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HA Part II


Have a client occlude the tragus of one ear.Whisper a 2 syllable word 1-2 feet behind the client the repeat this with the other ear. Whisper Test
use tuning fork placed on the center of the head or forehead. Ask whether the client hears the sound better in one ear or the same in both ears. Weber Test
use tuning fork and place at the base on the client's mastoid process.When the client no longer hears the sound, note the time interval and move it in front of the external ear. When the cient no longer hears the sound, note the time interval. Rinne Test
Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation PERRLA
Pupillary Rxn to light: Darken room, have client focus on a distant object, shine light obliquely into the pupil and observe the pupil's rxn to light. Normally, pupils constrict PERRLA
shifting gaze from far to near (use a pin move it closer to the nose). Normally, pupils constrict and converge. Accommodation
Normal is 20/20. The top # stays the same, the bottom indic the distance that you can see the chart at. 20/30 means you can see at 20 feet what others can see at 30 feet (20 is constant because you are stationary) Snellen Charts
Cancer is most commonly found in the Axillary Tail of Spencein where? Breast
Upper outer quadrant (R/L), Lower outer quadrant (R/L), Lower inner quadrant (R/L), Upper inner quadrant (R/L) Breast
Gender,age,genetics,early or late menopause,no natural kids,first kid after 30,oral contraceptives,alcohol usage,breast irradation,hormone replacement,wet ear wax,smoking,radiation to chest as a child Breast Cancer Risk Factors
supernumerary nipples, fixation, edema, mastitis, nippled discharge, Abnormal findings in female breasts
gynecomatia, carcinoma abnormal findings in male breasts
Prebycusis common after 50 yrs. Negative self-image with hearing aid,elongated earlobes with linear wrinkles, harder,cerumen builds as cilia in ear canal become more rigid, coarse,thick wire-like hair may grow at ear canalentrance eardrum appears cloudy Ears of the elderly
decrease in size, decrease in firmness, glandular tissue decreases whereas fatty tissue increases Breast of the elderly
Gums recede,ischemic and undergo fibrotic changes,tooth surfaces worn down,decr ability to smell and taste. Oral Mucosa drier and more fragile. Varicose veins ventral surface of tongue. Mouth of the elderly
pale, lesions, dry, loss of turgor Skin of the elderly
thinner Hair of the elderly
thickened, yellow, brittle Nails of the elderly
pain and decr range of motion,facial wrinkles,lower face shrink and the mouth may be drawn inward, pulsation of temporal artery decr,cervical curvature incr,decr flexion,extension,lateral bending,rotation of the neck,thyroid more nodular or irregular. Neck of the elderly
high harsh or hollow Loud short during inspiration,long in expiration trachea and thorax BRONCHIAL
moderate mixed moderate same during inspiration and expiration located over the major bronchi-posterior between scapulae;anterior:around the upper sternum in the first and second intercostal spaces Bronchovesicular
low breezy soft long in inspiration,short in expiration located in peripheral lung fields Vesicular
Cranial Nerve I: "God gave us 1 nose." Smell. Test:have client occlude one nostril w/finger.Ask client to identify nonirritating and familiar odors.Repeat test w/other nostril. Olfactory nerve I
Cranial Nerve II: "God gave us 2 eyes." Vision. Test: assess w/Snellen chart and perform an opthalmoscopic exam.Chk peripheral vision by confrontation and chk color vision. Optic nerve II
Cranial Nerve III:"3,4,6 makes my eyes do tricks!" Motor.Contr pupilary constrctn,upper eyelid mvmnt& most eye mvmnt.Tested with IV and VI.Inspect eyelid for ptosis(drooping),assess ocular mvmnts¬e deviatns.Test accomm&direct consensual light reflexes. Oculomotor Nerve III
Cranial Nerve IV:"3,4,6 makes my eyes do tricks!" Motor.Contr downward&inward eye mvmnt.Tested w/3&6.Inspect eyelids for drooping,assess ocular mvmnts and note any eye deviation.Test accomm, direct and consensual light reflexes. Trochlear Nerve IV
Cranial Nerve VI:"3,4,6 makes my eyes do tricks!"Motor.Controls lateral eye movement.Tested w/3&4.Inspect eyelids for drooping,assess ocular mvmnts and note any eye deviation.Test accomm,direct and consensual light reflexes. Abducens Nerve VI
Cranial Nerve V:"TRI"Sensory and Motor.Contr sensation in the cornea,nasal & oral mucosa,& facial skin,and chewing.Test:Ask client to clench teeth&assess the chewing musc then try to open the clients jaws after asking client to keep them tightly closed. Trigeminal Nerve V
If client is alert&blinking normally the cotton wisp test does not need to be done.Touch the cornea w/the cotton wisp.Sensory:tell client to close their eyes and lightly touching the forehead,cheeks,chin, then noting if they felt equally on both sides Trigeminal Nerve V
