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Oral Surgery Post-Op
Oral Surgery Pre& Post-Op Instructions
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Take all premedications as prescribed. |
Eat food before arriving for extraction. (If IV sedation is to be done then the patient should not eat for at least 8 hours before surgery.) |
Bring a friend or family member to escort you home after the procedure is done. |
Avoid vigorous chewing, excessive spitting, or rinsing. |
Apply pressure to the area of surgery by biting down on the gauze. |
If bleeding persists, gently rinse with cold water and continue to apply pressure with fresh gauze for 30 min and repeat every 30 min. |
Moist teabags wrapped in gauze may also help control bleeding. |
Notify Dental clinic if active bleeding persists. |
Keep head elevated while laying down. |
Take pain medication when pain is present. |
Eat some food before taking most medications. |
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. |
drink lots of fluids, starting with something clear then moving on slowly to teas, soups, and juices. |
Dairy products should be avoided until bleeding has stopped. |
Avoid chewing, hot foods and drinks until anesthetic has worn off to avoid burning or biting of the mouth. |
Don not use a straw to drink beverages for several days after surgery because it creates a suction and can dislodge a blood clot forming a dry socket. |
Eat foods that are soft and require little or no chewing. (Pudding, ice cream, jello, apple sauce, soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, eggs, oatmeal.) |
Take antibiotics as prescribed. (Notify female patients that birth control pills become ineffective with some antibiotics.) |
Smoking should be completely avoided! |
Notify dental clinic if any abnormal signs are noticed. |