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chap 16med ad

medications are used to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease and relieve pain
to safely and accurately administer medications you need knowledge related to pharmacokinetics, growth and development, math, nutrition
pharmacokinetics the study of how medications enter the body, reach the site of action, are metabolized and exit the body
pharmacokinetics are used when timing medication administration, selecting routes, and observing client responses
absorption the passage of mediation molecules into the blood from the site of administration
factors that influence absorption route of administration, ability to dissolve, blood flow to area, body surface area, lipid solubility
distribution the rate and extent of distribution depends on the physical and chemical properties of medicine and the client's physiology
things that affect drugs ability to be distributed to where we want it to be circulation, membrane permeability, protein binding, metabolism, excretion
metabolism occurs after the medication reaches the sit of actions, becomes metabolized into a less active or inactive form
biotransformation deals with liver, kidneys, blood, and intestine
excretion the chemical makeup of the medication determines the organ of excretion
kidney, liver, lungs, exocrine roles of excretion kidney-main organ, liver-distributes med, lungs -what meds are excreted through the lungs, inhalers, oxygen, anathesia. exocrine-sweating out meds,
adverse effects undesired and unintended effects of meds
side effects something that couuld occur that isn't detrimental
toxic effects meds are built up too high in system
idiosyncratic reactions awake; opposite effect of what med is supposed to do either over or under react
urticaria (hives) raised, irregularly shaped skin eruptions with varying sizes ans shapes
eczema small raised vesicles that are usually reddened; often distributed over entire body (rash)
pruritus itching of skin, accompanies most rashes
rhinitis inflammation of mucous membranes lining of nose; causes swelling and clear, watery discharge
wheezing constriction of smooth muscles that surround bronchioles, occurs mainly on inspiration and can lead to airway obstruction
angioedema short-term subcuaneous or submucosal swellings of the face, neck, lips, larynx, hands, feet, genitalia, or viscera
synergistic effect med interaction; when 2 meds are combined and one is greater than the effects of the meds when given separatley
half-life the times interval required for the body's elimination processes to reduce the concentration of the drug in the body by one-half
intradermal injection into the dermis just under the epidermis
subcutaneous injection into tissues just below the dermis of the skin
1 ounce = 1 tablespoon = 1 teaspoon = 1 ounce= 30 ml; 1 tablesppon = 15 ml; 1 teaspoon=5 ml
prescribers role prescribe meds, be aware of pts allergies, given; pts names, drug, dose, route, frequency
6 rights medication,dose, client, route, time, documentation
Created by: kmartino91
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