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555-Long Form to English
Question | Answer |
繁體字 | Traditional |
安靜 | Quiet |
凹凸 | Bump |
凹陷 | Hollow |
白帽子 | White cap |
搬家公司 | Moving company |
包含 | Contains |
保護區 | Conservation Area |
報警 | Report to police |
抱怨 | Complain |
包裝 | Packaging |
巴士 | Bus |
被困井下 | Trapped underground |
被告 | Defendant |
本能 | Instinct |
變化 | Change |
壁畫 | Mural |
擯而不用 | Reject |
兵馬俑 | Terracotta Warriors |
冰箱 | Refrigerator |
瀕臨絕跡 | Endangered |
畢業 | Graduation |
比喻 | Analogy |
博物館 | Museum |
不文明 | Uncivilized |
布巾 | Linen |
藏起來 | Hide |
餐廳 | Restaurants |
草藥 | Herbs |
廁所 | Toilet |
長壽 | Longevity |
嘲諷 | Ridicule |
吵醒 | Wake |
成本 | Cost |
成功 | Success |
成就 | Achievement |
乘客 | Passengers |
成人 | Adult |
城市化 | Urbanization |
車資卡 | Fare cards |
吃穿用度 | Food and clothing expense |
持久 | Lasting |
重啟 | Restart |
寵物 | Pets |
沖洗 | Wash |
重新 | Redo |
蟲子 | Insect |
出風頭 | Show off |
儲值 | Prepaid |
傳染 | Contagious |
傳統 | Traditional |
吹牛 | Brag |
除了。。。以外 | In addition. . . Outside |
處理問題 | Deal with the problem |
出門兒 | Go out |
春節 | Chinese New Year/Spring festival |
除夕 | Lunar New Year's Eve |
次於 | Inferior |
醋 | Vinegar |
脆 | Crisp |
存錢 | Save/Deposit Money |
錯 | Wrong |
措施 | Measures |
打官司 | Take to court |
搭乘 | Catch a ride |
帶手機 | Carry a cell phone |
代價 | Price |
貸款 | Loans |
帶狀皰疹 | Shingles |
單位 | Units |
到處 | Everywhere |
道德 | Ethics |
道理 | Reason |
道歉 | Apologize |
盜竊 | Theft |
大廈 | Highrise |
大小 | Size |
等待 | Wait |
登陸 | Login/Land |
底 | End |
點菜 | v.o. Order food |
電腦 | Computers |
電視 | TV |
點一個 | Order a … |
電子書 | E-book |
掉頭髮 | Hair loss |
敵對國 | Hostile country |
的士 | Taxi |
地圖 | Map |
動物園 | Zoo |
毒 | Poison |
獨立性 | Independence |
讀書 | Reading |
讀者 | Readers |
鱷魚 | Crocodile |
法官 | Judge |
放棄 | Give up |
防禦性 | Defensive |
法庭 | Court |
發現 | Found |
非民主國 | Non-democratic countries |
非法 | Illegal |
飛機 | Aircraft |
風俗習慣 | Customs |
墳墓 | Grave |
負責任 | Responsible |
輔導 | Tutor |
腐化 | Corrupt |
復活 | Resurrection |
福利 | Benefits |
輻射 | Radiation |
賦稅 | Tax |
服務熱線 | Service Hotline |
服務臺 | Reception/Service Desk |
複雜 | Complex |
服裝 | Clothing |
改革 | Reform |
蓋樓 | Build a house |
改善 | Improve |
蓋頭 | Head covering |
膏方 | Chinese Paste Medicine |
高等教育 | Higher Education |
高技術 | High technology |
高樓 | High-rise |
歌唱家 | Singer |
各處 | Everywhere |
個性 | Personality |
公安局 | Public security bureau |
公共交通 | Public Transportation |
攻擊性 | Offensive |
公平意識 | Sense of fairness |
貢獻 | Contribution |
公寓 | Apartments |
工資 | Wage |
夠了 | Enough |
購買 | Buy |
購物 | Shopping |
