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Latin Word

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Latin Word

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Latin Prefixes

Common Latin Prefixes

Latin WordMeaningExamples
ab- from; away from abnirmal, absent
ad- to; motion toward; addition to adapt, addict
aero- air aerobic, aerobiology
amphi- both, around amphibian, amphitheater
an- not anonymous, anarchy
ante- before antecede, antedate
anti- against; opposite; reverse antibiotics, antifreeze
ap- to; nearest to approximate
auto- self automatic, autograph
bene- good benediction, benefactor
bi- two bifacial, bicycle
circum- around circumference
co-, con- together coauthor, coworker
contra- against contradict
de- opposite of; away from; former deactive, deform, degrade
dis- opposite disagree, disarm
ex- out; beyond; away from; former excel, exclude, exhale
extra- outside; beyond; besides extraordinary
for- not forbid, forget, forgo
fore- before forecast, foreword, forestall
hyper- more than normal; too much hyperactive,
il- not illegal, illegible, illiterate
im- into immediate, immerse, immigrate
im- not imbalance, immature, immobilize
in- not; go into inaccurate, inactive
inter- among; between interaction, intercede, interchange
intra- within intramural, intrastate
ir- not irredeemable, irregular, irresponsible
mal- wrong; bad maladjusted, malfunction
mis- wrong; bad; no; not misfire, misbehave, misconduct
non- not; opposite of noncommittal, nonconductor
ob- against obstacle, obstinate, obstruct
per- through percolate, perceive
post- after postgraduate
pre- before preamble, prearrange
pro- before; for; in support of prognosis, program
pro- forward proceed, produce
re- back; again recall, recede, reflect
retro- backward retroactive
se- apart secure, secede, secession
self- of the self self-taught, self-respect
semi- half, partly semicircle, semiformal
sub- under; beneath subcontract, subject
super- over superabound, superabundant
trans- across; over transatlantic, transcend
ultra- extremely ultraliberal, ultramodern
un- not unable, uncomfortable, uncertain
sur- over; above surchange, surface
Popular Latin sets




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