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GRCC BI121 lec #3

GRCC BI 121 muscles Exam 3

Types of muscles Skeletal, cardiac and smooth
Muscle functions contract, thermoregulate and protection from trauma
e.g. of how muscles protect from trauma major nerves and vessels
Skeletal muscles movement of skeleton
What type of muscle has rapid contraction and rapids fatigue Skeletal muscles
Skeletal muscles are attached to ? Usually attached to bone (except rectus abdominis)
Are skeletal muscles involuntary or voluntary? They are voluntary
Muscles that enable movement withing hollow organs Smooth muscles
e.g. of smooth muscles Intestines, stomach, vessels, bronchioles
Which mucsle is slow contraction and slow fatigue? Smooth muscle
Think birth contractions Smooth muscle moves slow, so its good they fatigue slow too because this can be a long drawn out situation
are smooth muscles voluntary? No, they are involuntary...think uterus contractsion and menstral cramping.
where would you find smooth muscles? organs, vessels, and dermis
Cardiac muscles help with circulation
Are cardiac involuntary or voluntary? Involuntary
These muscles are rapid contraction and no fatigue Cardiac muscles
A muscles with no fatigue? is constantly contracting....if it stops we it can't fatigue.
skeletal muscle connective tissue anatomy Think layers of cylinders within cylinders
First layer of muscle tissue - very thing covering fascia
fasica connect tissue covering individual muscles
Tendon Extends from fascia to the end of perimysium, that attaches bone to muscle.
Aponeuroses Broadsheets of CT that attach adjoining skeletal muscles.
Epimysium irregular CT on surface of muscles.
Perimysium CT that seperates fascicles
Endomysium CT that seperates fibers (cells) within fasciae.
fascia - epimysium - perimysium - _____________ endomysium
________ - epimysium - perimysium - endomysium fascia
fascia - ______________ - Perimysium - endomysium epimysium
fascia - epi- ______________- endo Perimysium
CT muscle layers fascia- epimysium - perimysium - endomysium
Muscle Heiarchy preview whole muscle - fascicle - fiber - myofibrils - sarcomeres
whole muscle - _____________ - fiber - myofibrils - sarcomeres fascicle
Whole muscle - fascicle - _________ - myofibrils - sarcomeres fiber
________- fascicle- fiber - myofibrils - sarcomeres whole muscles
Whole muscles - fasicles - fibers - myofibrils - ________ sarcomeres
Whole muscles - fasicles - fibers - ____________ - sarcomeres myofibrils
Whole muscles made up of fasicles
e.g. of whole muscle sartorius
Fasicicles Bundles of muscle fibers (cells)
a fusion of muscle nuclei making a bundle of fibers fasicles
muscle fibers within a fascicle and are muscle cells
Components of muscle fibers sarcaolema, sarcoplasm, myofibrils
Sarcolema Component of a muscle fiber; it is the cell membrane of muscle cells
Sarcoplasm Component of the muscle fiber; it is the cell cytoplasm of muscle cells
myofibrils component of muscle fibers; contractile units
this plays a fundamental role in muscle contraction mechanism myofibrils is a component of muscle fibers.
muscle fibers are torn= muscle strain
torn fascia and torn fibers = damage cell membrane (sarcolema) and fascia, etc
Torn muscle fibers result in what? minor muscle strain.
If many fibers and fascia tears, then what results? severe muscle strain.
Dystrophin duct tape that holds muscles together and keeps them from tearing apart
What prevents tearing of sarcolema during contraction? Dystrophin
A skeletal muscle protein dysrtophin prevents what prevents tearing of sarcolema during contraction.
Duchenne MD does what it does not produce dystrophin.
