out, PS Airway(Is it compromised), Breathing (Ease& Rate), Circulation (Check color and palpate extremeties), What's going in, What's coming out, Pain, and Safety.
What does PERRLA mean? Pupils, Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accomodation.
The strength of a pulse can be measured by using the following scale 0=___, 1+=_____, 2+=_______, 3+=_______ and 4+=_______. 0=absent, 1+= thready, 2+= weak, 3+= normal and 4+= bounding.
Pitting Edema can be measured by using the following scale 1+=_____, 2+=_______, 3+=_______ and 4+=_______. 1+= slight pitting, 2+= somewhat deeper pitting, 3+= Noticebly deep pitting, and 4+= Very Deep pitting.
Created by: losmica
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