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Socy 1000 Final

Backman 2011

According to the Thomas Theorem, people decide what to do next on the basis of what they think is going on now.
Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior True or False True
Fear of negative sanctions is almost the only reason people follow norms. True or False False
The only thing that limits the number of cultural values there may be in a society is the fact that all cultural values must be consistent w/ each other.Behavior any value would rec. must be same as behav. any other relevant value would rec. True or Fals False
According to the syllabus, you can get extra credit in Prof. Backman's SOCY 1000 class by writing a short paper. True or False False
Key to the sociological imagination is the ability to see the connections between private troubles and public issues. True or False True
According to Harris, "cow love" is an old idea that is encouraging and helping small farmers to modernize and change their old ways of farming. True or False False
According to Lazarsfeld (and other sociologists), common sense is an inadequate guide to truth. True of False True
For most of human history most human societies were hunter-gatherer societies. True or False True
In the Nature vs. Nurture debate, "Nature" refers to learning through life's events, including being taught by other people. True or False True
The study of face to face interaction would be microsociology. True or False True
The study of schools and students in the 1960's as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 showed that the main reason minority children scored lower on standardized tests was the facilities at their schools were usually in much worse shape. True or False False
A majority of the population in the developing world is literate. True or False True
Berger disagrees with those who see sociology as a "debunking science". True or False False
The Tuskegee syph study showed that while quality of life was slightly worse for men with syph than for men without it, the death rates for the men with syph were no different than the death rates for men without syph. True or False False
According to Schuman, the size of a sample needed to accurately estimate a value for a population depends very little on the size of the population. True or False True
The 1936 Literary Digest poll is famous for being the first social scientific survey to correctly predict the winner of a US presidential election. True or False False
According to Stark, the idea that it is in the nature of religion to sustain a society's moral order is wrong. True or False True
Men tend to interrupt women more in conversation than women interrupt men. True or False True
The fundamental question constantly facing every individual are, What's going on here, and What do I do next?
An expectation shared by members of a group that specifies behavior considered appropriate in a given situation is, a norm
The sociological perspective that sees the most basic element in social life as the individual actor trying to make sense out of a situation and give it meaning is Symbolic Interactionism
Which of the following would not be correct as part of an answer to the question, "Compare ethnocentrism and cultural Relativism," Cultural Relativism is a limited understanding of how the world does or could operate due to the actor's limited experiences in the world
Define ethnocentrism Belief that your culture's ways of doing things are the best possible and the appropriate way to evaluate other cultures is to compare them to your culture, considering other cultures relatively good or bad by how much they are like/unlike your culture.
Define Cultural Relativism The belief that cultures should not be compared with each other and that cultural features should be evaluated o the basis of how they contribute to the success of the society.
How are ethnocentrism and cultural relativism alike? They are both approaches to the evaluation of cultures and cultural features
How do ethnocentrism and cultural relativism differ? Cultural relativism rejects comparisons with other cultures, while ethnocentrism is all about comparisons and even offers one standard for comparison, the evaluator's own culture.
