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Histology #1
Histology 1
Question | Answer |
Type VII Collagen Locations | Anchoring fibrils of skin, eye, uterus, and esophagus |
Type VII collagen functions | secures basal lamina to CT Fibers |
Type V collagen locations | Distrubuted in CT stroma, surface of Type 1 fibers |
Type V collagen functions | modulate biomechanical properties of type 1 fibrils |
Type IV collagen locations | basal lamina of epithelium, kidney glomerlui, lens capsule |
Type IV collagen functions | filtration and support barrier |
Type III collagen locations | loose connective tissue, organs, smooth muscle, endothelium, blood vessels, fetal skin |
Type III collagen functions | forms reticular fibers, provides support scaffolding for specialized cells of organs and blood vessels |
Type II collagen locations | cartilage(hyaline and elastic) notochord, intervertebral disc |
Type II collagen functions | resistance to intermittant pressure |
Type I collagen locations | CT of skin, bone, tendons, ligaments, sclera, fascia, organ capillaries |
Type I collagen functions | provides resistance to force, tension and stretch |
Elastic cartilage ECM components | Type II collagen, elastic fibers, aggrecan |
Elastic cartilage function | Provides flexible support |
Elastic cartilage characteristics | Has perichondrium, does not undergo calcification, has chondrocytes and blasts |
Fibrocartilage locations | Intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, articular discs, TMJ, mensci, insertion of tendons |
Fibrocartilage characteristics | resists deformation, no perichondrium, undergoes calcification during bone repair |
Fibrocartilage ECM | chondrocytes, fibroblasts, type II collagen, versican, proteoglycan |
Hyaline cartilage GS | chondrotin sulfate, keratin sulfate, hylauronic acid, H2O |
Hyaline capsular matrix consists of | Type VI and IX collagen |
Bone function | support of soft tissue, protection, movement, mineral storage of calcium and phosphate ions, hemopoesis, energy storage |
Perichondrium | Dense CT layer, source of new cartilage cells, inner cellular layer, outer fibrous layer |
Appositional growth of cartilage | forms new cartilage at the surface of existing cartilage, inner portion of perichondrium |
Interstitual growth of cartilage | division of chondrocytes in lacunae, forms new cartilage within existing cartilage mass |
CT proper | Dense regular and irregular connective loose connective tissues |
Adipocytes | cells found in adipose tissue, receptors for hormones, secrete hormone leptin |
Plasma cells | differentiated B-lymphoytes, antibody producing cells, limited migratory capabilites, 10-30 day life span |
Nk cells | form of T lymphocyte, destroys viral cells and some tumor cells, not antigen specific |
B lymphocytes | Mature in bone marrow or GI tract, antigen recognizing cells, antibody mediated immunity |
T lymphocytes | migrate to thymus to mature- cell mediated immunity long life span |
lymphocyte | T cells, B cells, NK cells |
macrophages | dervied from moncytes, indented nucleus, also called histocytes, can be wandering or resident, might have psedopodia |
degranulation | antibody-antigen reaction at surface of cell causes. |
Mast cell secretions | Histamine, heparin, leukotrienes, serine proteases, eosinophilic chemotactic factor |
Histamine | increases permabilty of capillaries |
Heparin | sulfated GAG, anticoagulant |
Leukotriene | modified lipid, produces prolonged constriction of airway |
Eosinophilic chemotactic Factor | attracts neutrophils and eosinophils to inflammation site |
Trypase | Serine protease, mast cell marker |
Chymase | Serine protease- generates angiotension II to vascular tissue injury |
Mast cells | Found in CT, release histamine and other immune response factors, not derived from basophils, have the same stem cells as basophils |
reticular cells | Found in lymphatic tissue, forms 3D network of cells, phagocytic, produces reticular fibers |
Reticulum | 3D network of reticular fibers |
Pericytes | adult mesenchymal stem cells, also called adventita or pericvascular cells. found in capillaries and venules, can diferentiate into smooth muscle and other types of cells |
Mesenchymal cells | stem cells associated with blood vessels - star shaped found in CT |
myofibroblast | makes contractile fibers, can contract, in granulation tissue, helps in wound closure, spindle shaped. |
Fibrocyte | mature fibroblast, done laying down new fibers, found in dense CT, has lg processes, uninucleate, syntheses protein for ECM maintanance |