構造 | Form/Design/Construction |
掛衣服 | Hanging clothes |
廣告 | Advertising |
逛街 | Shopping |
廣州 | Guangzhou |
官兒 | Official |
關心 | Concern |
固定 | Fixed |
故宮 | Forbidden City |
規律 | Law |
規則 | Rules |
顧客 | Customers |
過多壓力 | Too much pressure |
國際投資者 | International investors |
股市 | Stock market |
雇傭 | Employment |
害人 | Harm others |
航班 | Scheduled flight |
漢族 | Han Ethnic Group |
合唱會 | Chorus concert |
合法 | Legitimate |
合作 | Cooperation |
紅牌 | Red card |
紅斑 | Red spots |
紅包 | Red envelope (bribe) |
紅燒肉 | Soy-braised Meat |
紅十字會 | Red Cross |
洪水 | Flood |
環保 | Environmental Protection |
黃瓜 | Cucumber |
黃牌 | Yellow cards |
謊言 | Lie |
化學物質 | Chemicals |
花園 | Garden |
回國 | Return to one's country |
回族 | Hui Ethnic Group (Muslim) |
火災 | Fire Disaster |
湖泊 | Lake |
呼嘯 | Whistle |
護照 | Passport |
嘉賓 | Guests |
價格 | Price |
講演 | Speech |
健康 | Health |
建立 | Established |
減輕 | Lighten |
建議 | Recommend |
建造 | Construct |
驕傲 | Proud |
交換 | Exchange |
教師證 | Teaching certificate |
教學 | Education (from school) |
教育 | Education (from everywhere) |
加強 | Strengthen |
假設 | Hypothesize |
假一罰十 | Quality Guarranz |
機場 | Airport |
街頭 | Street |
接運 | Transport something |
傑作 | Masterpiece |
進補 | Tonic |
金耳環 | Gold earrings |
警察 | Police |
經濟學家 | Economists |
經理 | Manager |
精美 | Fine |
警惕 | Be on guard |
經驗 | Experience |
競爭力 | Competitiveness |
紀念碑 | Monument |
金融危機 | Financial crisis |
謹慎 | Cautious |
金項鏈 | Gold necklace |
禁止抽煙 | No smoking |
即日起 | Immediate go into effect |
技術 | Technology |
救命 | Help |
救人 | Save |
舊鞋 | Old shoes |
就業中心 | Job Centre |
覺悟 | Awareness |
軍備競賽 | Arms race |
軍事 | Military |
卡 | Card |
開店 | Open a shop |
犒勞 | Reward |
科學家 | Scientists |
客運列車 | Passenger train |
空調 | Air Conditioning |
控制 | Control |
快沒了 | Running out |
快樂 | Happy |
寬 | Wide |
虧心 | Guilty conscience |
擴大 | Expand |
喇叭 | Speaker |
來一個 | Gimmie a … (like in a restaurant) |
垃圾 | Garbage |
濫砍 | Deforrest |
濫土 | Abuse the land use |
老百姓 | Ordinary people |
老闆 | Boss |
老虎 | Tiger |
老警 | Old Police |
老婆 | Wife |
練筆 | Study calligraphy/painting |
涼拌菜 | Cold Dishes (like Kimchee) |
涼拌麵 | Cold noodles |
良好 | Good |
聯合國 | United Nations |
連衣裙 | Dress |
了不起 | Amazing |
列車 | Train |
立法 | Legislation |
離婚潮流 | The trend of divorce |
離開 | To leave |
裡面 | Inside |
靈活 | Flexible |
陵墓 | Tomb |
流失 | Loss |
流行性感冒 | Influenza |
利用 | Use |
魯迅 | Lu Xun |
亂流 | Turbulence |
亂跑 | Run about |
亂七八糟 | Mess |
陸海空三軍 | Armed forces |
落後 | Fall behind |
律師 | Lawyer |
賣天鵝肉 | Sell swan meat |
埋單/買單 | Bill / pay |
賣光 | Sold out |
盲目 | Blindness |