Cui bono means, who benefits
Reducing the birth rate is ______ of higher education. A latent function
An environment in which rules are either non-existent or unclear is describes by what term? Anomie
According to the syllabus, quizzes, are used for grading purposes only for students whose course averages end in .5
Hitler exemplified which type of leadership? charismatic
Verstehen is to understand a situation from the point of view of the actor
Which is an example of a positive sanction? A child being put into time-out, A smile, A speeding ticket, Being arrested, or A Frown A smile
The three "founders" of modern sociology, from the perspective of the first origin myth, were, Durkheim, Marx, and Weber
Project concludes that rev'n against gov't occur when 2 are met 1)been a change in techn. the society uses to make most basic goods,2)been change in relations between group who control the tech. and group who control gov't. What kind of project is this? macrosociology
What was one of the basic points of Horace Miner's article, "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema?" It is very easy to be ethnocentric
The science most directly concerned with the distribution of scarce resources is, economics
What was colonialism? the process whereby Western nations established their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories
A measure of the degree to which one variable relates consistently to another is a, correlation coefficient
"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of _____," according to W.E.B. DuBois The Color Line
The two-way process by which we shape our social world through our individual actions and by which we are reshaped by society is, Structuration
In many cultures the "squat toilet", where one squats rather than sits, is the most common bathroom facility. Americans are often shocked when they encounter these toilets, considering them to be hopelessly disgusting. This is an example of, Ethnocentrism
According to Durkheim, what are the two key characteristics of social facts? They are outside of us and they can constrain our behavior
Which type of society saw the advent of the nation state? Industrial
According to microsociologist Erving Goffman, Goffman asserts every individual has a self that is forever fragile and vulnerable to embarrassment, people want to save face, people collaborate with each other to help each other save face
_____ is the study of how people make sense of what others do and say in the course of day-today- social interaction. Ethnomethodology
Which of the following would most likely claim that capitalism and industrialization expanded faster in countries dominated by Protestants than in those dominated by Catholicism. Max Weber
"Tracking" in schools refers to, assigning students to specific groups or classes on the basis of their abilities, talents, or previous achievement
It can be said, according to Peter Berger, that the first wisdom of sociology is this: Things are not what they seem
In the Tuskegee syphilis study of people in Macon County, Al, Black men with pre-existing syph recruited for a study of syph with promise that they would be treated. They weren't treated, with available cures or the developed ones over the study. They were observed to see what the course of untreated syph was.
What is Stark's definition of religion? Socially organized patterns of belief and practice that concern ultimate meaning and assume the existence of the supernatural.
According to the conflict postulate, a pattern of behavior will continue to be a part of the society to the extent that it benefits the powerful people in the society
What do Nacirema seem to think about the human body? It is ugly and its natural inclination is toward debility and disease
The people described in "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" live in North America
According to Harris in his article on cow love, an established principle of ecological analysis states that communities of organisms are adapted not to average conditions but to ___ conditions. Extreme
What are the four themes that Backman stated will run throughout this course? Thomas Theorem Uncertainty Principle(uncertainty is a powerful factor in social behavior & social structure) Creaming Principle(people w/greater approp. resources are better able to take advantage of opportunities) The question,Why do people follow rul
In the terminology of role theory, "status" refers to a recognized position in society or a group, and "role" refers to the behavior associated with a particular status. True or False True
Dealing with uncertainty is a major issue for organizations. True or False True
Adequate role performance often requires teamwork. True or False True
Key to the sociological imagination is the ability to see the connections between private troubles and public issues. True or False True
Most of the time the psychic rewards of being connected to other people and of having minimal obligations with those others more than compensates for the costs of role strain on your part or the others' parts in the enactment of those obligations T or F True
Dr. Backman argues that it is a great threat to social stability to have multiple ways in a society of accomplishing the same important social objective. True or False False
Societies that allow polygyny do so in part as a way of creating equal numbers of unmarried men and women True or False False
Nathan notices that Matthew one of his fellow workers took a shortcut that may make the building they are working on unsafe. He will prob. tell the building inspector about the shortcut and that it was Matthew who was responsible for it. T or F False
Social reproduction is made possible by socialization. True or False True
Most states have laws that do not allow same sex couples to adopt children. True or False False
Police and other things that keep people behaving within expected bounds contribute to homeostasis. True or False True
Modern organizations depend upon a literate work force. True or False True
The results of sociological research often challenge our commonsense beliefs. True or False True
A majority of the population in the developing world is literate True
Hindu beliefs about cows,have seriously undermined traditional farming practices in India in the decades before Harris wrote his article about "Cow Love." Put another way, they have threatened homeostasis in rural India. True or False False
According to Stark, most people in most nations say they are religious True or False True
According to Goffman, there would be many more instances in daily life where interaction came to an uncomfortable halt than there are if constant precautions weren't being taken True or False True
Sometimes a person smiles but an observer notes that the person's eyes look sad. Goffman would say the sad eyes are part of the expression the person, Gives off
According to Goffman, "Society is organized on the principle that any individual who possesses certain social characteristics has ___ to expect that others will value and treat him in an appropriate way." A moral right
In Goffman's dramaturgical perspective, where do actors work hardest to maintain a particular impression of the situation? The Front Stage
Images of females outnumber those of males in the majority of children's literature. True or False False
While some storybooks today portray females as main characters, few depict boys in non-tradtional roles True or False True
According to recent research, boys and girls today are equally likely to show no gender preferences when selecting toys with which to play. True or False False
Parents are aware that they treat male infants differently than female infants. True or False False
Gender socialization begins at Infancy
With regard to health care in the US how do the elderly differ from other age groups? They are almost all covered by government-funded health insurance
The term for the social knowledge and connections that enable people to accomplish their goals and extend their influence is, social capital
Sociologists refer to the webs of direct and indirect ties connecting individuals to others who influence them as, social networks
Which statement best reflects the research findings of Stanley Milgram's study on conformity (the study involving a teacher and a learner)? Ordinary people are likely to conform to orders given by someone in a position of authority even if those orders have negative consequences for others.
