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150 Test #4

Chronic test 4

Diseased liver Bleeding Risk!
Metabolism Chemical reactions that occur in body to produce & provide energy
Normal person-Tylenol limit 4g/24hr
Lab tests for Hepatitis LFT,PT, serum bilirubin, serum protein, serum ammonia
AST/ALT 10-40
PT 12-16sec
Serum Bilirubin 0-0.9mg/dl(over 1-jaundice)
Serum Protein 6.0-8.4
Serum Ammonia 15-90
Albumin 3.5-5.5g/dl
Liver Biopsy-Nursing Responsibility check labs/consent, per/post VS, instruct pt to inhale/exhale-hold breath, needle inserted btw 6th & 7th rib, position on R-pillow to costal margin, remain in position, avoid coughing/straining
Hepatitis A fecal-oral, shellfish, mild flu-like sx
Hep A-Nursing Mgmt prevention(handwashing), sm freq meals, 2,000-3,000cal/restrict fat, do not force feed, I&O, no alcohol, vaccine
Hepatitis B blood-body fluids, incubation 1-6months, HCW high risk
Hep B Stats >90% dev antibodies & recover, 10% carrier w/ liver damage & inflammation, 10% mortality
Hep B-active immunization 2 common(Enerix-B and Recombinavax HB), series of 3 inj, IM in deltoid, all HCW & newborns
Hep B-Stage 1 Pre-icteric; flu-like sx, arthralgia, rash, loss of appitite, abdominal pain
Hep B-Stage 2 Icteric phase; elevated LFT’s, enlarged liver, spleen and lymph nodes, jaundice, light colored stools, dark urine
Hep B-Stage 3 Recovery
Chronic HBV infection Chronic carrier
Chronic carrier (HBV) High risk for liver Ca
Hep B-Tx minimize active inf, decrease liver inflammation, decrease Sx, Alpha-Interferon
Alpha-Interferon(Intron A) Immunomodulator-antiviral/immune modulating activity, 5million units or 10million units 3/wk for 4-6months, remission in 1/3 of pts, SE: diarrhea, fever, chills, fatigue, late SE: bone marrow suppression
Hep B-Nursing Mgmt bedrest, adequate nutrition(protein restriction), antacids/antiemetics, may need hospitalization & fluid mgmt, evaluation of other blood borne illnesses
Hep C IV drug use/needlesticks, most common chronic blood-borne infection, blood trans & sexual contact, most common reason for liver transplant, 15-160day incubation, assoc w/ HIV, 40-59yrs/africian americans, often no signs/sx
Hep C-Pharm agents Pegylated Interferon/Pegasys, Ribaviron/Rebetol, some pts may have complete recovery w/ drug combo, insulin resistance may effect-must check before HCV tx
Hep D have to have B to get D, transmitted/manifests like B, likely progress to chronic active Hep & cirrhosis
Hep E fecal-oral, contaminated H2O/poor sanitation/Asia, jaundice, incubation 15-65days
Hep G similar to C, seen after transfusion, incubation 14-145days
Hepatitis-Nutritional Concerns restrict protein, restrict fats, high carbs, low sodium, no ETOH, no acetaminophen
Hepatitis-associated conditions jaundice, portal hypertension, ascites, paracentesis, hepatic encephalopathy
Jaundice icterus, yellow-tinged or orange-yellow coloring of the skin/mucus membranes/sclerae, seen when bilirubin exceeds 2.5mg/dl, pruritus
Portal Hypertension ^hepatic/portal BP due to obstructed blood flow thru liver, esophageal/gastric/hemorrhoidal varicosities, prone to rupture/may hemorrhage, ascites-accumulation of fluid in abd cavity
Ascites ^abd girth/rapid wt gain, sodium/H2O reten- inability liver metab aldosterone, ^intravasc fl vol, decrease liver synthesis albu, fl from vasc system-peritoneal space, diet restrict(low sodium), trouble breathing, diuretics needed(Spironalactone/Aldactone)
Paracentesis removal of fluid from peritoneal cavity, ultrasound to guide procedure, may remove several liters but generally will return, will improve breathing
Hepatic Encephalopathy occurs w/ profound liver disease & accumulation of ammonia in blood, ammonia levels monitored(15-45ug/dL), may lead to hepatic coma, early sx include mental changes and confusion, lactulose/cephulac given to promote excretion of ammonia in stool
Parkinson’s Disease-Pathophysiology decreased neurotransmitter: Dopamine, dopamine signals the body’s muscle control/coordination, cells in substantia nigra destroyed
Acetylcholine excitatory
Dopamine inhibitory
Parkinson’s Manifestations gradual onset, dysphagia, drooling, risk of aspiration and choking
Parkinson’s-3 cardinal signs tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia
Parkinson’s-Most definitive asymmetric onset, resting tremor, shake while walking
Parkinson’s-Lewy bodies pathological lesions (like Alzheimer’s) found in PET scan
Parkinson’s-Pharmacologic therapy Dopaminergic drugs-^levels of dopamine in a variety of ways
Levodopa/Larodopa Most effective agent for tx of Parkinson’s, precursor to dopamine, ½ life 180 min, less effective over time/more pronounced side effects, SE: dyskinesias/motor fluctuations
Carbidopa/Lodosyn Inhibits enzyme AADC, more levodopa reaches brain
Levadopa/Carbidopa(Sinemet) Hallmark of therapy, controlled release, give w/ food but no high protein meals, store in tight/light resistant containers
Anticholinergic therapy-Benzotropine/Cogentin rare, not w/ elderly, controls tremor & rigidity of Parkinson’s, SE: can’t see, can’t pee, can’t spit, can’t shit
Dopaminergic Agonists-Ropinirole/Requip mimic dopamine, restless leg, often used w/ younger pts
MAO-B Inhibitors-Rasagiline/Azilect ^ dopamine in brain, inhibit metabolism of dopamine by MAO-B, food/drug interactions-Tyramine(aged cheese, meat, chocolate)-Hypertensive Crisis!
