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GRCC B121 #4 PNS

GRCC BI 121 PNS #4

PNS divisions Sensory and motor
motor somatic & autonomic
somatic concious motor activities
Autonomic u unconscious motor activities
Autonomic divisions sympathetic & parasympathetic
Sympathetic = positive feedback....brings body away from homeostasis...(i.e. temp); emergent response
Parasympathetic negative feedback....brings body back to homeostasis; non emergent response
Which division of the Autonomic response increases heart rate and breathing rates during an emergency? Sympathetic
Which division of the ANS decreases HR and respiration following the emergency? Parasympathetic
Nerve fiber classifications functional and structural
Nerve fiber functional classifications sensory (afferent), motor (efferent) & mixed nerves (contains both sensory and motor)
Sensory nerves Nerve fiber classification that functions as an afferent response;impulse from environment to CNS
Motor nerves functions as an efferent response; impulse from CNS to PNS to effector
Mixed nerves functions as both an (motor) efferent and (sensory) afferent
Nerve Structural classification cranial and spinal
cranial nerves these originate from the brain
Spinal nerves originate from the spine
How many cranial nerves? 12 pairs
How many spinal nerves 31 pairs
Structure of peripheral nerve: the mixed nerve Hierarchy peripheral nerve - fascicle - fiber/axon
_______ - fascicle - fiber/acxon Peripheral nerve
Peripheral nerve - _______ - fiber/axon fascicle
peripheral nerve - fascicle - ___________ fiber/axon
Structure of peripheral nerve: CT hierarchy overview epineurium - perineurium - endoneurium
_________ - perineurium - endoneurium epineurium
Epineurium - __________ - endoneurium perineurium
epineurium - perineurium - _______ endoneurium
Cranial nerves O, O, O, T, A, F, V, G, V, A H
I. Olfactory Smell/ofaction
II. Optic vision
III. Oculomotor Move eye, eyelids and iris
IV. Trochlear superior oblique muscle eye movement
V. Trigeminal Sensory for forehead, face, eyes.
VI. Abducens Lateral rectus muscle of eye
VII. Facial facial expression & taste buds
VIII. Vestibulococulear Equilibrium & hearing
IX. Glossopharyngeal Pharynx, tonsils, salivary, posterior tongue.
X. Vagus Speech, swallowing, blood vessel diameter
XI. Accessory Transmit neck muscles, palate and larynx
XII. Hypoglossal Moves tongue
Which cranial nerves originate from brain stem all but olfactory
what is the functional classification of cranial nervers most are all mixed nerves, with the exception of those associated with special senses (i.e. smell and vision)
How are spinal nerves named? Named after vertebrae from whcih they emerge (i.e. cervicl nerve, lumbar nerve, etc)
How many spinal nerves exist? 31 pairs
What is the functional classification of the spinal nerves They are all classified as mixed nerves
Where do spinal nerves enter and exit? They exit from the dorsal and ventral roots.
Dorsal roots Sensory neurons entering cord
Ventral roots Motor neurons exiting cord.
Nerve Plexuses cervical, brachial, lumbar and sacral
Plexus interlacing nerve networks
plexus function distributes a single function between multiple spinal nerves ensuring redundancy.
Plexus function Performs a single function between spinal nerves ensuring redundancy. if a nerve is damaged, rather than there being complete loss of function, it will result in a less serious weakness, as there is still some nerve supply present.
Created by: Wends1984
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