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Ch 36

Mental Health

Excessive use or abuse, Display of psychological disturbance, decline of social and economic function, and uncontrollable consumption Addiction
14 or younger, 44% will develop Alcoholism
Aclohol is involved in _% of all deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents and fatal intentional injuries such as suicides and homicides 38%
A person who exhibits a pattern of compulsive and habitual use of a substance or practice to cope with pyschic pain from conflict and anxiety Addictive personality
Personality traits of addictive personality are low stress tolerance, dependency, negative self-image, feelings of insecurity, and depression
Increased drug tolerance and srtong denial. Good prognosis for recovery, even without treatment program Early stage of dependence
Moderate impairment and withdrawal signs with abstinence, uses to feel normal. Few recover without treatment Middle stage of dependence
severe impairment in all areas of function and continuous use but cannot achieve "normal" feeling. Must recieve treatment for improvement Late stage of dependence
Most teenagers have their first drink between what ages 12 and 15
Many multidrug users begin by abusing alcohol and later abuse other substances Gateway drug
Central nervous system depressant Alcohol
Legal blood alcohol limit for driving a motor vehicle 0.10%
Congenital anomoly resulting from daily maternal ingestion of alcohol equivalent to 3 ounces of absolute alcohol per day Fetal alcohol syndrome
Birth defects related to alcohol use Mental retardation, growth disorders, wide set eyes, malformed body parts, and spontaneous abortion or still births
Tremors are seen 6 to 48 hours after the last drink and sometimes last for 3 to 5 days Alcohol cessation
Short-term memory loss,disorientation, muttering delirium, insomnia, hallucinations, polyneuritis, and painful extremeties with footdrop affecting the gait Korsakoff's psychosis
Memory loss, aphasia, involuntary eye movement and double vision, lack of muscle coordination, and disorientation with confabulation Wernicke's encephalopathy
When is substance abuse considered a problem Loss of control
12 step program AA
As few as two drinks a day may result in Fetal alcohol syndrome
When is substance abuse considered a problem Loss of control
In alcoholism the one question a nurse should ask Dilantin
15% will die from Delirium tremens
Opiate analgesic used in heiroin and morphine Methadone
Antedote for narcaotic OD Narcan
OD on PCP and LSD is called Bad trip
OD on amphetamines signs and sypmptoms Shaky tremors, parkinson like
what is used as treatment with bruxism(teeth grinding) Pacifiers
Most nurses won't consider substance abuse until Withdrawal symptoms appear
Created by: marisha
Popular Nursing sets




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