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Fetal Pig Terms

Fetal pig dissection terms

umbilical arteries blood from fretus to placenta
renal artery carries blood to kidney
renal vein carries blood away from kidney
urinary bladder store waste
diaphram movement casues air to enter or leave lunch
liver processes digested food, makes bile, etc.
gall bladder stores and releases bile to small intestine
common bile duct moves bile from gall bladder to small intestine
esophagus transfers food from mouth to stomache
stomach food digestion
stomach food digestion
cardiac phincter controls passage of materials between esophagus and stomach
pyloric sphincter controls passage of materials between stomach and duodenum
small intestine food digestion
large intestine waste storage and water regulation
cecum in herbivores aids in digestion of cellulose
anus elimination of feces
pancreas makes digestive enzymes and hormones that regulate blood sugar
spleen reservoir for blood cells
larynx sound production
trachea air passage to lungs
thymus processes cells for the immune system
thyroid maintains metabolism
carotid arteries carry blood to the head
internal jugular v. carry blood from head to heart
left subclavian artery supplies left side of chest and left arm
pleural cavity space for the lungs
pericardial sac membrane surrounding the heart
lungs gas exchange between blood and air
heart pumps blood throughout the body
right atrium receives blood from the body
left atrium receives blood from the lungs
right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
coronary vessels carry blood to head
left ventricle pumps blood to the body
anterior vena cava brings blood to right atrium
posterior vena cava brings blood to right atrium
pulmonary artery carries blood fromt the right ventricle to the lungs
ductus arteriosus shunts blood from pulmonary artery to aorta
aortic arch portion of aorta leaving the left ventricle and curving into the dorsal aorta
dorsal aorta carries blood from aortic arch along the dorsal side of the pig
kidneys remove waste products from the blood
urinary bladder stores urine
urethra carries urine from the bladder to the outside
ovaries produce ova (eggs)
oviducts transfer ova to the uterus
ostium open end oviduct adjacent to ovary to receive eggs
horns of the uterus site of embryonic development
body of uterus union of the two horns and part of birth canal
vagina site of sperm deposition and birth canal
urogential sinus carries products from vagina and urethra to outside
scrotum sac containing the testes
testis sperm and hormone production
epididymus sperm storage
vas deferens tube for sperm transport
Cowper's gland secretion to support sperm transport in urethra
urethra transport urine and sperm
penis houses urthra, used for urin removal and sexual intercourse
Created by: mitchg_45
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