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Nora's B.O.R

For Mr.Joyes 8th grade class

What are the five copmponents of the first amendment? Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, right to petition the government.
What is the Bill of rights? It is the first ten amendment of the constitution. It protects us and ensures our safety.
What is the purpose of the Bill of rights? To give all people in the United States a basic set of rights and freedom.
What is an amendment? An amendment is an addition or change to the U.S constitution.
Why are people protesting in many U.S cities? What are these called? Who are the 1% and 99%? People are protesting in many U.S cities because they are fed up with being concerned all of the time about the economy etc. These protests are called ocuppy (fill in the blank.)The normal citizens are the 99% wheras the 1% are the rich technically.
What are the main ensurements in the 3rd amendment? The main protections in the 3rd amendment are about how you don't have to house soldiers without your consent in time of war or peace.
What are the main components of the 6th amendment? The main components of the sixth amendment are: to have a speedy and public trial, a jury in a criminal case, and mainly to be told what you did wrong.
Juan gets arrested for peacefully protesting becuase he didn't like the new mayor. Can he do this. If so, why? Yes Juan can do this because of the first amendment. The firsty amendment specifically says that you have freedom of speech and expression etc.
Jessica doesn't like her new neighbor because she has rowdy children. Jessica says that she has every right to arrest her neighbor even though she hasn't done any harm to her. Can she do this? If so why or why not? Jessica has no right to arrest her neighbor even though she has rowdy children. Why? Because if her neighbor ahsn't broken any law or harmed Jessica why would she need to be arrested?
Created by: Person101
Popular U.S. History sets




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