The online "Music Lab" study by Salganik, Dodds, and Watts showed that, knowing what songs other people like affects which songs you like
In groupthink, the demand for conformity within the group can short-circuit the decision process, letting a desire for agreement prevail over critical reasoning
Which of the following would be the best example of what ritzer calls the McDonaldization of society? The replacement of people with automated check-in machines at airports
According to the textbook, the US has less than 5 percent of the world's population and accounts for _____ of the world's prisoners. About one quarter
Compared with ordinary crimes against property (robberies, burglaries, larceny, etc.), the amount o money stolen in white-collar crime (tax fraud, insurance fraud, etc.), is... more. White-collar crime involves perhaps forty times as much money as crimes against property
Target hardening is, a technique to make it more difficult for crimes to take place by intervening directly in potential "crime situations"
What are the four types of social bonds that link people to society and law-abiding behavior according to Travis Hirschi and control theory? Attachments, investments, involvements, beliefs
A subculture whose members hold values that differ substantially from those of the majority is called a(n) Deviant subculture
How does the FBI's Uniform Crime Report measure crime? Every crime reported by over 17,000 law enforcement agencies in the US is tabulated
What is the difference between patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence according to sociologist Michael Johnson? Patriarchal terrorism describes the violence carried out by a man who wants to exert power and control over a woman whereas common couple violence is in reaction to a specific incident and not rooted in the need to have power and control in a relationship
According to Backman, which of the following is the best definition of the sociological term "norm"? an expectation shared by members of a group which specifies behavior considered appropriate in a given situation
The "problem with no name" in Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, was the oppressive nature of a wifely life bound up with child care, domestic drudgery, and a husband who only occasionally put in an appearance and with whom little emotional communication was possible
Which of the following is NOT one of the functional prerequisites listed in class? meet members' biological needs obtain new members remove inconsistencies in cultural values resist environmental threats maintain social integration remove inconsistencies in cultural values
Which of the following had the greatest impact in the development of sociology (according to the first creation myth)? American Revolution Chinese Revolution English (Glorious) Revolution French Revolution Russian Revolution French Revolution
Verstehen is to understand a situation from the point of view of the actor
According to the functionalist postulate, a pattern of behavior will continue to be a part of a society to the extent that it benefits the society
Functionalists are sometimes accused of playing the "Pollyanna glad game" when they, identify the eufunctions of some pattern of behavior for the society
Which is NOT required to establish causality? The cause must be correlated with the effect The cause must come after the effect There must not be another explanation for the correlation between the cause and the effect All are required None are requi The cause must come after the effect
There is positive correlation between ice cream sales and murder rates. Ice cream does not cause murder. Correlation is due to the relationships of ice cream sales and the weather. The correlation between ice cream sales and murder rates is an example of, spurious correlation
The formula for the sampling error from a random sample is plus or minus one over the square root of the sample size
Which is not part of Weber's model of bureaucracy? Division of labor A hierarchy of authority where everyone has two bosses Written records Full-time, salaried officials Separation of officials' private lives and the organization and its property a hierarchy of authority in which everyone has at least two bosses
What trend over the past several decades in the management of organizations did we highlight? attempts to decentralize decision making
Taylorism (scientific management) is an approach to organizations that emphasizes management's responsibility to, figure out the best way to do the things workers have to do and to encourage workers to do things that best way
At a Company, when something unusual comes up, managers go to this huge Plans, Procedures, and Exceptions Manual to look up what they are supposed to do. This best illustrates what concept? Formalization
A study that looks at how newspaper companies are trying to respond to new internet technologies and new internet competitors would probably be from which approach to organizations? Open Systems
When study participants act differently when they know they are being observed, they are said to be exhibiting, the Hawthorne effect
A rise in worldly thinking accompanied by a decline in the influence of religion is called, secularization
What is true concerning primary and secondary groups? membership in secondary groups usually does not carry the same potential for emotional satisfaction that primary-group membership does
