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Oh yeah? Well I hate Cancer!!

irregular bleeding, uterine cancer pap smear detects dysplasia in earl forms of cervical cancer, s/s vag bleeding after intercourse,
young women that took Diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy to prevent spontaneous abortion have increased incidence of cervical cancer
causes of cervical cancer hpv, herpes, sexual actiity at early age with multiple partners, frequent sexul activities, presence of geital warts 9condyloma)
types of cervical cancer dysplasia: atypical cells, carcinoma i situ: confined to epithelium, invasive carcinoma: 90% are squamous cell and spread via lymphatics and local invasion,
symptoms postcoital bleeding, leukorrhea may become bloody and malodorous from necrotic tissue, feeling of pressure on the bladder or bowel, spotting b/w periods, pai radiating to lower extemities
DX pap smear cervical inspection, cervical biopsy
TX radiation therapy (external /internl), electrocautery, laser therapy, cryosurgery, chemotherapy, surgery:
what does surgery entail? Conization: excision of a cone shaped specimen of tissue, Hysterectomy, perlivc exenteration: removal of the vagina, uterus, ovaries, bladder, rectum and supporting structures
nursing mgmg provide emo support for altered body image, assess pain, institute sitz baths or ice packs to alleviate perineal discomfort, strict intake and output, assess vaginal drainage for amount, color, and odor,
name more nursing interventions monitor amount of vaginal bleeding, accurate pad count, encourage client to share feelings with significant other , reassure that she is still a complete female, discuss changes due to hysterectomy, ie shortend vagina, dyspareunia, from vaginal dryness.
more nursing interventions for hysterectomy hormone replace ment, refer to nursing mgm for rcvng radiation therapy, chemotherapy
wha tis the most common malingnacy of the female reproductive tract?
what percent of women with postmenopausal bleeding have cancer?
what increases risk when treating menopausal symptoms ? estrogen birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapies to treat menopausal symptoms
symptoms of endometrium cancer bleeding is the most common and earliest symptom, pain usually a late symptom, watery malodorous vaginal discharge, fever blowe and bladder dysfuntions are a late sign
dx pelvic exam ( enlarged uterus may be paplpated)endometrial biopsy, fractional D&C (cilation and Curettage), hysterectomy, cystoscopy,
tx of endometrium cancer hysterectomy (primary therapy), radiation (pre/post operative), radium implants , chemotherapy if cancer is inoperable, recurrent, or metastatic, hormonal therapy (progestational agents)
Nursing mgm important to provide emotional support throughout dx phase, refer to nursing mgm for a client rcvng chemotherapy,
prognosis stage 1 tumors have the highest 5 year survival rate (77%), primaryily a slow-growing adenocarcinoma. metastatsis occurs late, and the sign of irregular vaginal bleeding often appears early enough to allow for cure of the disease.
cancer of the ovary second most common GYN cancer, most common cause of gynecological death in the UD forth most cause of cancer death in women
women b/w what ages have greatest number of cases/ 55-59
WHERE IS it directly spread? intra-abdominally and throughout the lymphatics
s/s vague lower abd discomfort , pain GI s/s, mentstrual irregularities, pressure on the bladder causing increased frequency and urgency of urination, pressure on theportal blood vessel leading to ascites, weight loss
dx pelvic exam, ultrasound and ct scan, laparotomy, CA 125 increase is suggestive of enlargement of the tumor
tx of ovarian cancer oophorectomy, external or internal radiation, chemotherapy, total abd hysterctomy (TAH)
Nursing mgm explain symptoms of menopause that will be experience with oophorectomy, nursing mgm rcvng chemo, nursing care undergoing radiation therapy, provide pre/psot op care for abd surgery/hysterectomy
surgery/hysterectomy pre/post op care assess pain, teach splint incicion when moving/coughing, sitz bath or ice packs, strict I/O's, urinary catheter if client doesn't void 6-8 hrs post op, check residual urine after void, assess vaginal drainage, assist w/resp toilet, reassure pt c/o emo
if how much urine remains in the bladder post void there is an increased risk for urinary tract infection 100 ml
what emotional reassurance does the pt need for pre/post op care? reassure client that she will not experience menopause if the ovaies were spared, allow he client to express fears and concerns
prognosis more thatn 60% women with ovarian cancer are diagnoses with advanced disease,
what is the 5 year survival rate for stage 1 tumors? stage II tumors? stage 1 - 60%-70% stage 2 - 0%-40% stage 3 & 4 - extremely poor
By the time most cases are diagnosed what is the 5 year survival rate? below 20%
nursing care for cancer of the female reproductive tract includes radiation therpay care, teach all female clients the importance of routine pap smears for early detection of cancer, listen to fears and concerns, GYN surgery is ego threatinening, effecting sexual performance, and pt self esteem
What are principles r/t care of the client who willl rcv internal radiation therapy? only necessary time to complete care, rotate shift minimize exposure, wear lead aprons to prevent damage, pregnant females should aviod exposure, dressings/drains may be radioactive, bedpans, emesis basin, linen for dislogded implants (notify Radiology),
Nursing DX for ovarian
Created by: redhawk101
Popular Nursing sets




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