Fibroblast | Most abundant CT cell, found in loose CT, forms fibers maintains ECM, lg round nucleus |
cells of CT | mast cell, fibroblast, fibrocyte, plasma cell, macrophage, adipose, mesenchymal stem cells, myofibroblasts |
Formation of Elastic tissue | Elastin synthesized by fibroblasts, tropoelastin polymerizes into elastin |
Elastic Fiber components | elastin proteins, elastin core with microfibril cortex |
Reticular Fiber components | Type III collagen, netlike patterns |
Reticular Fiber functions | immune system - lymph nodes, provide support framework for cellular components |
step 1 of collagen fibril formation | Uptake of amino acid by endocytosis |
Step 2 of collagen formation | Formation of mRNA |
Step 3 of collagen formation | synthesis of alpha chains by ribosomes |
step 4 of collagen formation | hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues with Vitamin C and cleavage of signal sequence of rER |
Step 5 of collagen formation | glycosylation of specific hydroxylysyl residues in rER |
Step 6 of collagen formation | formation of procollagen triple helix in rER |
step 7 of collagen formation | packaging of procollagen by Golgi into vesicles |
step 8 of collagen formation | movement of vesicles in plasma membrane |
Step 9 of collagene formation | Exocytosis of procollagen |
Step 10 of collagen formation | cleavage of tropocollagen to from collagen molecules |
Step 11 of collagen formation | polymerization of collagen in fibrils |
Types of GAGs | Hyaluronin, Chondrotin sulfate, keratan sulfate, dermatin sulfate, heparan sulfate, heparin |
GAGs | long unbranched chains of repeating dissacharides, acidic and negatively charged, most abundant organic molecule of CT GS, responsible of physical properties of GS, permits rapid diffusion of H2O soluble molecules |
Connective tissue derivitives | mesoderm except small portion of head that is ectoderm |
ECM comprised of | protein fibers (collagen and elastin) and GS |
Organic molecules of ECM | glycoproteins, GAGs, proteoglycans |
Proteoglycans | GAGs covalently bonded to proteins- very lg macromolecule |
Types of Proteoglycans | Aggrecan, decorin, versican, syndican |
Aggrecan | non-covalent bond to hylauron |
Multiadhesive glycoproteins | fibronectin, laminin, tenascin, osteopontin, entactin/nidogen |
Fibronectin | glycoprotein - used in cell adhesion |
Laminin | glycoprotein- binding site for collagen |
Tenascin | glycoprotein- wound and tumors |
Entactin/Nidogen | glycoprotein Basal lamina specific protein |
Hylauronic acid | free carb chain in ECM , non sulfated GAG, not postranslationally modified, synthesized by enzymes on cell surface, long rigid chain of thousands of dissacharides, does not covalently bind to proteins |
What determines CT function | GS |
Types of Bone | medullary (spongy) cortical (compact) |
trabeculae | struts and plates in spongy bone marrow found between trabeculae |
Endosteum | active layer during bone grwoth and remodeling- covers trabeculae of spongy bone. simple flattened layer of osteoprogenitor cells - no CT |
Osteoprogentior cells | Precursors of bone cells. found on surface of bone and endosteum- diferentiate into osteoblasts |
Osteoblasts | produce new bone matrix by osteogensis |
Osteoclasts | bone reabsorbing cells present on the bone surface in shallow spots (Howship's lacunae) |
Osteoclasts | Mature osteoblasts surrounded by lacunae |
Calcitrol (Vitamin D) | pulls Ca and phosphate from diet |
Calcitonin | stimulates osteoblasts in children and pregnancy. regularly overriden by PTH |
Enzymes of ruffled border | collagenase, proteases, lactic acid, citric acid |
reabsorption / deposition rxn | as PTH increases, Ca decreases and stimulates osteoclasts to reabsorb bone. As PTH decreases, Ca increases osteoclasts are inhibited and osteoblasts can deposit new bone matrix |
Bone matrix proteins | Proteoglycans, multiadhesive glycoproteins, bone specific vitamin K dependent proteins, Growth factors and cytokinins |
Intremembranous ossification | bone formed by differentation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts- growth of flat bones |
ruffled border | microvilli of osteoclasts- releases enzymes to breakdown bone matrix for reabsorption |
Osteocalcin | Binds Ca - concentrated in areas where bone growth is wanted |
Sharpy's Fibers | Collagenous fibers incorperated into bone tissue from tendons and ligaments as well as periosteum. Bonds tendond and ligaments to bone |
