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Pharm Eye and Ear

Spaces inside the eye Anterior cavity Anterior chamber from the cornea to iris
Spaces inside the eye Posterior chamber between the iris and the lens
Ciliary body produces aqueous humor
Aqueous humor helps to give shape to the eye and circulates nutrients and removes waste
Aqueous humor flows through pupil into anterior chamber
Trabecular meshwork at edges of anterior chamber canal of Schlemm connects with venous system
Production of aqueous humor is normally in balance with outlfow of aqueous humor
Glaucoma is blockage of outflow of aqueous humor; IOP above 21 mm Hg; Optic nerve destroyed over time
With Glaucoma you loose peripheral visual field and central visual acuity
With Glaucoma you are somewhat blind, kinda blind or totally blind? Totally blind
What is one of the leading causes of blindness? Gluacoma
Primary glaucoma you have impaired canal of Schlemm, no precipitating cause.
Can Glaucoma be genetic? Yes
Can Glaucoma be congenital? yes
When does Glaucoma occur? In clients over 60 years of age
In Secondary glaucoma it is caused by eye trauma or disease and certain medications
What type of trauam or disease can cause Secondary glaucoma? Infection, hemorrhage, tumor and cataracts
In Secondary glaucome it is also caused by medications. What type of meds can cause this? Topical glucocorticoids, Antihistamines, Antidepressants and some antihypertensives
What are some risk factors for Glaucoma? HNT, Migraine HA, Nearsightedness, Farsightedness,normal aging
What is Tonometry? Measures intraocular pressure
In glaucoma how do pressures build? gradually
There are three "gradual" symptoms with glaucoma what are they? Gradual destruction of optic nerve; gradual change in visual field; gradual increase in pressure
What is normal range of intraocular pressure? 12-21 mm Hg
What are the two types of Glaucoma? closed angle glaucoma and Open angle glaucoma
Closed angle glaucoma has two other names which are? Acute glaucoma and Narrow angle glaucoma
Open angle glaucoma is chronic, simple glaucoma and is 90% of the cases
closed angle glaucoma has other names, Acute and Narrow; is the uncommon form of glaucoma and is unilateral (can occur in one eye)
In the two types of glaucoma, closed angle and open angle which one affects older adults and ppl of Asian descent? Closed-angle glaucoma
What are the signs and symptoms of closed/narrow angle glaucoma? Caused by sudden inc in IOP, stress, impact injury, medications and is an emergent situation
What are the signs and symptoms of closed/narrow angle glaucoma? intense eye pain or HA, bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, bulging iris
What are the signs and symptoms of Open angle glaucoma? iris does not cover the trabecular meshwork; is the most common type; usually bilateral; IOP increases slowly and often asymptomatic
What are the goals of Glaucoma? improve circulation of aqueous humor; adjust the circulation of aqueous humor, improve aqueous humor outflow; medications or surgical alternatives
When do they use surgery in glaucoma? Acute cases
What is the name of the surgical procedure performed? Gonioplasty; Laser iridotomy; peripheral iridectomy
What is Gonioplasty? Laser burns holes in periphery of iris, causing the iris to contract thus opening the angle
What is laser iridotomy? Small hole in iris allows fluid to drain better
What is Peripheral iridectomy? Section of iris is removed
What are the goals for open angle glaucoma? Increase outflow of aqueous humor at the canal of Schlemm and decrease formation of aqueous humor of ciliary body
What are the administration alerts of the medication? Remove contact lens before instillation and keep out for 15 min; Avoid touching the eye or eyelashes with any part of the dropper to avoid contamination; wait 5 min before instillation of additional eye drops
What are the groups of meds for glaucoma? Cholinergic agonists, Sympathomimetics, Prostaglandins, Beta-adrenergic blockers, Alpha2 - adrenergic agonists, Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, Osmotic diuretics
Acetylcholine (Ach) Nicotinic receptor works on skeletal muscle; smooth muscle and glands
Acetylcholine (Ach) Muscarinic receptor works on Smooth muscle, glands, decreases heart rate, decreases strength of heart contraction
