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68wm6 p2 Par Dis

Parathyroid Disorders

What PTs are Laryngospasms, Trousseau's sign, and Chvostek's signs common in? hypoparathyroidism
How many parathyroid glands are there? Four
Where is the parathyroid located? the posterior surface of the thyroid gland
What is the purpose of Parathormone? *Increases the concentration of calcium in the blood *Regulates the amount of phosphorus in the blood *Antagonist to calcitonin released by thyroid gland
What is the effect of parathormone on the kidneys? *Increases reabsorption of calcium and magnesium from kidney tubules *Increases elimination of phosphorous by kidneys
What is the most common cause of Hypoparathyroidism? Inadvertently removing or destroying one or more parathyroid glands during a thyroidectomy
What can severe hypocalcemia cause? *Laryngeal spasm *Stridor *Cyanosis with increased risk of asphyxia *Calcification of the basal ganglia in the brain
What are the diagnostic lab findings in hypoparathyroidism? decreased serum calcium with increased urinary calcium, and increased serum phosphorus with decreased urinary phosphorus
What is the immediate Tx of hypoparathyroid tetany? *IV adminsitration of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride (10%) *NOT TO EXCEED 1ml/minute
What vitamin increases absorption of calcium? Vitamin D
Any patient receiving calcium, especially IV, must be monitored for signs of hypercalcemia. What are the most common clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia? *Vomiting *Disorientation *Anorexia *Abdominal pain *Weakness
What are S/Sx of Hypercalcemia? *Skeletal pain *Pain on weight bearing *Pathological fractures *Kidney stone formation *Bradycardia
What is the diuretic of choice for hypercalcemia, and why? Lasix is the diuretic of choice. Thiazide diuretics are not used, because they decrease renal excretion of calcium and thus increase the hypercalcemic state
Created by: Shanejqb
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