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AHSGE Objective IV

Civil War

What congressional solution made California a free state and gave popular sovereighty to the New Mexico and Utah territories? Compromise of 1850
What part of the solution in the Compromise of 1850 upset many northerners (there were five parts of this solution)? Fugitive Slave Law
What act supported by Stephen Douglas gave popular sovereighty to two territories just west of Missouri? Kansas-Nabraska Act
What political party was formed in the 1850's that supported the antislavery platform (also, it is known as the party of Lincoln)? Republican
what famous court case upheld the right of slave owner as property holders and disallowed slaves to file court cases. Dred Scott v. Sanford
Who led the massacre at pottawatomie Creek, NE and led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry? John Brown
Who won the preisential election in 1860? Abraham Lincoln
what state was the first to secede from the Union in 1860? South Carolina
What county in Alabama never seceded from the Union? Winston County
What state was actually split over the decision to secede and eventually became two states? Virginia
What was the most famous of the black military units to fight in the civil war? 54th Massachusetts
What act passed by the republican dominated congress (during the Civil War) gave large land grants to states from the federal government? Homestead Act
What act passed by the Republican dominated congress (during the Civil War) gave land grants to states from th e federal government? Morill Land Grant Act
What did Lincoln pass on Jan. 1, 1863 granting freedom to slaves in the Confederate states in rebellion? Emancipation Proclamation
What did Lincoln suspend during the Civil War, depriving many citizens of their civil rights? Writ of Habeas Corpus
What was the first major battle of the Civil War? First Bull Run
What battle resulted in the single bloodiest day of the Civil War? Antietam
What major three-day battle di the Confederates lose in Pennsylvania? Gettysburg
What battle in Mississippi resulted in a complete blockade of the south by the Union? Vicksburg
What Union general captured Atlanta and continued southeast to Savannah destroying everythin in his path? Sherman
What famous speech was given by Lincoln at a consecration ceremony shere he reminded Americans of the basic ideal, "All men are created equal?" Gettysburg Address
Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to Grant in 1865? Appomattox Courthouse
What was the program called that retuned southern states to the Union, rebuild the South's infrastructure, and attempted to protect the rights of free blacks? Reconstruction
What were the laws called that were passed by southern states attempting to control freedmen and keeping them in a subservient position? Black Codes
What were northerners called who moved to the south and voted Republican after the Civil War? carpetbaggers
What were southerners who voted Republican after the Civil War called? scalawags
What southern secret society emerged during the Reconstruction that harrassed, tormented, and killed balcks demanding equality? KuKluxKlan
What man served as president during Reconstruction and whose presidency was known for being very corrupt? Grant
What congressional solution resulted in Hayes winning the presidential election in 1876 and Reconstruction ending? Compromise of 1877
What were the laws called that were passed in southern states after Reconstruction that stripped African-americans of basic rights like voting? Jim Crow
What type of farming existed in the south after the war whre farmers rented land to grouw crops? tenant farming
What type of farming existed in the south after the war where farmers were forced to share crops with landowners? sharecropping
Created by: debistover
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