5 zones of cartilage- diaphysis out | zone of reabsorption, zone of califying cartilage, zone of hypertrophic cartilage, zone of maturing cartilage, zone of profileration, zone of reserve cartilage |
reserve zone | Hyaline cartilage |
Three types of blood cell granules | Specific ( secondary), azurophilic (primary), tertiary |
Specific blood cell granule | secrete chemicals for immune response |
Azurephilic blood cell granule | Lg lysosome |
Teritary blood cell granule | secrete enzymes into excellular space |
Neutrophils | most prominate blood cells, most are lysosomes, metabolize anaerboically, avid phagocytes |
Eosinophils | Slightly lgr than neutrophils, granules are most specific type crystalline core, lysomal enzymes, kills parasites, phagocytotic against bacteria, released into EC fluid, dampens immune response, not as active as neutrophil |
Basophil | smallest granular blood cell, granules contain heparin histamine, fx like mast cells same line not precursor, weakly phagocytic, has organelles |
Lymphocyte | smallest agranular blood cell, circulating in lymphatic system, many ribosomes, single round nucleus with halo |
Monocytes | lgest agranular blood cell, round to kidney shaped nucleus, many ribosomes, transported in blood, leave blood enlarge and become macrophages, best phagocyte, aerobic metabolism, can renew easily, antigen presenting |
Opsinizaton | coating with antibodies the attraction and enhancement of phagocytosis |
Difference between monocyte-macrophage and reticuloendothelial systems | monocyte-macrophage system does not include reticular or endothelial cells. Both systems are groupings of phagocytotic cells types |
Function of red marrow | storage and formation of Hb, erythrocyte formation, maturation of B-lymphocytes |
Monophyletic theory of hemopoesis | That all blood cells come from a common stem cell - the hemocytoblast |
Pleuripotential stem cell | hemopoietic stem cells give rise to all others |
Erythropoesis | Hemocytoblast - proerythroblast-basophilic erythoblast-polychromatic erythrocyte-normoblast-reticulocyte-erythrocyte |
Granular Leukopoiesis | hemocytoblast-myleoblast- promyleoblast-myleocyte-metamyelocyte-band cell- mature leukocyte |
agranular lymphopoiesis | hemocytoblast-lymphoblast-prolymphocyte-lymphocyte |
agranular monopoiesis | hemocytoblast-monoblast-promonocyte-monocyte |
Thrombopoiesis | hemocytoblast-megakaryoblast-megakaryocyte-platelets |
Hyaline cartilage cells | Perichondrium present, undergoes calcification, chondrocytes,blasts |
Hyaline ECM | Type II collagen, aggrecan |
Cartilage growth | Interstitiual and appostional growth limited in adults |
cartilage repair | very limited, forms scar resulting in fibrocartilage formation |
Elastic cartilage locations | external ear, ext acoustic meatus, auditory tube, larnyx (epiglottis, corniculate cuniform) |
Areolar CT characteristics | most abundant CT proper, cells fibers and GS, has vascularized |
Neuropil | Meshwork of axonal, dendritic, and glial processes associaated with gray matter |
Encapsulated ending axons | Krause's end bulb, ruffini's corpuscle, meissners, pacinician, musle spindles |
Non-capsulated ending axons | found in CT, epithelial and hair follicles |
Ventral horn of spinal cord | cell bodies of motor neurons - efferent neurons |
Epineurium | dense irregular CT that surrounds and binds nerve fascicles into common bundles |
Perineurium | Specialized connective tissue surrounding nerve fascicles., metabolically active diffusion barrier, contributes to blood-nerve barrier , fibroblasts absent |
Endoneurium | Loose connective tissue associated with individual nerve fibers |
PNS ganglion cells derived from | Neural crest |
CNS neuron derived from | neuroectodremal cells of neural tube |
CNS myelin proteins | proteolipid protein, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein |
External lamina - nervous tissue | dips into and covers node of ranvier |
Schmidt-Lanterman clefts | small island with in successive lamellae of the myelin, cytoplasm contains lysosomes and mitochondria, microtubules, dense bodies |
Perivascular feet | wrap around blood vessels that serve the brain, help to create blood brain barrier, some contact paia mater to form pia-glial membrane, secrete substances that stimulate creation of tight junctions |
Protoplasmic astrocytes | numerous short brnaching cytoplasmic processes, found in gray matter, tips of processes are perivascular foot processes |
