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week 2 -2
Week 2 -Groups & Organizations Glossary
Question | Answer |
Aggregate | cluster of people who just happen to be similarly situated at the same time |
Social Group | set of 2 or more people who interact and in a manner that is defined by some common purpose, a set of norms, and a structure of statuses and roles within the group. |
Primary Group | small # of people who interact over a long period of time on an intimate basis |
Secondary group | involve a large # of people who interact on a temporary basis; no intimacy |
Dyad | smallest group possible; made of 2 people |
Triad | group of 3 people |
Instrumental leader | “task leader”; organizes a group to set & pursue goals; |
helps the group to define its job and determine the best way to do it | |
Expressive leader | “social emotional leader”; well liked and creates harmony, keeps morals high and minimizes conflicts & achieves solidarity among group members by offering emotional support |
Group conformity | refers to individual’s compliance with group goals, even if the group’s goals conflict with our individual goals |
Group think | occurs when group members begin to think similarity and conform to one another’s views |
Group Polarization | closely related to group think; a group moves towards a stronger position or more extreme course of action than its members individually favor |
Risky shift | groups making risky decisions due to “safety in numbers” |
Reference group | group that one compares to when making self-evaluations; social groups that provide the standards in terms of which we evaluate ourselves |
Organizations | large, impersonal, secondary groups or associations |
Formal Organization | large scale group having a name, some official purpose/goals, and a structure of statuses and roles and sets of rules to promote these goals |
Bureaucracy | hierarchical authority structure that operates under explicit rules & procedures; dominant type of formal organization in modern society; rationally designed organizational model whose goal is to perform complex tasks as efficiently as possible |
Parkinson’s Law | states that in any bureaucratic organization, “work expands to fill the time available for it’s completion |
Peter Principle | states “in any hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence |
Iron Law of Oligarchy | no matter what organizations preach or how democratic organizations attempt to be ~ in reality, they are run by their leaders and not by ordinary members |