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Rest and Activity

In 5 minutes, you transition from quiet sleep in this stage of sleep.. Stage 1
You are still alert enough to be awakened easily if needed in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 1
Your body temperature drops in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 1
Your eyes start to move slowly from side to side in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 1
You are 10-20 minutes into this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 2
Your heart rate and breathing begin to slow in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 2
Your brain activity is slowing down, but with bursts of activity in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 2
About half of your sleep time is in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 2
You have slow brain waves in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3 & 4
Blood pressure and pulse go 20-30% below normal in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3 & 4
Pituitary gland releases growth hormone to repair tissues in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3 & 4
You are difficult to awaken in in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3,4 & 5
Interleukin is released in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3 & 4
The most restorative rest is in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 3 & 4
What is REM sleep? Paradoxical sleep due to rapid eye movement
BP, oxygen, P/R, metabolic rate and temperature is increased in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 5 (REM)
What increases during Stage 5? BP, O2, Metabolic rate, P/R and body temperature
Dreams have vivid content & implausible settings in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 5 (REM)
Sense of paralysis occurs in this stage(s) of sleep. Stage 5 (REM)
What are the functions of the Reticular Activating System? (RAS) Sensory messages, relay of motor messages, communication between neurons and the release of specific neurotransmitters from axon terminals to receptors on other cells
What is the main neutronsmitter for sleep? Serotonin
What is in brown rice and milk that could help sleep? trytophan
What is fatigue? state of weariness when intense tiring accompanies physical activity
More than 9 hours of sleep can indicate what? These people are more creative but die at a younger age
Less than 6 hours of sleep indicates what? These people are efficient, hard-working people.
How long should it take for a person to fall asleep? 10-30 minutes
What is the indication for a person that falls asleep in less than five minutes? Excessive sleepiness
What is the indication for a person that can't fall asleep in 30 minutes? Frustration with time taken to fall asleep
How many hours does an average newborn/infant sleep per day? 16-17 hours per day
What is insomnia? Disorder of a person who is unable to sleep
Hypersomnia too much sleep in the day time
Narcolepsy Sudden attacks of sleep
Sleep apnea Unable to breath while sleeping
Restless Leg Syndrome Tingling sensations in the legs
Bruxism Grinding teeth
Enuresis Urination in bed
Sleep-related eating disorder No recollection of eating during sleep
Somnambulism Sleep walking
The most important indicator of adequacy of sleep and rest pattern is: The client's statement
What physical observations should you include when assessing a client's sleeping pattern? Circles under the eyes, yawning, nodding and slow response
What are the two main nursing diagnoses for sleep? Distrubed sleep pattern and sleep deprivation
What are the four different bones? Long, short, flat and irregular
What are the three different joints? ficbrous, cartilaginous and synovial
What are the three different muscles? Skeletal, Cardiac and smooth
Why should you use your arms and legs instead of the back? These muscles are stronger and more capable of greater work without injury.
Why should you pull a client towards yourself using a pull sheet instead of lift them? Sliding requires les effort than lifting. It also minimizes shearing forces.
Why should you count to three when lifting? Simultaneous lifting minimizes the load by any one lifter.
What is the rationale for encouraging the client to assist as much as possible? This promote the client's abilities and strength while minimizing work load.
Why should you keep your back, neck, pelvis and feet aligned? This reduces the risk of injury to lumbar vertebrae and muscle groups.
Why should you flex your knees and keep feet wide apart when lifting? A broad base of support increases stability.
What are some ways you could conserve energy? You should hold the object close to the body, push instead of pull
What is the indication for holding your breath when lifting? Muscle strain and inefficient use of body mechanics
Aerobic Exercise Utilizing oxygen
Anaerobic Exercise Utilizing secondary pathways to extract more oxygen
Isotonic Exercise muscle shortening and active movement
Isometric Exercise Muscle contraction without shortening (small movement)
Isokinetic Exercise Muscle contraction with resistance
Active ROM Patient is INDEPENDENT and can perform ROM exercises
Passive ROM Patient needs ASSISTANCE when performing ROM exercises
Created by: jpalao
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