Cranial Nerve VII:"Across face." Sensory&Motor.Contr mvmnt of face and taste.Test:taste percep on the anterior 2/3 of tongue;salty&sweet.Have the client smile,frown,show teeth.Ask client to close eyes against resistance. Facial Nerve VII
Cranial Nerve VIII:"Fits nicely in your ear."Contr hearing&vestib funxn,sensory.Hearing Testing the cochlear portion,acuity tests.Equilibrium Testing:vestibular portion. Ex:swaying when standing or walking. Weber or Rinne Test. Acoustic Nerve VIII
Cranial Nerve IX:(9&10 Under my chin.)Sensory&Motor.Contr abil to swallow,sensatn in soft palate,tonsillar mucosa,taste percep on posterior 1/3 of tongue&salivatn.Client should taste bitter/sour.Client says aah,watch symm elev of soft palate.Gag reflex. Glossopharyngeal Nerve IX
Cranial Nerve X:("9&10 Under my chin.")Sensory&Motor.Contr swallowing&phonation,sens in ext ear posterial wall,sens behind ear.Contr sens in thoracic & abdominal viscera. Tested with Cranial Nerve IV. VAGUS NERVE X
Cranial Nerve XI:"Shrug shoulders." Motor,contr neck and shoulder musc.Palpate and inspect the sternocleidomastoid muscle as the client pushes the chin against the nurses hand.Next the test the trap musc.client shrugs shoul against the nurse's hands Spinal Accessory Nerve XI
"Stick out your tongue."Motor.Contr tongue mvmnt invol in swallowing&speech.Obs tongue for asymmetry,atrophy,deviation to 1side,&uncomf twitching.Ask client to push the tongue against a tongue depressor,then have client move tongue fast in&out,side-side. Hypoglossal Nerve XII
cond in which the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone.Often called "overactive thyroid."thyroid releases too much of its hormones over a short(acute)/long (chronic)per of time.Many diseases can cause this. Hyperthyroidism
MANY diseases and cond can cause this problem, inclu:Getting too much iodine.Graves disease (accounts for most cases.Inflammation (thyroiditis) of the thyroid due to viral infections or other causes.Noncancerous growths of the thyroid gland or pituitary g Hyperthyroidism
swelling in the anterior neck,weight loss,excessive perspiration,hungry all the time,slightly enlarged thyroid,bruit heard during thyroid ascultation. Hyperthyroidism
a collapsed or airless state of the lung that may be the result of airway obstruction caused by accum secretions or failure of client to deep breathe or ambulate about after surgery;a post-op complication that usually occurs 1-2days after surgery. Atelectasis
Beau's lines (acute illness),Spoon nails (deficiency anemia),Early clubbing (oxygen deficiency), pitting (Psoriasis),Late clubbing (oxygen deficiency),Paronychia (local infec) Common Nail Disorders
trachea pulled to one side in cases of tumors,thyroid gland enlargement,aortic aneurysm,pneumothorax,atelectasis,or fibrosis. Coarse tissue,irrugular consistency may indicate an inflamm process. A soft,blowing,swishing sound auscultated over thyroid. Abnormalities of the neck
Asymmetry,Border,Color,Diameter,Elevation! Used in identification of skin cancer. ABCDE of skin assessment
normally are palpable,round,smaller than 1cm,imp to assess size,shape, position ,mobility,consistency,tenderness and locale. Normal lymph nodes
nodes in front of ear preauricular nodes
nodes behind the ear postauricular nodes
nodes at posterior base of the skull Occipital nodes
nodes on the medial border of the mandible submandibular nodes
nodes at the angle of the mandible on the front edge of the sternomastoid muscle tonsillar nodes
nodes a few cm behind the tip of the mandible submental nodes
enlargement,tenderness,swelling,immobility,hard and nontender on the left side may indic metastasis from malignancy in the abdomen or thorax! Abnormalities of Lymph Nodes
noninvasive test that registers the Oxy sat of the client's hemoglobin.The capillary Oxy Sat is meas as a %.Norm Val 96-100%.Read can alert nurse to hypoxemia b4 clin signs occur.sensor is put on clients finger,toe,nose,earlobe,forehead to meas oxy sat. Pulse Oximetry
H:How torelease info to the healthcare workers that "NEED TO KNOW." H in HIPAA
I: Impermissible uses and disclosures resulting in lawsuits. I in HIPAA
P: Protect privacy of individual identifiable healthcare information. P in HIPAA
A: Arrange for sharing information with family in a discrete manner. A in HIPAA
A: Access by client to medical records, including the right to see and copy! A in HIPAA
Nurse needs: Sphyg,steth,thermometer (oral, tymp,rectal,elec),watch w/2nd hand,pain rating scale Equipment needed for VITAL signs
obtain temp, PR, RR, papitate radial pulse and pump BP cuff until you can no longer feel the radial pulse,then auscultate brachial artery with steth,pump cuff 30mm Hg over,obtain sys and dia data Getting a patients BP and Vitals
small cup of water to aid in swallowing head and neck exam
ruler with cm markings,magnifying glass,woods light skin,hair,nails exam
penlight,Snellen chart,Opthamaloscope,cover card eye exam
otoscope,tuning fork ear exam
penight,tongue depressor mouth,throat,nose and sinus exam
stath (diaphragm),markingpencil, cm ruler thorax and lung exam