蔓延 | Spread |
滿意 | Satisfaction |
貓抓老鼠 | Game of Cat and mouse |
沒辦法 | No way |
煤礦 | Coal |
沒意思 | Boring |
沒用了 | Useless |
悶 | Stuffy |
蒙古 | Mongolia |
朦朧 | Hazy |
門鎖 | Door lock |
免費 | Free |
明朝 | Ming Dynasty |
明星 | Star |
民主國 | Democratic State |
莫名其妙 | Baffling |
畝 | 6th of an acre |
目前 | Current |
拇指 | Thumb |
楠木 | Camphor tree |
年輕人 | Young people (under 30) |
泥沙 | Sediment |
泥土 | Soil |
牛仔褲 | Jeans |
農村婦女 | Rural women |
農村改革 | Rural Reform |
農房 | Rural Housing |
農民 | Farmers |
農藥 | Pesticides |
偶爾 | Occasionally |
拍馬屁 | Flattering |
排名 | Ranking |
拍攝 | Shoot/film |
拍照 | Photograph |
培訓 | Training |
平常 | Usually |
平淡 | Dull |
評估 | Assessment |
蘋果 | Apple |
平衡 | Balance |
評價 | Evaluation |
破壞 | Damage |
破碎 | Broken |
起...之感 | Sense from ... |
潛伏病毒 | Latent virus |
潛能 | Potential |
前途 | Future |
敲門 | Knock on the door |
起床 | Get up |
切合 | Suits (verb) |
茄子 | Eggplant |
起飛時間 | Departure time |
奇怪 | Strange |
清朝 | Qing Dynasty |
輕輕的疤痕 | Light scar |
輕輕鬆鬆 | Easy |
青少年 | Youth |
情緒 | Mood |
親自 | Personally |
窮 | Poor |
其中 | Which |
妻子 | Wife |
犬 | Dog |
權利 | Right |
確實 | Indeed |
缺水 | Lack of water |
群眾 | Masses |
取消 | Cancel |
熱 | Heat |
忍不住 | Could not help but |
扔 | Throw |
熱死了 | Dead heat |
溶合 | Fused |
軟座 | Soft Seat |
儒家思想 | Confucianism |
撒謊 | Lie |
喪亡 | Die |
傻瓜相機 | Point-n-shoot camera |
商標 | Trademark |
上當 | Swindled |
陝西省 | Shaanxi Province |
稍微 | Slightly |
社會發展 | Social Development |
社會意識 | Social awareness |
省 | Province |
生活 | Life |
什麼也沒+V | Nothing + V |
身體 | Body |
甚至 | Even |
失敗 | Failure |
市場經濟 | Market economy |
失火 | Accidental Fire |
實際 | Actual |
實際性 | Practicality |
勢頭 | Momentum |
適應 | Adaptation |
實質性 | Substantive |
受不了 | Can't take it anymore |
手機 | Cell phone |
收集情報 | Intelligence gathering |
受騙 | Deceived |
收票員 | Ticket collector |
受傷 | Injured |
守株待兔 | Sit back and wait |
蔬菜 | Vegetables |
書店 | Bookstore |
稅 | Tax |
水平 | Level |
水禽 | Waterfowl |
書家 | Calligrapher |
順序 | Order |
順著 | Follow along |
司機 | Drivers |
死亡 | Death |
死者 | Dead |
死豬 | Dead pigs |
送到 | Send To |
損失 | Loss |
臺大 | National Taiwan University |
太空 | Space |
太陽 | Sun |
糖 | Sugar |
唐裝 | Chinese Traditional Clothing |
坦克 | Tanks |
貪污 | Graft |
淘氣 | Naughty |
桃子 | Peach |
甜 | Sweet |
天鵝 | Swan |
天賦 | Innate talent/gift |
天生 | Inherent |
天線 | Antenna |
條件 | Conditions |
提高 | Increase |
停車位 | Parking |
提升 | Promote |
體驗 | Experience |
體制 | System |
通風 | Ventilation |
團體操 | Group calisthenics |
退還 | Return |
圖片 | Pictures |
凸起 | Raised |
禿頭 | Bald |
挖 | Dig |
外表 | External appearance |
