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Week 1 Exam 1 B233 Tuesday

Define epidemiology The study of health and disease in society
Define health Absence of disease, feel and are healthy physically, spiritually, and emotionally
Define wellness Disease may be present, but feel well
Define disease Failure of adaptive mechanisms, resulting in functional or structural disturbances
Define illness Subjective experience of individual combined with physical manifestation of disease, can feel ill without having disease
What is main objective of Healthy People 2010 Reduce health disparities and increase quality of life
Moving to right on wellness-illness continuum means Moving toward illness
Moving to left on wellness-illness continuum means Moving toward health
Moving up on wellness-illness continuum means Movement toward increasing wellness
Moving down on wellness-illness continuum means Movement toward decreasing wellness
Clinical model of health Absence of signs and symptoms of disease
Role performance model of health Individual's ability to perform social roles
Adaptive model of health Ability to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological change
Eudaimonistic model of health Exuberant well-being
Primary level of prevention Health promotion and specific protection
Secondary prevention Early diagnosis, prompt treatment, disability limitation
Tertiary prevention Restoration and rehabilitation
What is risk? Relative likelihood of getting disease
Transtheoretical model (4) Stages of Change, Decisional Balance, Self-Efficacy, Processes of change
Path for stages of change in transtheoretical model (6) Precontemplative, contemplative, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse
What is absolute risk? # of people with disease/# of people in population
What is relative risk? Weighted for other factors such as age, diet, alcohol intake
Advocate All people receive high-quality, appropriate, cost-effective care
Care manager Prevent duplication of services and reduce cost, Avoid care that is unproven, ineffective, or unsafe
Consultant Provide knowledge about health promotion and disease prevention to individuals and groups
Deliverer of services Delivery of direct services such as health education, flu shots, counseling in health promotion
Educator Teach others healthy behaviors
Healer Help patients return to a state of wellness
Researcher Evidence based practice, collection of data
Created by: bjperkin
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