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Hypoth. & Pit Drugs

Pharm Hodge Ch. 66 Hypo/Pit Drugs

Target for hormones secreted by the hypothalamus There is only one target organ for ALL hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and that is the PITUITARY GLAND
Purpose of the hypothalamus maintain balance or homeostasis
Things controlled by the Hypot. temperature, thirst, appetite, fatigue, circadian rhythms, anger and rate of overall body metabolism.
Hypot. controls vital functions of the autonomic nervous system such as Heart rate, vasoconstriction, digestion, sweating.
How do hormones from the Hypot. travel? All travel a SHORT distance by blood
How do hypot. hormones work? They reach their receptor site and then either increase or decrease the release of hormones by the pituitary gland. So the Hypo is the BIG BOSS and the pit is the work horse.
Master Gland AKA Pituitary. Not really true ~ it is largely controlled by the hypothalamus.
2 sections of the Hypothalamus Anterior and Posterior. The anterior is the majority.
Anterior pituitary gland AKA adenohypophysis. Consists largely of glandular tissue.
Tropic hormones Term that refers to the ability of hormones to regulate the secretory actions of other endocrine glands. Includes TSH, ACTh, LH and FSH. All act on other glands.
How do the hormones work in the anterior pituitary? They are synthesized and stored in the pituitary and wait for a command from the hypothalamus
Posterior pituitary gland Neurohypophysis. Made of nervous tissue. Basic extensions of the hypothalamus
2 hormones produced by the posterior pituitary? ADH and oxytocin.
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? CAN Can = Corticotropin releasing horm. Acts on Pit Horm. ACTH. Targets Adrenal cortex, stimulates release of corticosteroids.
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? GENTLEMEN Gentlemen: Gonadatropin releasing horm. Acts on Pit Horm FSH, targets ovaries (est, and testes (sperm prod)
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? TAKE Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone. Heads to Pit - releases TSH, heads to thyroid, releases thyroid hormone
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? GOOD Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? GIRLS Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? Partying Prolactin Releasing Hormone
Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus? Can Gentlemen Take Good Girls Partying Please? Please Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone
Clinical uses of hypothalmic hormones Very limited. Analogs of GnRH used to treat endometriosis (like Luprin) and Histrelin is used to treat precocious puberty because people get HISTerical about it.
Leuprolide - Hypothalamus hormone that can be used for palliative care of cancer.
Pituitary Gland Receives commands from the Hypothalamus. Has 2 sections. Submits tropic hormones in that they act directly on another gland.
Anterior Pituitary; The FLAT PIG rolled over the ANT PIT. Anterior pituitary secretes FSH, LS, ACTH, TSH, Prolactin, GHIH GHRH. It acts on the Adrenal cortex, ovaries, testes, thyroid and most body cells.
Posterior Pituitary; ADH and Oxytocin. 2 baby related hormones: Oxytocin "feeds the babies" and ADH "helps them to stop wetting the bed"
Ant. Pit. Stores hormones until told to release or stop releasing Growth and Prolactin.
Anterior Pituitary starts what hormones? All 5 hormones. It only inhibits 2.
Disorders of the
Created by: TCC2013
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