steth (bell&diaphragm) and two cm rulers heart and neck exam
describe the sign or symptom. Feeling,appearance,sound,smell, or taste. Character (C in COLDSPA)
When did it begin? Onset (O in COLDSPA)
Where is it? Does it radiate? Does it occure amywhere else? Location (L in COLDSPA)
How long does it last? Does it recur? Duration (D in COLDSPA)
How bad is it? How much does it bother you? Severity (S in COLDSPA)
What other symptoms occur with it? How does it affect you? Associated factors/Affects on client (A in COLDSPA)
hands-on physical exam. non-invasive.common.physical assessment.prov data that reflect the status of several body sys inclu:cardiovasc,neuro,periph vas,resp sys. Vital Signs
96-99.9 F orally, 95-98 F (Axillary), 97-100 F (Rectal),lowest in the AM and highest in the late evening (8pm-12am). Old Folks are 95-97.5 F.Above 100 or below 96 is abnormal! Temperature
shock wave produced when the heart contracts and forcefully pumps blood out if the ventricles into the aorta. The shock wave travels along the fibers of the arteries and is commonly called arterial or peripheral what? Pulse
gives a a good picture of the clients overall health. Assess rate, rhythm,amplitude,contour,elasticity...thready/weak,Normal,Bounding.If an abnormality is assessed further assessment should be performed! Radial Pulse
can be easily observed w/out alerting the client by watching the chest rise and fall b4 removing the steth after you have completed the apical beat. Respirations
pressure exerted on walls of the arteries.Varies with cardiac cycle, reaching a high point w/systole and a low point w/diastole.A pressure of blood in arteries when ventricles are contracted(sys)and when ventricles are relaxed(dia).Expressed ay sys/dia. Blood pressure (BP)
BP increases with increased______and decreases with decreased_____. Cariac Output
BP increases when more effort is required to push blood through stiffened arteries. Distensibility of the arteries
BP increases with increased_______ and decreases with decreased ______. Blood volume
BP increases when blood flow is slowed due to resistance and decreases when blood flow meets no resistance. Blood velocity
BP increases when the blood is thickened and decreases with thinning of the blood. Blood viscosity
the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure Pulse Pressure
screening for this is very imp in devel a comprehensive plan of care for patient.its essential to assess for__during the initial assessment.when __is present it is imp to identify the location,intensity,quality,duration,alleviating or aggravating factors. PAIN
intensity measurement tool. 1-10 Likert scale. Quality of ___may be described using COLDSPA. Pain assessment
when ____ and ____ are abnormal, they should be further assessed,further explored, re-assessed at a later time,decided by the nurse.Also referal to the client's promary care physician. Vital signs and Pain
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, which we primarily assoc w/tissue damage.Explained as a combo of physiological phenomena but with psychosocial aspects that influence perception of the ___."___ is what every person says it is!" Pain
pain perceived at the source and extending to other tissues Radiating
pain perceived in body areas away from pain source Referred
pain that causes an abnormal processing of pain msgs and results from past damage to peripheral or central nerves due to sustained neurochemical levels. Neuropathic pain
pain with high resistance to pain relief Intractable Pain
lying flat on your back Supine position
lying face down (arms may be positioned internally or externally) Prone position
side-lying position. prevents pain and bleeding. Lateral position(Lateral Recumbent)
forward side-lying position Sims' or semi-prone position
lying on right side. Prevents pain and bleeding. Right Lateral Recumbent position
lying on left side. prevents pain and bleeding. Left Lateral Recumbent position
positioning client with the head of the bed 30 degrees, reduces swelling and edema in neck area. Semi-Fowler's position
a person sitting straight up or leaning SLIGHTLY back (45 degrees). Legs may be straight or bent.Reduces swelling and edema in neck area. Fowler's position
a person lying supine with their head slightly lower than their feet Trendelenberg Position
lying flat or your back with your legs in stirrups. Lithotomy Position
a person lying supine (flat on back) with their feet slightly lower than their head.Prescribed to promote gastric emptying and prevent esophagul reflex. Reverse Trendelenberg Position
people sit in this position with their hands on their knees and their elbows out,leaning fwd. they do this bc theyre short of breath and struggling to get enough air.This position should worry you. Tripod position or tripoding
A patient sittingin the ____position with their legs crossed is usually not in any distress. A patient is sitting upright. High Fowler's
Created by: boomer_bevo
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