What is the Physiology of acetylcholine synthesized in the presynaptic neuron, then stored in vesicles; Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) destroys/erases Ach; agonist encourage something to happen
What do Miotics (cholinergic agonists) do? Change the tradbecular meshwork to allow greater outflow of fluid which decreases IOP;
What are Miotics direct acting cholinergic agonists drugs? carbochol (Isopto Carbachol) pilocarpine HCL (Isopto Carpine)
What does Miotics indirect-acting cholinergic agonist do? inhibit cholinesterase activity demecarium bromide (Humorsol)
Side effects of Cholinergic agonists are stinging, burning, eye pain; altered vision, HA; sweating, muscle weakness, v
When do they use these medications in glaucoma patients? (cholinergic agonists) In open agnle glaucoma not responding to other drug therapies
What is the antidote for toxicity in choliergic agaonist? pralidoxime chloride, (Z-PAM)
What effect will a cholinergic agonist have on the size of the pupil? Miotic, constriction
Sympathomimetic drugs for glaucoma are nonselective and activate the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight)
Prototype drug is? dipivefrin (Propine)
dipivefrin (Propine)does? converts to epinephrine in the eye; produces dilation of the eye (mydriasis); inc outflow of aqueous humor; reduces IOP
if epinephrine reaches system circulation what also happens? increases blood pressure and pressure
Prostaglandin-inhibiting agents actions are? decreasing aqueous humor production and increase outflow
Adverse effections of Prostaglandin-inhibiting agents actions are? May change the pigmentation of the eye; ppl w light color eyes may becomes more brown
Prototype: latanoprost (Xalatan)actions are? increased outflow of aqueous humor; reaches peak effect in 12 hours
latanoprost (Xalatan)actions side effects are? Tearing; conjuctival edema; dryness, burning, itching; sensation of foreign body in the eye; photophobia; orther visual disturbances
When do you administer latanoprost (Xalatan)? HS
Beta blocking drugs are drug of choice for open angle glaucoma, chronic/simple
What are the actions of beta blocking drugs on glaucoma? decrease production of aqueous humor thus decreasing IOP; rare ocular side effects; rare systemic effects - bronchospasm, bradycardia, hypotension
What are some examples of beta blockers? betaxolol (Betaoptic), carteolol (Ocupres), levobunolol (Betagen), metipranolol (OptePranolol), timolol (Timoptic)
What type of side effects do Alpha2-adrenergic agonist have? minimal cardiovascular and pumonary side effects
How are carbonic anhydrase inhibitors taken? topical or po
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ... reduce production of aqueous humor
When do you use carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ? when beta blockers are not effective
What type of glaucoma is carbonic anhydrase most effective? open angle glaucoma
What are examples of carbonic anhydrase? acetazolamide (Diamox) taken po is a diuretic that works on HTN as well; brinzolamide (Azopt); dorzolamide (Trusopt)
What are the action of carbonic anhdrase inhibitors? diuretic; decreases production of aqueous humor
What are the precautions of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor? contains sulfur, may cause severe allergic reaction; may cause electrolyte imbalance
Osmotic diuretics are used during? eye surgery to decrease production of aqueous humor and is administered topical or po; & emergent treatment of acute/ closed angle glaucoma
Side effects of Osmotic diuretics ? HA, tremor, dizziness, dry mouth, electrolyte imbalance
Example of osmotic diuretic? glycerin anhydrous (Ophthalgan)and Manitol (IVP)
Which of the following increase the outflow of aqueous humor? Sympathomimetics, beta blockers, osmotic diurects, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors? Sumpathomimetics
What are the nursing considerations for glaucoma? monitor pts condition;
Prior to giving meds for glaucoma what should the nurse do? general health history; drug history for interactions; cardiovascular and respiratory system - heart block, CHF, COPD may not be able to take drug that act in the ANS; baseline blood pressure and pulse
What are the contraindications? Pregnancy and lactation; factors that may affect compliance such as financial resources; dexterity, dosing schedule