Jon Lofland and Rod Stark wanted to learn more about why people join new religious movements. They accomplished this by directly observing and taking part in a new religious movement's activities. Lofland and Stark were conducting, ethnographic research
What was colonialism? the process whereby Western nations established their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories
Jane is walking her dog in a park. A man sitting on a park bench holding a brown paper bag with a bottle inside starts to talk to her. Jane ignores him and hurries on. This is an example of, Interactional Vandalism
According to Goffman, Every individual has a self that is forever fragile and vulnerable to embarrassment people want to save face people collaborate with each other to help each other save face
Why does Miner (and the Nacirema children) think Naciremans tend to go to the wrong place for help (the latipso) when they are sick? Because that is where you go to die
It can be said according to Peter Berger, that the first wisdom of sociology is this:_____ Things are not what they seem
Which is not one of the reasons actors use tact in situations of role strain due to short term status passage? Because tact is a way of forcing people to pay attention to the situation since it provides a negative sanction for people who misinterpret the situation
Why do actors use tact in situations of role strain due to short term status passage? In hopes that people will ignore the actor's own future social mistakes, and because to follow up on the other person's social mistake would change the direction of the interaction away from what the actor intended and into a more risky direction
Long term status passage creates role strain for actors mostly because expectations of the new status are complex and difficult to perform without practice
The social hierarchy of obligations helps ameliorate problems of role conflict by providing a widely agreed upon priority list of expectations, so other people will agree that the role you chose to perform was more important than the roles you neglected
According to Backman's Second Law of Social Thermodynamics, it takes work (energy) to maintain social structure
According to Durkheim, what are the two key characteristics of social facts? They are outside of us and they can constrain our behavior
Over one billion people in the world live on the equivalent of $1.25 a day or less True or False True
Income inequality is probably greater in Austria, which is industrialized, than in Bolivia, which is largely agricultural True or False False
Groups and individuals tend to resist giving up their competitive advantages. True or False True
According to The Communist Manifesto the two great classes society is (in 1848) splitting into are the bourgeoisie (factory owners) and rentiers (agricultural land owners) True or False False
According to The Commi Manifesto, work had lost "all charm" for the workman. Taylorism developed 50 years after The Commi Manifesto, prob. would have returned charm to factory labor had it been invented at the time and tried. True or False False
According to Marx, great leaders have been the primary driving force of human social history True or False False
Structural mobility refers to mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinds of jobs available in a society. True or False True
Since about 1980, income inequality in the US has steadily decreased. True or False False
In the US the large majority of people who have "made money" did so on the basis of inheriting or being given at least a modest amount initially- which they then used to make more. True or False True
In the international survey reported in the text, respondents from the US were more likely to agree than respondents from most other countries with the statement that, "Success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside our control" True or Fals False
A majority of American children live in a household with a husband who works for pay and a wife who stays home to take care of the children and the household. True or False False
According to symbolic interactionists like George Herbert Mead, all children are born with an innate sense of self. True or False False
Today it is possible for two men to marry each other in Canada, but there are no states in the US that would allow such a marriage. True or False False
The ways that people around the world "do gender" are universal True or False False
Compared to many other societies the US has high rates of both marriage and divorce. Part of why we have such high divorce rates is because we have high standards for marriage. True or False True
According to Goffman, it is in the interest of actors to control the conduct of others. True or False True
According to Goffman, there is a social principle that someone who shows that he has certain social characteristics does not actually have to have them because no one believes him anyway. True or False False
What is the famous last line of The Communist Manifesto? Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
The theory of the Communists can be summed up in what single sentence? Abolition of private property
Who are the working poor? those who work but earn too little to escape poverty status
The condition in which people do not have adequate resources to maintain their health is called, Absolute poverty
In which one of the countries below is the distinction greatest between its richest and poorest? Canada France Germany UK (Great Britain) US US
How does the UN World Food Program define hunger? A diet of 1800 or fewer calories a day