碗 | Bowl |
晚餐 | Dinner |
網站 | Website |
瓦斯爆炸 | Gas explosion |
維護 | Maintain |
衛星 | Satellite |
穩定 | Stable |
文革 | Cultural Revolution |
文化大革命 | Cultural Revolution |
文明病 | Diseases of civilization |
舞蹈員 | Dancers |
污水 | Sewage |
無所不用其極 | Go to any lengths |
無限制 | Unlimited |
五顏六色 | Colorful |
蝦 | Shrimp |
下崗 | Laid off |
香蕉 | Banana |
想念 | Miss |
現金 | Cash |
顯微鏡 | Microscope |
消除 | Elimination |
消防隊 | Fire Brigade |
小康 | Comparitively well-off |
小人物 | Pee-on |
孝順 | Filial piety |
小偷 | Thief |
小武器 | Small arms |
消息 | News |
小學 | Primary School |
下臺 | Step down |
性格 | Character |
興趣 | Interest |
系統 | System |
修理 | Repair |
洗衣店 | Laundry |
選拔 | Pick for promotion |
學生證 | Student ID Card |
學問 | Knowledge |
學習環境 | Learning environment |
訓練 | Training |
迅速發展 | Rapid development |
押金 | Deposit |
鹽 | Salt |
煙 | Smoke |
陽臺 | Balcony |
研究 | Research |
淹死 | Drowned |
煙味 | Smoke smell |
嚴重 | Serious |
壓迫 | Oppression |
壓歲錢 | Lucky money (Red Envelope) |
耶魯大學 | Yale University |
野生 | Wild |
夜市 | Night market |
業餘愛好 | Hobbies |
疑 | Suspect |
一根頭髮 | A Strand of Hair |
易通卡 | EZ Link Card |
已無 | No longer |
一次性 | Disposible |
衣櫃 | Wardrobe |
意見 | Comments |
依賴 | Dependence |
一目了然 | Become clear at a glance |
贏了 | Win |
影響 | Influenced by |
營業 | Do business |
硬座 | Hard seat |
銀行 | Bank |
一切著眼於 | All focus on |
一日游 | Day trip |
醫生 | Doctors |
意識 | Consciousness |
泳衣 | Swimwear |
泳池 | Swimming Pool |
用人者 | Employer |
優待 | Preferential treatment |
有害 | Harmful |
優惠 | Discount |
有機 | Organic |
游戲 | Games |
憂鬱癥 | Depression |
魚 | Fish |
元朝 | Yuan Dynasty |
元旦 | New Year's Day |
原告 | Plaintiff |
原木 | Log |
越南戰爭 | Vietnam War |
預防 | Prevention |
娛樂 | Entertainment |
羽毛 | Feather |
災難者 | Disaster by |
髒 | Dirty |
暫停 | Suspended |
雜志 | Magazine |
賊 | Thief |
戰場 | Battlefield |
戰鬥機 | Fighter |
展廳 | Gallery |
照顧 | Take care |
照片 | Photos |
折疊 | Fold |
政策 | Policy |
真實性 | Truth |
鎮壓 | Repression |
只不過 | Merely |
支出 | Expenditure |
制度 | System |
支付 | Payment |
智慧 | Wisdom |
紙巾 | Paper towels |
質量 | Quality |
知青回流 | Educated Youth Return |
直升機 | Helicopter |
秩序 | Order |
職業性 | Occupational |
製造 | Manufacturing |
直走 | Keep going straight |
中毒 | Be poisoned |
重要 | Important |
中藥 | Chinese medicine |
專家 | Experts |
準備 | Prepared |
資本主義 | Capitalism |
自然保護區 | Nature Reserve |
自然現象 | Natural phenomena |
子孫 | Offspring |
仔細 | Carefully |
自由撰稿人 | Freelance writer |
租公寓 | Rent apartment |
最佳 | Best |
最佳飯館 | Best restaurant |
阻力 | Resistance |
尊敬 | Respect |
做...生活 | Do ... life |
作廢 | Invalid |
作家 | Writer |
足球 | Soccer |