Astrocytes | supports, modulates neuron activities in CNS, lgest cells in CNS, 2 types- fibrous, protoplasmic, stellate shaped, lots of mitochondria |
Blood brain barrier | endothelial cells joined together with tight junctions, endothelial basla lamina and end foot processes of astrocytes |
Tannucytes | specialized ependymal cells that transport CSF to the hypothalamus |
Nervous tx derives from | ectoderm neural groove becomes neural tube |
Motor neurons | Convey impulses to CNS or ganglia |
Interneurons | communicating and intergrating network between sensory and motor neurons - 99.9% of all neurons |
Nerve cell body | has smooth and rough ER, lots of mitochondria, no centrosome, 1 pair centrioles |
Multipolar neurons | motor and interneurons |
Unipolar neurons | Sensory neurons |
Bipolar neurons | Retina of eye, vestibulocochlear ganglia |
Ganglia | nerve cell bodies outside of CNS |
Autonomic nervous system regulates | smooth muscle, cardiac conducting cells, glandular epithelium |
Unipolar neurons | located in dorsal root ganglia, cranial nerve ganglia |
Nissl Bodies | Ribosomal content of the axoplasm. corresponds to rER |
Organelles that pass through axon hillock into axon | microtubules, neurofilaments, mitochondria, vesicles |
Periaxoplasmic plaques | discrete areas of axoterminals. Biochemicals and molecules characteristics of protein synthesis |
CNS neuroglial cells | oligodendrocytes, microglia, astrocytes, ependymal cells |
PNS neuroglial cells | schwann and satellite cells |
Sheath of Schwann | external contigous with myelin sheath thin collar of perinuclear cytoplasm. contains nucleus and organelles of schwann cells |
Thickness of myelin sheath | determined by diameter of axon |
Microglia | phagocytic cells of CNS, precursors in bone marrow, secrete cytokinins, fx as antigen presenting cells, smallest and fewest of CNS cells, small nucleus , twisted processes |
Oligodenrocytes | responsible for maintaining and production of myelin sheath in CNS, many processes that wrap around axon sheaths, smaller than astrocytes |
Interfascicluar Oligodendrocyte | Manufature and maintain myelin sheath of CNS |
Perivascular oligodendrocyte | clustered around capillaries |
Ependymal cells | line ventral and central canals, tight junctions, lack external lamina, apical surface has microvilli, cilia, lines choroid plexus, involved in production of CSF - blood brain barrier absent |
Compostion of CSF controlled by | Epidymal cells. Fluid leaks out of capillaries and diffuses through epidymal cells |
Latch State | Phosphorylation of myosin head. May remain attached to actin filament (contracted) minimal expediture of ATP |
Connective tissue components of smooth muscle | endomysium sheaths and bundles |
Connective tissue components of cardiac muscle | Endomyseium |
Regulation of striated muscle contraction | Binding of calcium to TnC causes tropomyosin movement and exposes myosin binding sites on actin |
Smooth muscle cell to cell junctions | Gap junctions only |
Ca - calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase system | system that regulates contraction of smooth muscle |
Dense Bodies | smooth muscle protein masses where actin filaments and intermediate filaments intersect |
Caveolae | invaginations of smooth muscle cell membrane, for transport and storage of calcium |
Dependent on extracellular Ca for contraction | smooth muscle, even though well developed sER but no terminal cisternae |
External Lamina | Basement membrane of nonepithelial tissues |
Transport routes for epithelium | paracellular transport and transcellular transport |
Paracellular route | movement of materials between cells, amount dependant on how tightly joined cells are |
Transcellular Route | How most material is moved |
Syncytium | a mass of cells that fx as one- atrium and ventricle cells |
Intercalated Discs | attachment site between cardiac muscle cells |
Intercalated disc cell to cell junctions | Fascia adherens, Macula adherens, gap junctions |
characteristics of cardiac muscle | Branched -short-uninucleated. Aerobic many mitochondria no satellite cells well developed SR, intercalated discs, free flow of ions, instantanous contractions |
Satellite Cells (muscle) | Between plasma membrane of muscle fiber and external lamina. Responsible for skeletal muscle regeneration |
Myogenic muscle | self excitatory muscle that can activate its own action potential - cardiac muscle |
Fascia Adherens (cardiac) | Hold cardiac muscle cells at their ends to form functional muscle fibers. Site of actin filament anchorage into plasma membrane |