As world hunger has grown, global food production, has actually continued to increase more rapidly than population growth
Theories about economic development that assume that the best possible economic consequences will result if individuals are free to make their own economic decisions, uninhibited by government restraint, are called market-oriented theories
What term describes the worldwide network o labor and production processes that extends from the acquisition of raw materials to the sale of finished products? Global commodity chain
What are two types of sexual harassment recognized by the US courts? "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment"
What was the 1995 Beijing Women's Conference's final action platform? When cultural traditions conflict with women's rights, women's rights should take precedence
Male dominance in a society is called Patriarchy
When a woman who works a full time job must also prepare the meals for the family and care for the children at night, she is experiencing what sociologists call, The second shift
Which of the following statements accurately describes the political status of women in the US? Using the UN's gender power rankings, the US ranks behind northern Europe countries like Sweden and Finland
Mexicans and Puerto Ricans have immigrated to the US primarily for what kinds of reasons? Economic
What Supreme Court decision established the foundation for the civil rights struggles of the 1950's through the 1970's? Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
The majority of immigrants to the US in 1900 were from _____; in 1990 the majority were from _____. Europe; Latin America and Asia
Which ethnic group in the US was forcibly removed to relocation centers in WWII? Japanese Americans
Describe the relationship between independent and dependent variables? Independent variables produce effects on dependent variables
Sociologists use surveys a great deal. Probably the most important survey today (with the possible exception of some surveys from the Cencus Bureau) is The General Social Survey
What type of group provides most of our emotional satisfactions? Primary Groups
What kind of "capital" is a celebrity using when the celebrity uses his o her fame to obtain special treatment? Symbolic capital
Which was NO one of the findings of the British Columbia study of the results of the introduction of TV? reading scores declined gender stereotyping declined creativity declined participation in community declined violence increased gender stereotyping declined
Patrick is an upper class intellectual. He married Jessica, a Yale grad who has considerable inheritance. Which term best describes this scenario? Homogamy
What's the best example of using the concept of operant conditioning to explain the behavior of a group or of the members of a group? The reason for the success of the AU swim team is that every swimmer is taught exactly what they are supposed to do(expectations are cle),are and swimmers are consistently rewarded/punished on the basis of the extent to which they meet their expectations.
Which is the earliest of Piaget's stages in which the child should be competent and comfortable with taking the role of the other? Concrete Operational
Mead's term for an individual's understanding of society's norms and usual procedures is, the generalized other
According to Perry, college generally tends to help students develop the capacity for metathought. What is metathought? thinking about thinking
In the youtube video of Hans Rosling's TED talk about poverty that we saw, which of the following does Rosling argue is the most important as a means for development? Economic Growth
In the youtube video of Rosling's TED talk about poverty that we saw, what does Rosling say is his main message? The seemingly impossible is possible, we can have a good world
Thomas makes $10.00 an hour. What would that be annually if he were working full time? $20,000
According to the Creaming Principle, Actors with the greatest appropriate resources are best able to take advantage of opportunities
What is NOT a difference between people in higher and lower social classes in the US? Higher class members are more likely to suffer from psychological disturbances
Although social honor is involved in all systems of stratification, in which system does Backman argue it is the most fundamental issue? Estate system
What is an essential feature of stratification? Most of the and is owned by a small number of people
The superstructure of society, as described by Marx, consists essentially of everything that is not part of the economic system
Which of Marx's ideas is most in line with symbolic interactionism The transition from a class in itself to a class for itself
The "problem with no name" in Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, was The oppressive nature of a wifely life bound up with child care, domestic drudgery, and a husband who only occasionally put in an appearance and with whom little emotional communication was possible
Which of the following is NOT a way to ameliorate the problems of groupthink? Mind guards play Devil's Advocate Delayed commitment by leader Input from outside source Mind guards
In organizations following the principles of the administrative science school, regular required reports from lower- and middle-level management keep upper management knowledgeable about what is going on in the organization
Institutional isomorphism refers to the idea that, over time organizations in the same line of work tend to become structurally and otherwise very similar to each other