What happens without dystrophin sarcolemas tear or burst- muscle cells die
What do people with skeletal muscles usually die from? suffocation- cuz the lungs are protected by rib cage....surrounded by skeletal muscle.
sarcomeres Repeating segments of myosin and actin. The actual site of contraction.
what is the actual site of contraction? sarcomeres
what are the components of sarcomeres? Myosin (thick filaments), Actin (thin filaments), Sarcoplasmic reticulum, cisternae
Thick filament myosin
myosin, a component of sarcomere thick filamentous contractile proteins with cross bridges
Thin filament actin
actin, a component of sarcomere protein back bone of thin filaments
Components of actin tropomyosin, troponin
tropomyosin blocks cross bridge binding sites action and
Troponin a component of actin controls position of tropomysin
Troponin in blood Death of tissue due to MI- death tissue decomposes into blood
if troponin is found in blood then pt had an MI
sarcoplasmic reticulum and cisternae Modified endoplasmic reticulum with increased levels of Calcium ions
cisternae stores calcium ions which are essential for muscle contractions.
Sliding filament theory sacromere shortens, but the thick & thin filaments do not change length, instead they slide past one another
Thin filaments movement towards ? center of the sarcomere...from each end.
what happens when there is a motor impulse to motor neuron thin filaments move towards center of sarcomere and the muscle shortens (aka sliding filament theory)
do thick and thin filaments shorten? no, the slide on top of one another...think about intertwining fingers from left and right hand..bring them close to gether, the length is shorter..not the fingers
Nueromuscular junction Motor neuron, motor end plate, synaptic cleft
motor nueron, motor end plate, synaptic cleft known as a motor unit (all three are components make up neuromuscular junction)
Disease of motor neuron Poliomyelitis
poliomyelitis a viral infection of the motor neuron resulting in paralysis of the infected muscles
What are thick filaments responsiblity? It grabs thin filaments and brings them together.
Muscle impulse transmission ACh released from motor neuron & recived by motor end plate & then muscle impulse relayed to muscle contracts
Threshold stimulus the minimum chemical stimulates to cause contraction
An autoimmune disorder that attacks ACh Myasthenia gravis (MG)
MG An autoimmune disorder that attacks ACh receptors on muscle cells resulting in muscle weakness and possible death.
with MG, ACh recepters are killed by autoimmune results in what? ACh has nothing to attach to so they cant work
MG and Polimyelitis could lead to what type of demise? suffocation
How does nerve gas affect ACh recepters they are blocked causing muscle weakness and possible death via suffocation.
What does nerve gas do to prevent ACh from working properly? Mimics ACh shape and docks with receptors instead of ACh
Calcium is stimulated by? ACh
Details of contraction ACh released- attaches to ACh receptors - muscle impulse releases Ca from cisternae- Ca binds with tropinin-altering position of tropomyosin - actin moves to center
Step 1: what happens sfter ACh is released & is recieved by it's recepter triggering a muscle impulse Muscle impulse releases Ca from cisternae
Step 2: what happens to Ca after it is released from muscle impulses? Ca binds to troponin, therefore, altering tropomysin and exposing binding sites on actin
Step 3: what happens after the binding sites on actin are exposed myosin cross bridges attach to actin and pull, moving the actin to the center of the sacromere and shortening muscle
Step 4: what happens after the actin is moved towards the center of the sacromere and shortens muscle? Cross bridges release
How long does the process of contraction work? As long as ATP, Ca and ACh are present.
Details of relaxation ACh stops, Ca pumps move back to sarcoplasmic reticulum, cross bridges break and tropomyosin moves back into position
Step 1 of relaxation Nervous release of ACh is stopped (AChase breaks down remaining ACh)
Step 2 of relaxation Ca pumps move back calcium back to sarcoplasmic reticulum
Step 3 of relaxation Cross bridges break and tropomyosin moves back into postion (blocking binding sites)
What happens several hours post-mortem cisternae releases Ca and triggers contraction, but crossbridges that release contraction do not release since remaining ATP was used in contraction.
Rigor Mortis Ca Ions are released, inititating cross bridges to attach to actin and pulls (contraction)- due to NO ATP, cross bridges can not release from actin therefore contraction continues
what do insecticides do? Inhibit acetylocholinestrase, without this enzyme, ACh is not broken down = increase ACh leading to uncontrolled muscle contractions.
Inhibits AChase, which causes uncontrolled muscle contractions and death Insecticides lead to too much ACh due to what?
