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Presidential Events

Elkins Act Strengthen laws against rebates
Hay-Herran Treaty Rejected by Colombian Senate
Killed by Czolgosz Polish anarchist assassinates McKinley
Treaty of Paris Ends Spanish-American War
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty US obtains rights to Panama Canal
Meat Inspection Act "the jungle" inspired this reform
USS Maine Destroyed Spanish blamed
Teller Amendment Promised Cuban Independence
Platt Amendment Made Cuba a US satellite
Postal Savings bank banking at the post office
Hawaii annexed Queen Liliuokalani deposed
de Lome Letter Spanish minister insults McKinley
Dingley Tariff McKinley's high tariff
16th Amendment submitted to states President Taft initiates income tax
Hepburn Act T.R. Administration strengthens ICC
Trust Busting (Taft) Higher record than T.R.
Mann-Elkins Act Taft Administration strengthens ICC
Payne Aldrich Tariff promised low tariffs but signed this high one
Canadian Reciprocity Treaty Foreign competition in agriculture
Yellow Journalism and jingoism Joseph Pulitzer and WR Hearst
Fired Gifford Pinchot as National Conservation Chairman Ballinger-Pinchot controversy
Hay-Paunceforte Treaty Abrogates the Clayton-Bulwear Treaty
White House Conference on Conservation Governors assemble in Washington DC
Newlands Reclamation Act Sale of federal lands to finance irrigation projects
Nashville helps revolution stops Colombian troop movement
Busts Northern Securities Company first trust(holding Company) T.R. busted
"Square Deal" Theodore Roosevelt Campaign slogan
Pure Food and Drug Act labels and ingredients required
Anthracite coal strike Dramatized square deal
Spanish-American War Splendid little war-John Hay
"The New Freedom" Wilson's slogan
Underwood Simmons Tariff First Scientific tariff
Clayton Anti-Trust Act "Magna Carta of Labor"-Sam Gompers
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Investigates unfair business practice
Keating - Owen Act Abolishes child labor temporarily
Federal Reserve System Reservoir of capital, regulation of economy
Dollar matching Federal-State cooperation for highway construction
Smith-Lever Act Federal aid for agricultural schools
Adamson Act 8 hr work day for railroad workers, same pay as previous 10 hr day.
16th, 17th, 18th, 19th amendments Income tax, direct election of senators, prohibition, women suffrage.
World War I "war to end all wars"
Fourteen Points "just and lasting peace", "peace w/o victory", "peace among equals"
Treaty of Versailles Rejected by US senate
League of Nations Pg 1 of the treaty of Versailles
Palmer Raids Red Score
"Back to Normalcy" Harding's slogan
Alien Property scandal Thomas Miller goes to prison
Veteran's Bureau Scandal Col. Forbes steals $250 million
Teapot Dome Scandal Albert Fall, Secretary of Interior, goes to prison
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Second highest tariff in US history
Washington Naval Conference Republication Versailles, sets naval quotas
Rise of the Ku Klux Klan Between 4 and 5 million by 1925
National Origins Act Discriminates against southeastern Europeans
Dawes Plan Coolidge collects war debts
Long naps Inactive President
Lindberg flight New York to Paris, nonstop
Scopes trial Darrow defends right to teach evolution
Vote of McNary-Haugen farm legislation Coolidge denies farm relief
Kellogg-Briand Pact 62 nations "out law" war
"Final Triumph over poverty" Hoover's boast
Wickersham Commission Study of prohibition
Stock Market crash Fuse on the Great Depression
Great Depression begins in the Hoover Administration
Hawley Smoot Tariff Highest tariff in US history
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Government loans to business
Created by: rod0512
Popular U.S. History sets




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