The social hierarchy of obligations helps ameliorate problems of role conflict by, providing a widely agreed upon priority list of expectations, so other people will agree that the role you chose to perform was more important than the roles you neglected
How does Merton's structural strain theory explain the existence of deviance? Deviance is the result of the tension between socially approved goals and an individual's ability to meet those goals through socially approved means
Which is not one of the types of social bonds that link people to society and law-abiding behavior according to Travis Hirschi and control theory? Interdependencies- our reliance on others for protection from crime and from other deviant behaviors
Becoming an adult is an example of, long-term status passage
In her study in Milwaukee of black and white job applicants with or without criminal records, Devah Pager found that in terms of which candidate employers seemed to prefer, race mattered (whites were preferred) and a criminal record mattered (applicants without pref.). White applicants with a record were just as much pref. as blacks with no record
According to Mosca, stratification is inevitable in part because human nature is self-serving, so people with power will use it to exploit others and thereby to gain material advantages. This is an example of, The Power Principle
In many high schools boys in the category football player are more likely to get the social reward of popularity than boys who do not play football. This is an example of, The Stratification Principle
The constitution of the soviet Union granted citizens wonderful legal rights. Unfortunately for people who got on the wrong side of the Soviet dictator, the secret police ignored those rights for Stalin's enemies. This is an example of, The Catch 22 Principle
Indicate the fertility regime associated with 1950, Baby Boom Birth Dearth (Baby Bust, Gen X) Depression Cohort Echo Boom (Baby Echo) None of the above Baby Booom
Indicate the fertility regime associated with 1969 Baby Boom Birth Dearth (Baby Bust, Gen X) Depression Cohort Echo Boom (Baby Echo) None of the above None of the above
Indicate the fertility regime associated with 1991, Baby Boom Birth Dearth (Baby Bust, Gen X) Depression Cohort Echo Boom (Baby Echo) None of the above Echo Boom (Baby Echo)
Who seemed more surprised by the beating the black worker Henry received from his boss, Mr. Gilmore, in Stars Fell On Alabama? Carmer (The author)
The ability to influence the behavior of others even in the absence of their consent is Weber's definition of, power
"From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs" is, Marx's description of life in the communist utopia
The three factors in inequality that Weber focused on are, economic, social, and political/power
What did Chambliss conclude was the underlying source of the different treatment received by the Saints and the Roughnecks? Class Structure
How did the way the delinquencies were treated in high school affect the later lives of the members of the Saints and the Roughnecks? H.S. delinq. had little effect on the Saints, but did affect Roughnecks.Being id'ed and labeled as boys in trouble made them see themselves that way and made it more difficult for them to escape from being seen that way by the people around them.
In the YouTube video of Hans Rosling's TED talk about poverty, what does Rosling say is his message? The seemingly impossible is possible; we can have a good world
The Jim Crow system is considered and example of, Caste System
Through modern industrialized societies such as the US often retain elements of other stratification systems, they are primarily ____ systems. Class
What are Malthus's two "postulata"? 1) Food is necessary to the existence of man 2) the passion between the sexes is necessary and will remain nearly in its present state
The great insurmountable difficulty Malthus identifies on the path towards the perfectibility of society is, in a perfect society population would grow at a rate that eventually would exceed the ability of the society to feed itself; the result of an imbalance between numbers and subsistence would certainly be misery and probably be vice
Which of the following is NOT one of the races recognized by the US gov't? Asian Black/African American Hawiian/Other Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino White Hispanic/ Latino
When procedures of an organization or institution effectively withhold desirable hings from members of a group we have, institutional discrimination
The population of the US is about, 300 million
What is the population of Alabama? 5 Million
What are the most important demographic events? Birth, death, migration
Mead's term for an individual's understanding of society's norms and usual procedures is, the generalized other
A statistic commonly used to summarize inequality within a country is the, gini coefficient
People who take advantage of a public good without contributing to it are called free riders
The two largest racial/ethnic minority groups in the US are, Hispanics (largest) followed by African Americans
Most of the hungry in East Alabama do not suffer from outright starvation. Instead they suffer from, food insecurity
"Zakat", the third pillar of Islam, requiring donations to the poor, is an example of, an institutional response to needs insecurity
