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Bio Unit 5

Pros of asexual reproduction no need for partner; less mutation; faster; requires less energy
cons of asexual reproduction no genetic variability; not able to adapt, therefore can go extinct easily
cells in multicellular organisms that reproduce asexually skin cells; red blood cells
cells in multicellular organisms that do not reproduce nerve cells (neurons); hearts muscle cells. research is going on the regenerate these
chromatin fine strands of DNA in protein; when cells is NOT dividing; easier to read
chromosome condensed DNA; when cell is dividing; easier to separate
chromatid two identical DNA's
binary fission single chromosome replicates; each copy moves to opposites sides; cell elongates; when 2X original size membrane pinches; cell wall deposited; two identical cells produced
phases of cell cycle Interphase (G1, S, G2) mitosis (M phase)
what does cell do in interphase? does "cell job", 90% of time is spent in interphase, DNA found in chromatin form
G1 cell is growing to normal size; protein production and high metabolism
S DNA replication; "point of no return"; chromosomes consist of 2 chromatids
G2 preparation for division; replication of centrioles in animal cells
kinetochore attachment site for spindle fiber on chromosome
centrosome where spindle fibers originate
mitosis nuclear division; requires all cells energy and resources, last step is cytokinesis
prophase chromatin turns to chromosomes; the nuclear envelope breaks up; spindle fibers unwind
prometaphase nuclear envelope is gone; spindle fibers are out
microtubules' role in mitosis they are the spindle fibers; they are taken away form the cytoskeleton, making the cell more flexible
metaphase chromosomes lined in the middle, centrosomes on either pole
anaphase chromatids are pulled apart, spindle fibers breaking
telophase and cytokinesis nucleolus forming; nuclear envelope forming; chromatin forms; spindle fibers back to cytoskeleton
enzyme used in anaphase separase
cytokinesis in animal cells cleavage furrow forms; microfilaments (actin filaments) are used
cytokinesis in plant cells cell plate made out of cellulose forms in middle of cell
problems if the cell cycle is out of control not doing cell job; taking up space and nutrients, depriving other cells; greater chance of mutation
the three major checkpoints if cell cycle 1)G1 checkpoint 2)G2 checkpoint 3) M Checkpoint
G1 checkpoint nutrients, growth factors; does it need to divide; density-dependent inhibition, anchorage dependence
G2 checkpoint was DNA replicated properly
M checkpoint checks metaphase before going into anaphase
enzymes that regulate checkpoints cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), activated when bound to proteins called cyclins, together they are a form of alosteric regulation
most important checkpoint G1. if there is no signal, cells exits cell cycle to G0
types of external signals growth factors; density-dependent inhibition; anchorage dependence
growth factors proteins released by cells stimulate other cells to divide; cells stop dividing when growth factor is depleted; ex. erythrpoetin(EPO. stimulates red blood cell production to carry more oxygen) and interleukin
density dependent inhibition results from crowded conditions, when one cell touches another, cell division stops ex. skin cells. out of control = wart
anchorage dependence must be in contact with a solid surface to divide
cell cycle out of control= cancer. do not respond to normal cell cycle controls ex. apoptosis
carcinoma originate in linings or coverings. ex. skin or linings of digestive tract
sarcoma originate in support tissues. ex. bone and muscle
lymphoma/ leukemia originate in blood-forming tissues. ex. bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes
tumor mass of abnormal cells
benign tumor mass remains in original site
malignant tumor mass spreads to other parts of the body
metastasis separation of cancer cells from tumor; travel through the circulatory system
somatic cells diploid (homologous pairs); 2n=46; 44 autosomes, 2 sex chromosomes
homologue chromosome making up a homologous pair
locus location of gene on the chromosome
describe meiosis cell division that occurs to produce gametes, DNA replicated once, cell divides twice; produces 4 cells with 1/2 the original chromosomes
prophase I homologous pairs forms tetrads
chiasmata what holds tetrads together
anaphase I homologous pairs split
anaphase II chromatids split
nondisjunction failure of chromosomes to separate properly in meiosis
result of nondisjunction in meiosis I a tetrad doesn't split, creating 2 gametes with an extra chromosome and 2 gametes lacking a chromosome
result of nondisjuction in meiosis II chromatids do not split up, 1 gamete with an extra chromosome and 1 gamete lacking a chromosome
aneuploidy abnormal number of chromosomes
crossing over further increases genetic variability, occurs in prophase 1 when tetrads are forming, known as CHIASMA, errors called chromosomal variations
charge of DNA negative, phosphate groups
proteins that wrap around DNA histones
genome all of organism's DNA, provides working instructions for cell through protein
Griffith 1928, determined that pathogenicity could be transferred when non-living organisms were exposed to remains of dead pathogens (transformation); used 2 types of bacteria(smooth or rough) and injected into mouse
Avery 1944; identified "transforming substance" as DNA , no one believed him
Hershey and Chase 1952; used virus with labeled phosphorus and sulfur (phosphate in DNA and sulfur in protein systine) proved that DNA component was injected into cells
Rosalind Franklin produced x-ray crystallography images of DNA, these were used by watson and crick without permission
Watson and Crick discovered that DNA was a double helix; backbone was alternating sugar phophate molecules, interior made of N-bases
chargraff chemically proved the same base-pairing rules that watson and crick proved structurally
monomers of DNA nucleotides
pyrimidines 5 ring, thymine and cytosine
purines 5 and 6 ring, adenine and guanine
structure of DNA nucleotide strands are antiparallel; 3' or 5'; PHosphate Five' and hydroxyl 3'
nitrogen bases held together with what bonds? hydrogen; A-T has to (tattoo) and C-G has 3(harder to break)
covalent bond in sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA phosphodiesterlinkage
semi-conservative replication 1 old strand, 1 new strand
meselson-stahl experiment two different labeled nitrogens in DNA; centrifuged after both replications
DNA helicase enzyme; unwinds the DNA double helix
origins of replication specific points on the DNA molecule where replication begins; many in linear DNA; only one in bacterial or circular DNA
replications forks Y-shaped region where new strands of DNA are elongating
what keeps the DNA from hydrogen bonding back together after it is taken apart? single-strand binding proteins
topoisomerase relieves tension created by unwinding of DNA by making cuts, untwisting, and rejoining the nucleotide strand
DNA polymerase adds nucleotides, proofreads, and removes RNA primers
two limitations of DNA polymerase only adds 5' to 3' ; can only add to an existing strand
enzyme that adds RNA primers primase
direction in which DNA is "read" by DNA polymerase 3'-5'
side that is replicated as a continuous strand leading strand
lagging strand strand that cannot be replicated in continuous strand because the whole strand is not unzipped for it to be synthesized 5' to 3'
Okazaki fragments short pieces of DNA on lagging strand
DNA ligase binds fragments together to form a continuous strand of nucleotides
why does DNA get shorter every time it replicates? because DNSA is linear, DNA polymerase cannot go back to replace RNA primer, cell chops it off because it doesnt recognize it as DNA
telomeres protect genetic information in chromosomes, telomeres cut off instead of chromosomes
what happens when the telomere is used up? cell dies, AGING
telomerase enzyme produced by stem cells and cancer cells that restore telomeres, fountain of youth?
Created by: bootoo
Popular Biology sets




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