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The Blood13

Key Terms & Word Anatomy

Clumping of cells due to an antigen-antibody reaction Agglutination
Abnormally low level of hemoglobin or red cells in the blood, resulting in inadequate delivery of oxygen to the tissues Anemia
Foreign substance that produces an immune response. Antigen
Serum containing antibodies that may be given to provide passive immunity; immune serum Antiserum
An instrument that separates materials ion a mixture based on density. Centrifuge
Clotting, as of the blood Coagulation
Precipitate formed when plasma is frozen and then thawed. Cryoprecipitate
Red Blood cell Erythrocyte
Blood protein that forms a blood clot Fibrin
Volume percentage of red blood cells in whole blood; packed cell volume Hematocrit
Iron-containing protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen Hemoglobin
Rupture of red blood cells Hemolysis
Loss of blood Hemorrhage
Stoppage of bleeding Hemostasis
Malignant blood disease characterized by abnormal development of white blood cells Leukemia
Very large cell that gives rise to blood platelets Megakaryocyte
Liquid portion of the blood Plasma
Cell fragment that forms a plug to stop bleeding and acts in blood clotting Platelet
Another term for Platelet, which is a cell fragment that forms a plug to stop bleeding and acts in blood clotting. Thrombocyte
Liquid portion of blood without clotting factors; thin, watery fluid Serum
Deficiency of platelets in the blood Thrombocytopenia
Introduction of blood or blood components directly into the blood stream Transfusion
Erythro/o Red, Red blood cell
Leuk/o White, Colorless
Thromb/o Blood clot
Hemat/o Blood
Hemo Blood
Morph/o Shape
Lymph/o Lymph, Lymphatic system
Mon/o Single, one
Phag/o eat, ingest
Macr/o large
Kary/o Nucleus
-gen Producing, originating
pro- before, in front of
-lysis Loosening, dissolving, separating
cry/o Cold
-emia (from -hemia) Blood
-penia lack of
Created by: lonelystar884
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