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KSAT - Idioms "A"

자주쓰이는 영숙어

case in point an example that proves something 비근하며 단적인 예
a clean sweep to finish completely 완승
a close call a narrow escape from a dangerous situation 위기를 간신히 모면함
a Dear John letter a break-up letter sent by a girl to her boyfriend 절교장, 파혼장
a dime a dozen easy to come by 싸구려, 흔해 빠진
a drop in the bucket very little 극히 소량
a far cry from not similar to ~와 현격히 다른
a man of one's word someone that can be trusted 약속을 잘 지키는 사람
a matter of course the usual way 뻔한 일
a mixed blessing something good and bad 희비가 엇갈리는 일, 좋기도 하고 나쁘기도 한 일
a pain in the neck an annoying or troublesome person or thing 눈의 가시같이 거슬리는 존재
a pat on the back a gesture of praise or encouragement 칭찬
a piece of cake can be easily done 쉽게 풀리는 일
a quick fix a fast remedy or solution 즉흥적 해결책, 미봉책
a slap in the face an embarrassing insult 모욕
a steal a bargain 횡재, 헐값
a sweet tooth likes to eat anything sweet 단 음식을 몹시 좋아함
a tall order very difficult or formidable task, requirement, or demand 어려운 주문
a tempest in a teapot great excitement about something not important 사소한 일로 벌어진 대소동
a walk in the park something that can be easily done 매우 쉬운 일, 거저 먹기
a wet blanket a person who keeps others from enjoying life 흥을 깨는 사람
a white lie a lie told without malice 선의의 거짓말
act one's age behave in a manner appropriate to one's maturity 나이값을 하다
add fuel to the fire make a bad matter worse 엎친데 덮친 격, 불난집에 부채질하다
all ears very eager to hear 열심히 귀담아 듣는
all for it totally in agreement 전적으로 동감하여
all in a day's work not harder than usual 일상적이고 평이한
all thumbs awkward or clumsy with your hands 일손이 아주 서툰, 재주가 없는
an act of God something out of one's control 불가항력적인 일
an eager beaver a person who is always willing to work or do anything extra 열심히 일하는 사람, 일벌레
and then some and much more besides 그 외에도 많이
antsy over-active 안절부절못하는, 좀이 쑤시는
around the corner coming very soon 바로 목전에 닥친
as easy as pie extremely easy to do 매우 쉬운
as is often the case as it is often that way 종종 그렇듯이
ask for it bring something bad upon yourself 화를 자초하다.
at gunpoint under threat of being shot 총으로 위협을 받으면서
at large free from restraint or confinement (범인 따위가) 붙잡히지 않고 있는
at one's service prepared to obey your command 바라는 대로, 기꺼이 따를 준비가 된는
at the eleventh hour just at the last moment 아슬아슬하게, 막판에
Created by: perky
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