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test 2

Classification of surgery based on seriousness Major- extensive alteration to body parts and can pose risk to well-being, Minor- involve minimal alteration in body parts
Classification of surgery based on urgency emergent (immediate attention), Urgent (requires prompt attention, Elective
Classification of surgery based on purpose Diagnostic(to confirm diagnosis), Ablation (removal of diseased part), Palliative (relieves intensity of symptoms), reconstructive (restores function or appearance), transplant , contructive(restores function caused by congenital defects)
Surgery settings impatient, outpatient or short stay surgical centers
systems and demographics to get thorough assessment of prior to surgery respiratory, cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, endocrine, immune funtion/allergies, drug/alcohol use/smoking, previous medication use as well as current, cultural, psychosocial, and education/experience (for teaching purposes)
nursing diagnosis related to surgery anxiety and fear knowledge deficit
ideally, when should preop teaching happen? 2-3 days prior
topics covered in preop teaching surgical events (waiting area and times), pain management (types and meds), physical activity(postop coughing, splinting, ambulation etc), Psychosocial (reduce anxiety), decreasing fear (when can family be with them), cultural beliefs, physical prep
preop checklist nutrition/hydration, elimination (intake/output), rest and sleep, hygiene, medications, antiembolism stockings, personal valuables, prostheses (inc. contacts, glasses, dentures), special orders, skin prep (scrub/shave)
pre-op meds sometimes include: analgesics/narcotics, sedatives, anti-cholinergics, anti-emedics(not vomiting), histamine receptor antagonist(dec. gastric secretion), IV antibiotics(profilactically/on-call)
What precaution is used upon administering sedatives? raising the bed rails
Who is a part of the surgical team? Patient, circulation nurse, scrub nurse, surgeon, anesthesiologist/CRNA
General Anesthesia works by blocking awareness centers in the brain creating an amnesia type response
what type of anesthesia requires intubation with ET tube? general
complications with ET tube laryngospasms, laryngyoedema, itchy throat, injury to the vocal chords
can other meds be given with general anesthesia? yes.
Regional anesthesia a block of nerve impulses to and from a specific region of the body in which the patient will lose sensation and motor ability but the patient remains conscious
types of regional anesthetic topical, local, spinal, epidural
Assessment upon arrival in surgical suite Check identity, alertness/orientation, assess physical/emotional, verify preop checklist, verify procedure with pat., assess response to preop meds, tube patency, continuous asessment
nursing diagnosis related to surgery risk for injury, risk for infection, anxiety, and hypothermia or hypothermia
trendelenburg position in which patient is supine and inclined with waist above head
lithotomy supine position with legs up and flexed--OB, rectal and perineal
anaphylaxis life-threatening, acute allergic reaction that causes vasodilation, hypotension, and bronchial contriction--can be immediate or delayed reaction to meds
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation thrombus formation and depletion of certain clotting factors; life-threatening. usually dies quickly (bleeding freely in some areas while clotting in others
how frequently is the patient assessed in PACU? every 10-15 minutes
-ectomy surgical removal of
lysis destruction of dissolution of
-orrhaphy surgical repair of
-ostomy opening made to allow passage of drainage
-otomy opening into
-pexy fixation of
-plasty plastic surgery
Created by: laceynickie
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