Macula adherens of cardiac muscles | Desmosomes that bind individual cells together |
Purkinje Fibers | specialized conducting fibers of cardiac muscles |
Fibrous Skeleton | Rings of CT and Elastic fibers |
Germ Derivatives of 4 basic tissue types | Epithelial - ectoderm , some endoderm. Connective- mesoderm. Nervous- ectoderm. Muscle- Mesoderm. |
Fluroscene Microscopy | Uses molecules that fluroscene under UV light- used to trace nerve fiber pathways, mineralized tissues, GAP junctions |
Confocal scanning microcopy | Lt microscopy with scanning computer to visually dissect objects |
Electron Microscopy | Uses electrons to provide morphological and analytical data on cells and tissues |
Endogenous cytoplasmic granules | lipid droplets, glycogen granules, zymogen granules, mucigen, melanin, lipofuscin, crystals, hemsiderin |
Glycogen granules | endogenous cytoplasmic inclusion main storage of carbs |
Zymogen Granules | Endogenous scretory granules rich in inactive enzymes - proteins are precipatated when realeased and activated |
Mucigen | Endogenous - GAGs, released from pale granules. |
Melamin | Endogenous cytoplasmic inclusion formed from amino acid tyrosine |
Lipofuscin | End point of lysosomal digestion. Found in residual bodies. Accumulates with age |
Crystals | Endogenous - found in testicular cells, leukocytes |
Hemosiderin | Endogenous products by hene degradation |
Lipocromes | Exogeneous - Soluble carotinoid pigment found in lipid tissue |
dark Field Microscopy | Uses defracted or scattered light . Used to exam autoradiographs, urine crystals and spirochetes |
Phase contrast microscopy | uses refractive index of tissue. Used to examine surface of cells and other objects |
Tissue Components | H2O, protein, nucleic acids, inorganic salts, hormones and vitamins. lipids, carbohydrates, Glycoprotiens, GAGs. |
Cell to cell junctions | Occluding, anchoring, communicating |
Actin proteins | F&G Actin, tropomyosin, troponin |
Epithelial membranes comprises of | Epithelium and CT |
Serous Membrane | Line cavities in ventral cavities that do not open to outside. simple squamous mesothelium |
Mucous membrane | Muscosa - lines tubes that opens to the surface. Absorption, secretion. surface epithelium and avevolar CT |
Synovial Membrane | Only epithelium - No CT |
Terminal Web | Regulates tension on apical surface, under microvilli, composed of actin and intermediate filaments, provides support for microvilli or cilia. Core of microvilli inserts into terminal web |
Tonofilaments | intermediate filaments involved with desmosomes |
zonal adherens | interacts with actin filaments inside the cell. couples actin filaments to plasma membrane at regions of cell to cell adhesions |
3 layers of basal lamina | lamina lucida, lamina densa , lamina fibroreticularis |
Lamina Lucida | Type IV collagen proteoglycans, laminins, entactins |
Lamina densa | same as lucida |
Lamina fibroreticularis | Type III collagen, glycoprotein, fibronectin |
Tendons | cords attaching bone to muscle |
Ligaments | Attaches bone to bone |
myotendous junction | attachment site between tendons and muscles - looping anchoring site, reticular fibers |
Elastic CT | Consists of elastic fibers, Fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, collagenous fibers, produced by smooth muscle cells, in walls of vessles, arteries, aterioles and veins, allows for expansion of lumen |
Cartilage | Semi-rigid form of tissue, avascular, GS determines characteristics of cartilage, low metabolic rate, limited mitosis |
Hyaline cartilage function | cushioning, smooth-low friction surface for joints, structural supoort in resp. system, foundation for fetal skeleton, endochondrol bone formation and growth |
Myosin proteins | Myosin II |
alpha- Actinin | protein that bundles thin actin filament into parallel arrays and anchors them to z-line |
Titin | Protein that forms an elastic lattice that anchors thick filaments to z-lines |
Accessory proteins of muscle contraction | Titin, a-actinin, Nebulin, tropomodulin, Desmin, myomesin, C protein, Dystrophin |
Tropomodulin | actin capping protein maintains and regulates the length of the sacromere actin filament |
Embryonic development of muscle tx | myocytes- myotubules-myofibers |
myofilaments | What myofibrils are made of. the contractile elements of straited muscle |
Amitotic type of muscle cells | cardiac and skeletal |
T-tubules | Deep invaginations of sER |
