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Landforms & Waters
This is a set pf 53 vocabulary terms.
Question | Answer |
Alluvial Plain | Relatively flat landform created by the opposition of sediment over a long time by one or more rivers |
Archipelago | Large group or chain of islands |
Atoll | A ring shaped coral island or ring of several islands linked by underwater coral reefs and contains a lagoon |
Basin | Low area of land, often surrounded by mountains on the ocean floor or surface of the earth |
Bay | A body of water forming an indention of the shoreline, larger than a cove,but smaller than a gulf |
Butte | An isolated hill or mountain rising abruptly above the surrounding land |
Canal | An artificial man-made waterway for navigation, irrigation, etc. |
Canyon | A deep valley with steep sides often with a stream flowing through it; caused by erosion |
Cape | Land projecting into water, uusually smaller than a peninsula |
Cataract | A descent of water over a steep surface; a waterfall, especially one of considerable size; rapids |
Cay | A small low island;key. |
Channel | The bed of a stream, river, or other waterway. |
Cliff | A high steep face of a rock or other earth materials. |
Continent | One of the main landmasses of the globe, usually considered 7 in number |
Current | A flowing;flow, as of a river. |
Delta | A flat alluvial area at the mouth of some rivers where the mainstream splits up into several distributaries. |
Divide | A ridge that separates area of water flows. |
Downstream | With or in the direction of the current of a stream toward the mouth. |
Elevation | The altitude of a place above sea level or ground level. |
Equator | An imaginary line that circles the globe half way between the north and south poles. |
Estuary | That part of the mouth or lower course of a river in which the river's current meets the sea's tide. |
Glacier | A large body if ice |
Gulf | A portion of sea or ocean, partially surrounded by land |
Hill | A natural elevation of the Earth's surface, smaller than a mounatin with rounded summit |
Island | Body of land completely surrounded by water |
Isthmus | Land that connects 2 larger bodies of land |
Lake | A body of water completely surrounded by land |
Lowland | Low or level land in comparison to the adjacent land |
Marsh | Low-lying wetlands with small plants |
Meridian | Another name for longitude, measures distance east - west of Prime Meridian |
Mesa | Broad flat surfaced area that rises sharply from the surrounding area, larger than a butte |
Mountain | A natural rise in the earth's surface, steep sides, having an elevation of more than 2,000 ft. |
Mountain Range | A series of mountain ridges similar in direction, form and origin |
Mouth | The end of a river where it opens to the sea |
Oasis | A fertile or green spot in a desert |
Ocean | Large body of salt water that covers 70% of Earth's surface |
Prairie | A vast area of grassland |
Parallel | Another name for a line of latitude |
Peninsula | A body of land nearly surrounded by water |
Plain | An extensive area of level of lowland, treeless country |
Plateau | An expanse of relatively level land that rises sharply above bordering land with at least one sharp side |
Range | A series of mountains |
Relief | The difference in elevation or slope |
Reef | a ridge of rocks or sand, often a coral reef, at or near the surface of the water |
River | a natural stream of water, of a fairly large size, flowing in a definite course or channel |
Sea | the salt waters that cover the greater part of Earth's surface |
Seacoast | land that lies adjacent to the ocean or sea; the shoreline |
Sound | a narrow sea or ocean channel, larger that a strait, that connects two bodies of water; often lies parallel to the coast |
Source | the origin or starting point of a stream or river |
Strait | a narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water |
Swamp | wet spongy land with trees and other vegetation, unfit for cultivation |
Trench | a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor, caused by the subduction of ocean plates |
Tributary | a stream or river that flows into another larger stream or river |