Which of the following is the subjective part of the sociological definition of race? "A large number of people who..." see themselves and are seen by others as a biological unity
Which is not a typical feature of a minority group? It is difficult for members of the society to tell if someone is or is not a member
'You gettin' uppity boy?" was a phrase used to, pressure minority group members to follow the stereotypes
Child labor, is a reality for about one of every four children in the world
Over the last 50 years, women's participation in the paid labor force in the US, has risen steadily
What supreme court decision established the principle that states must allow interracial marriages? Loving v. Virginia
What is the best example of using the concept of recruitment to explain the behavior of a group or of the members of a group? It's easy to explain why coach Hawke's teams are so successful; anyone could win with the talented swimmers he gets to come to Auburn
What made increased suburbanization possible in the 1950's and 1960's in the US? the massive highway construction program
The idea that the world is no longer governed by history or progress and that society is highly pluralistic and diverse with no "grand narrative" guiding its development is central to, postmodernism
Greenpeace, the Red Cross, and Amnesty International are all considered, international nongovernmental organizations (INGO's)
Which position argues that globaliz'n is the central force behind number of changes shaping societies, but gov'ts retain good bit of power and importance & recognizes the power of globaliz'n but argues that not everything is being swept away before it. Transformationalism
As world hunger has grown, global food production, has actually continued to increase more rapidly than population growth
What are two types of sexual harassment recognized by the US courts? "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment"
According to C Wright Mills, what is a unified group of people in the highest positions of gov't, business, and the military that runs the US and exercises tremendous influence in the world called? The Power Elite
Why were the results of Alfred Kinsey's research shocking to many people? They revealed a great difference between public expectations of sexual behavior and actual sexual conduct
What was the effect of colonialism on health? Entire indigenous populations in the Americas were wiped out due to exposure to diseases the had no immunity to
What was sustainable development? Growth that is carried out in such a way so as to recycle physical resources rather than deplete them
In the US child poverty rates are highest in, rural areas
Since the turn of the 20th century, capitalists economies have been increasingly dominated by corporations
A woman frequently binges on food and then self-induces vomiting. This is a symptom of Bulimia
When social rights become broadly established and government agencies provide material benefits for those who are unable to support themselves, a _____ is said to exist. Welfare State
____ refers to a practice that sought to make the corporation, rather than the state or trade union, the primary shelter from the vicissitudes of the market in modern industrial life. Welfare Capitalism
The person famous for discussing the problem that, if unchecked, populations can grow faster than can the ability to feed people is Malthus
According to The Communist Manifesto, the two great classes society is splitting into are, bourgeoisie and proletariat
Willie, the black young babysitter in Stars Fell On Alabama, seemed to be planning to be more like the boss (Mr. Gilmore) when he was grown than like Henry, the hired hand. True or False False
The fertility rate for the entire world today is below replacement. True or False False
Women cannot be a minority group in the US because there are more women in the US than men. True or False False
In the US, the large majority of people who have "made money" did so on the basis of inheriting or being given at least a modest amount initially- which they then used to make more. True or False True
In our current age individuals have much more opportunity to change their own lives that was once the case. True or False True
Today about half of the world's people live in cities. True or False True
Labor unions originated as a way of redressing the imbalance of power between workers and their employers. True or False True
Power is a factor in almost all social relationships. True or False True
In the developed countries of the world today deaths are more likely to be from degenerative diseases than from infectious/communicable/contagious/parasitical diseases. True or False True
The US constitution requires that a census be taken on a regular basis. True or False True
The US is among the 10 countries with the lowest infant mortality rates. True or False False
Old adults are more likely to die in the next year than are young adults. True or False True
Italy is an industrialized European country. Brazil is a largely ag country in S. America. The US is.. the US. Of these three, the country with the lowest income inequality is prob. the US. True or False False
Over 1 billion people in the world live on the purchasing equivalent of one dollar a day or less. True or False True
According to the Demographer's Estimating Equation, Pop= Early Pop.+ #Births from early now - #Deaths from early Pop. to now + #In-migrants from early pop. to now- #out-migrants from early pop. to now True or False True
Created by: tkirk91
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