Rheumatoid Arthritis-S&Sx joint swelling, tenderness, erythema, warmth, decreased mobility, deformity
Diagnostic Labs-RA Rheumatoid factor ^, ESR, CRP, ANA,
RA-Pharmacology anti-inflammatants(CORTICOSTEROIDS), DMARDS(Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs)-also w/ psoriasis
Adalimumab/Humira RA-DMARD-injectable pen: stop change of joints, risk for infection, risk for other immunocompromised probs
Gout big red painful toe, hyperuricemia-at risk: renal insufficiency, HCTZ diuretics, ^purine diet
Purine turkey, pork roast, wine, shellfish, sardines, organ meats
Gout med-Allopurinol/Zyloprim inhibit synthesis of purines, decrease uric acid levels, SE: rash, take w/ food to prevent GI irritation, ^ H2O intake
Myasthenia Gravis autoimmune disease, S&Sx: diplopia(double vision), Ptosis(drooping eyelid), weakness ^ w/ activity-decreases w/ rest, difficulty speaking-chewing-aspiration, respiratory failure
MG-Diagnosis Tensilon test: obvious ^ increase in strength after administration is + for MG
MG-Pharmacology anticholinesterase agents, Neostigmine/Prostigmin, Pyridostigmine/Mestinon
MG-Prednisone immune suppressing
MG-Principles of Therapy dosages are ^ gradually, lowest possible dose/fewest adverse effects, reg scheduled doses-before meals(swallowing)
MG-Medical Emergencies Myasthenic Crisis & Cholinergic Crisis, both characterized by respiratory difficultyrespiratory faiure
Myasthenic Crisis due to infection, ^stress, not enough drugs on board, ^ muscle weakness & difficulty breathing,Tx: ^cholinergic agents
Cholinergic Crisis drug overdose, excess stimulation of PNS, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, excessive oral secretions, difficulty breathing, muscle weakness
Cholinergic Crisis Implications/Tx monitor heart rate, stop cholinergic agents, give anticholinergic-atropine, mechanical ventilation
Multiple Sclerosis autoimmune, demyelination, scattered lesions, MRI reveals plaque lesions
MS-S &Sx depends on amount of demyelination, fatigue, weakness, loss of balance, muscle spasticity, visual disturbances, depression
MS-Temperature heat slows nerve conduction, aggravates sx-cool/cold ^ nerve conduction, improves sx
MS-Pharmacology corticosteroids for acute exacerbations, interferon/Avonex, Baclofen/Lioresal for ROM
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus diffuse connective tissue disorder, autoimmune, secondary to genetics, hormonal, environmental, chemical or med induced
SLE-S&Sx fever, fatigue, weight loss, arthritis, pleurisy, pericarditis, skin rashes, all body systems may become infected
SLE-Manifestations characteristic skin changes, butterfly rash, malar rash, red/purple/scaly, inflamed appearance
SLE-Pharmacology Corticosteroids-mainstay of therapy, decrease tissue inflammation, topical for dermatologic therapy, oral low dose maintenance therapy, IV high dose for exacerbation
Corticsteroids-SE glaucoma/cataracts, fluid retention, ^BP, mood swings, weight gain, hyperglycemia, ^risk infections, loss of calcium, cushingoid features
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis nerve cells slowly die, motor neurons in brain & spinal cord slowly die-all muscles that move body are affected-loss of: walking, speaking, swallowing, eating, breathing
ALS-S&Sx 1st weakness of one leg, one arm, tongue, face…later-slow spread of weakness to other areas, muscles weaker, atrophy
ALS-Pharmacology Riluzole/Rilutek, skeletal muscle relaxants-Baclofen/Lioresal
ALS-Mobility Loss Hazards of immobility: bed sores/skin integ, wasting, contractures, osteoporosis, respire/pneumonia, risk for aspiration, DVT
Created by: neffielewis
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