How is excess ACh broken down? by ACh ase
ATP is necessary for what? for both muscle contraction and muscle relaxation.
where do muscles get energy from that requires to connect and diconnect the cross bridges? ambient ATP
Ambient ATP the source of initial contraction and relaxation
Supplies energy to recycle ADP into ATP Creatinine phosphate
Is there enough ATP and creatinine phosphates in skeletal muscles to support the muscle activity? the maximum support of muscle activity is no more than 10 seconds.
Once Creatinine phosphates and ATP energy sources are used up, then where does muscle fibers get its energy from next? Muscle fibers utilize cellular respiration of glucose to synthesize ATP.
As ambient ATP and creatinine decrease, cells depend on what? Depend upon cellular respiration for ATP (from breakdown of glycogen)
Hemoglobin (protein) Oxygen binds to this and transports to the body; in regions of the body where oxygen is low, oxygen is released allowing aerobic respiration
Hgb hands of oxygen to where? Myoglobin (a protein that temporarily stores oxygen in the muscle tissue)
Muscle energetics- oxygen comes from where? Myoglobin (this has a greater oxygen storage than Hgb)
what happens when oxygen decreases? Aerobic respiration stops and anaerobic respiration begins.
Energy source overview Ambient ATP - creatinine phosphate - aerobic respiration - anaerobic resp
______________- creatinine phosphate - aerobic resp - anaerobic resp ambient atp
ambient ATP - creatinine phosphate - ___________ - anaerobic resp aerobic resp
ambient atp - _____________- aerobic resp - anaerobic resp creatinine phosphate
ambient atp - creatinine phosphate- aerobic resp - _____________ anaerobic resp
causes of fatigue decreased blood flow, decreased Ca ions, perception of fatigue, increase of lactic acid
Decreased blood flow causes Hypoxia and hypoglyemia (low oxygen and glucose) leads to muscle fatigue
Decrease calcium ions levels is caused by? repeated stimualtion/ persistent use of a muscle for a prolonged period of time
Perception of fatigue Psych loss of the desire to continue exercising (nothing has changed...just your perception)
Most likelycause of muscle fatigue Increase lactic acid
what does increase lactic acid do? It decrease Ph (acidity) accumulating in muscles and blood stream leading to stoping contractions.
How do muscle cramps occur? Electrolytes in the extracellular fluid become imbalanced leading to uncontrolled muscle stimulation.
An electrolyte imbalance in the extracellular fluid may lead to what? Uncontrolled muscle stimulation (AKA muscle cramps)
Motor unit activation all or nothing, fibers respond at same time, all motor units may not respond at same time, motor units are recruited as stim levels increase
A muscle fiber contracts with same intensity regardless of stimulation level, some of the time, most of the time or all of the time? All; These always contract regardless; its the all or nothing response.
How do muscles fibers of a motor unit respond? They respond at the same time.
How do all motor units respond? They may not all respond at once
What happens when stimulation is increased? more motor units respond or recruited
think weight lifting and motor units 1st lift is harder- motor units are recruited, the 2nd lift is a bit easier.
A single muscle fiber that responds with one complete contraction and relaxation. muscle twitch
Increase of stimulation results in only partial relaxation and increase force of contraction. summation
Think labor and summation As labor proceeds, the body forces baby out by increased contractions, it can fully relax or the baby will never come out.
staircase effect (Treppe) Increase of contraction force with each stimulus...contractions levels increase- looks like a staircase.
tetanus sustained contractions without relaxation; continous contraction.
Anaerobic bacteria (clostridium tetani) may cause sustained/continous spasms of skeletal muscles resulting in paralysis and death.
Colstridium tetani can be introduced via puncture wound (not a rusty nail)
muscle fibers vary in what type of speed? contraction speed- referred as slow or fast twitches.
Type 1 -Slow twitch/red fiber resistance to fatigue due to increase myoglobin and increased mitochondria there fore aerobic respiration.
What is an example of a muscle that is type 1 - slow twitch/red fiber The back muscles- we use these all day long- they need to be resistant to fatigue to sustain a full day.
Type 2a- fast twitch/white fiber glyco
Created by: Wends1984
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