Terminal Cisternae | storage of ca ions |
motor unit | All muscle cells controlled by a single motor neuron |
Endotendium | strand of fibroblasts that carry blood vessels and nerves into tendon |
Collagen types for muscle CT layers | Type I collagen continous with all CT muscle sheaths ensures contraction by myofibers is transmitted to tendons |
Organization of skeletal muscle | myofibrils, muscle fibers, muscle fascicles, skeletal muscle |
Myoblasts | Uninuclear cells that give rise to myocytes |
Pericytes | adult mesenchymal cells, also called adventitia or perivascuclar cells |
myoepithelial cells | smooth muscle cells |
Types of multicellular contractile units | Skeletal muscle |
Types of single-celled contractile units | myoepithelial cells, pericytes, myofibroblasts |
Muscle tissue % of body mass | 40% skeletal, 10% smooth and cardiac |
Basal Lamina proteins | collagen, laminins, Glycoproteins, Proteoglycans |
Basal Lamina | Attaches epithelium to CT, sheetlike arrangment of extracellular protein |
Monocilia | establishes let-right asymetry in internal organs. 9+0 arrangement |
Stereocilia | No movement |
Cilia | Arranged in 9+2 pattern of microtubules. cytoplasmic structures that move fluid and particles along a surface. |
Epitheloid Tissue | epithelium that lacks free surface |
Loose connective tissue proper | adipose, reticular, aveolar |
Function of astrocytes | contributes to blood brain barrier , scavanges K+ , excess K+ inhibits muscle contraction, release of glucose from glycogen, formation of scar tissue, secretes neutrotrpoic factor during brain development. |
rER | Binds ribosomes engaged in translating mRNA for proteins destined for secretion or for membrane insertion, also involved in chemical modification of proteins and membrane lipid synthesis |
sER | Involved in lipid and steroid metabolism |
Golgi | Chemical modification of proteins, sorting and packaging of molecules for secretion or transport to other organelles |
secretory vesicles | transport and storage of secreted proteins to plasma membrane |
Nucleolus | synthesis of rRNA and partial assembly of ribosomal subunits, involved in regulation of cell cycle |
Mitochondria | Aerobic energy supply, initiation of apotosis |
Endosomes | Transport of endocytosed material biogenesis of lysosomes |
Perioxisomes | Oxidative digestion |
Glycogen | Short term storage of glucose in the form of branched polymer, found in liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue |
Under basal Lamina | A layer of reticular fibers |
Structures responsible for attachment of basal lamina to underlying CT | Anchoring fibrils (type VII collagen), Fibrillin, Discrete projections of lamina densa |
Procollagen | Precursor of collagen fibers |
3 layers of the eyeball | Corneoscleral coat, Vascular coat, Retina |
Corneoscleral coat | outer fiberous layer (sclera and cornea) |
Visceral coat | Middle layer (choroid and stroma of the ciliary body and iris) |
Retina | Inner layer (outer pigment of epithelium, inner neural retina and epithelium of ciliary body and iris) |
Sclera | fibrous CT |
Retina | Blood vessels and melanin pgiment |
Tissues of eye derived from | neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesoderm |
Surface ectoderm | Lens, epithelium of cornea, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland |
Neural ectoderm | Viterous body, epithelium of retina, iris, ciliary body, sphincter pupilae and dilator pupilae muscles, optic nerve |
Mesoderm | Sclera, stroma of cornea, ciliary body, iris, choroid, extraocular muscles |
Cornea layers | Corneal epithelium, Bowman's membrane, Corneal stroma, Descemet's membrane, corneal membrane |
DNA corneal epithelial cells protected by | nuclear ferritin |
Bowman's membrane | anterior basement membrane- corneal epithelium rest on |
Corneal stroma | substantia propria- collagen fibril lamellae |
GS of corneal stroma | Proteoglycans (lumican) |
Descemet's membrane | posterior basement membrane- basal lamina of corneal endothelial cells |
sclera | Dense CT |
Corneoscleral limbus | epithelial cells |
Iris | anterior part of vascular coat |
Pupil | highly vascularized connective tissue |
pigment myoepithelium | highly pigmented layer of pupil |
Ciliary muscle layers | meridional portion, radial portion, circular portion |
Layers of retina | choroid, lamina viterous, retinal pigment epithelium, rods and cones, outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform, ganaglion cells, nerve fiber layer |