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Stress and Coping
Potter and Perry Chapter 31
Question | Answer |
Why is it important that a nurse recognizes the signs and symptoms of stress? | To aid in personal coping. To design stress management interventions for clients and their families. |
What it stress? | Stress is an experience that a person is exposed to, through a stimulus or a stressor. It is also the appraisal, or perception of a stressor. |
What is the definition of a stressor? | Stressors are disruptive forces operating within or on any system. |
What is the definition of an appraisal? | Appraisal is how: 1) people interpret the impact of the stressor on themselves. 2) how they interpret what is happening. 3) what they are going to do about it. |
Crisis | When stress overwehlems a person's existing coping mechanisms, disequilibrium occurs, and a crisis results. |
Trauma | is when symptoms of stress persist beyond the duration of the stressor. |