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chp 20 gs us vocab

1. Ho Chi Minh a man who embraced communism and rebelled against France's control over Vietnam
2. domino theory the idea that if Vietnam fell to communism near by countries would follow
3. Dien Bien Phu a military base in northwest Vietnam; seized it for 55 days trapping french troops
4. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was similar to NATO, it's goal was to contain the spread of communism in southeast Asia
5. Vietcong NLF guerrilla fighters; they assassinated government officials and destroyed roads and bridges
6. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution this authorized the President "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the united states and to prevent further aggression."
7. William Westmoreland the american commander in south vietnam
8. Napalm is a jellied gasoline which was dropped in large canisters that exploded on impact, covering large areas in flames
9. hawks conservatives who supported Johnson's war policy
10. Doves liberal politicians, pacifists, student radicals, and civil rights leaders;they questioned the war on both moral and strategic grounds
11. draftee young men drafted into military service for vietnam
12. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) this group of people campaigned to end the war in vietnam
13. "credibility gap" this referred to what the government said and what many journalists reported. it also showed the american public's distrust of statements made by the government
14. Tet Offensive was named after the Vietnamese lunar new year; was an assault on 36 provincial capitals, 5 major cities, and the U.S. embassy in Saigon
15. Eugene McCarthy was the antiwar candidate for the Democratic party nomination
16. Robert Kennedy was New York's Democratic senator who ran for the presidency
17. Vietnamization u.s. forces would withdraw as ARVN troops assumed more combat duties
18. Kent State University in ohio a group of demonstrators threw rocks and bottles at members of the national guard.
19. My Lai was a village in Vietnam where Lieutenant William Calley's unit began shooting and killing unarmed civilians (4 to 5 hundred Vietnamese dead)
20. Pentagon Papers the term referred to a classified government history of america's involvement in vietnam
21. Paris Peace Accords a treaty between the u.s., south vietnam, north vietnam, and the vietcong (cease fire and u.s. troop removal from south vietnam)
22. War Powers Act this act restricted the President's war-making powers by requiring him to consult with congress within 48 hours of committing american forces to a foreign conflict
23. Henry Kissinger Nixon's national security and international affairs adviser helped alter the cold war policy approach
24. realpolitik a german word meaning "real politics"
25. Zhou Enlai premier in China; met with Nixon to discuss sensitive issues
26. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty also know as SALT 1; this treaty froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM's)and antiballistic missiles (ABM's)did not end the arms race between the u.s. and the soviet union
27. detente this replaced previous diplomatic efforts based on suspicion and distrust. (a policy aimed at easing cold war conflict)
Created by: holhum
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