Patient education administration technique is wash hands; avoid touching tip of container w hands, eye and lashes; admin into conjuctival sac, apply pressure over lacrimal sac for one min to prevent systemic absorption
Patient education in glaucoma inc risk for falls r/t reduced visual fields & following admin of meds; visual diff may worsen or be blurry just after installation; removed contacts and wait 15 min b4 reinserting; report poss of pregnancy
What side effects should the patient report? eye irritation, burning, stinging; itching, sensation of foreign body in eye; photophobia, visual disturbances
Drugs used for eye exams provide relief for minor eye conditions
Examples of drugs used for eye exams are Cycloplegic drugs Mydriactic drugs Fluorescein sodium
Cycloplegic drugs actions are paralyze the ciliary muscles prevent lens from moving during exam
Example of cycloplegic drug is atropine (Isopto Atropine)
Side effects from cycloplegic drug is severely blurred vision loss of near vision
Mydriatic drugs actions are dilate the pupil to allow examination of the retina
Example of a mydriatic drug is tropicamide (Mydriacyl)
Side effects of mydriatic drugs are intense photophobia
Fluorescein sodium is used for diagnosing lesion on the surface of the eye temporarily stains the tears yellow so that lesions are easier to observe during slit lamp exam
Minor irritation and injury there are broad range of classes of drugs used such as antimicrobials; glucocorticoids; local anesthetics; Nsaids
Minor irritation and injury lubricants are lanolin alcohol (Lacri-lube) ointment - methylcellulose (Methulose)they are water soluble
Admin of eye ointment pull lower lid down to form a pouch apply oint from inner to outer part of eye have pt blink to distribute instruct pt 2 avoid taks requiring clear vision
Otic preparations treat infections inflammation ear wax buildup
External otitis is aka swimmer's ear
External otitis is associated with water exposure and can be very painful
How do you treat external otitis? otic drops - ABX, STEROIDS, PAIN MEDS sometimes may need systemic ABX
eXAMPLES OF OTIC PREPARATIONS ARE acetic acid & hydrocortisone benzocaine & antipyrine ciprofloxacin hydrochloride & hydrocortisone polymixin B, neomycin & hydrocortisone
Otitis media is inflammation of middle ear
Otitis media is associated with ? upper respiratory infections
What location of an ear infection is the most difficult to treat? Inner ear (Otitis media)
How do you treat Otis media? systemic ANB comfort meds for pain
Treatment for otitis Amoxicillin first line of defense - assess pt for allergy to penicillin; Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ), Bactrim is next choice - assess for sulfa allergy, maintain adequate U.O. to prevent crystalluria
Mark has an inf of the external ear. Treated w polymixin B, neomycin and hydrocortisone(Cortisporin)The steroid should relieve all his symptoms EXCEPT? Pain
Why was the polymixinB prescribed? This is an ABX and used to treat the infection
Mastoiditis is inflammation of the mastoid sinus
if mastoiditis goes untreated client could have hearing loss brain abscess
What is the treatment for mastoiditis? ABX BASIC TREAMENT TRIAL PERIOD
Surgery for mastoiditis is called mastoidectomy or meatoplasty
What types of ear wax are there? wet and dry
What could change the nature of the wax? age
Can ear wax cause problems with hearing? Yes, narrows ear canal and interferes with hearing and can cause pain in some people
What is another term for ear wax? cerumen
How do you manage wax buildup? mineral oil and cerumen softeners (Debrox (OTC brand) Lavage/irrigation w tepid water and asepto syringe
What are your nursing considerations? monitor patient's condition before admin otic preparations assess - baseline hearing/auditory status; symptoms and current medical conditions; hypersensitivities
Patient drug education warm ear drops to body temperature Lie down while instilling ear drops to avoid dizziness - remain lying on side w affected ear up for 5 min after admin, massage area around ear gently after admin
Patient drug education do not touch dropper to ear > age 3 hold pinna up and back during instillation < age 3 years hold pinna down and back
Created by: kgion
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