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Question | Answer |
What are the two key components of whole blood? | Blood Plasma and Formed elements |
What are the 3 main components of Blood Plasma? | Water,proteins and solutes |
What are the three main proteins found in blood? | Albumins, Globulins and fibrogen |
What are the 6 solutes found in blood? | Electrolytes,nutrients,gases,regulatory substances, vitamins and water products. |
what are formed elements? | They are cells and cell fragments. |
what are the three classes of formed elements? | Platelets,white blood cells and red blood cells. |
What are the five clsses of white blood cells? | Neutrophils,lymphocytes,monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. |
What is the relationship of erythrocyte and erythropoiesis? | An erythrocyte is an actual red blood cell that carries oxygen and an erythropoiesis is the FORMATION of red blood cells. |
What is the relationship of red blood cells and reticulocytes? | A reticulocyte is an immature red blood cell, they both carry oxygen |
What is the function of a neutrophils? | It is a white blood cell that destroys invading bacteria done by phagocytosis |
What is the function of a monocytes? | The same as a neutrophil, it kills invading bacteria by phagocytosis |
What is the function of eosinophils? | They are white blood cells that kill parasites, destroys cancer calls and are involved in allegergic responses. |
What is the function of basophils? | is a white blood cell that increases inflammation in the tissues. |
What is the role of B,T and natural killer cells? | They all are part of the immune system. B-cells produce antibodies that help destroy bacteria. T-cells attack viruses.and natural killers attack a variety of infectious microbes. |
What is hemostasis? | a sequence of responses that stops bleeding when blood vessels are injured. |
What are the three methods of reduction of blood loss? | The three methods are vascular spasm, platelet plug and clotting. |
What is a hemorrhage? | The loss of a large amount of blood from the vessels |
what does vascular spasm aid in hemostasis? | It reduces blood loss for a couple minutes and then hemostatic mechanism begins to operate. |
How does the platelet plug help in hemostasis? | when bleeding occurs the platelets come together to make a plug that helps fill the gap of the injured blood vessels. |
How does clotting help in hemostasis? | It forms a gel to reduce the bleeding. |
The difference between Thrombus and an embolus is | A thombus is the actual blood clot, it can dissolve. An embolus is a clot that transported by the blood stream. |
What is a pulomonary embolism and why is it dangerous? | when an embolus becomes lodged is in the lungs,it can result in right ventricular failure and death in a few minutes or hours. |
What makes one blood group different than the other? | Based on the presence or absense of isoantiigens. |
How is type A blood different from Type B ? | Type A blood has only type A antigens and makes antibodies against other types besides O and A . Type B blood has B antigens and make antibodies against the rest except O and B. |
How is type AB blood different from types A and B blood? | It has Both A and B antigens. |
What does an A antibody do? What does a B antibody do? | A antibody reacts with antigen A. And B antibodies react with B antigens. |
Who has an A antibody who does not? | Type A blood has antibody A as well as AB blood. but the rest of the blood type do not. |
Who has B antibody who does not? | Type B blood have B antibodies as well as type AB. The rest do not. |
What happens in an uncompatible blood transfusion? | antibodies in the persons plasma bind to the antigens on the donated red blood cells. |
What is the difference of Rh+ and Rh- blood? | Rh+ stand for a person that has the blood of the monkey rhesus.Rh- is the lack of rhesus monley in us. |
What is Anemia and what are the symptoms of it? | Condition in which oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is reduced. Fatigueness, intolerent to the cold, and skin appears pale are some of the symptoms. |
What is the cause of iron-deficiency anemia? | inadequate absorption of iron,excessive lossor iron, or insuffient intake or iron. |
What is the cause of pemicious anemia? | Insuffient hemopoesis resulting from an inability of the stomach to produce intrinstic factor needed to absorbof vitamin B. |
What is the cause of hemorrhagic anemia? | excessive loss of red blood cells through bleeding from large wounds, stomach ulcers and heavy menstrual cycles. |
What is the cause of thalassemia? | abnormality in one or more of the four polypeptide chains of the hemoglobin molecule. |
What is the cause of hemolytic anemia? | Red blood cell plasma membranes rupture too soon. |
What is the cause of aplastic anemia? | destruction of the red bone marrow caused by toxins, gamma radiation, and medication that inhibit enzymes needed for hemopoesis. |
What is the cause and symptoms of sickle cell anemia? | Hemoglobin S gives up oxygen to the interstitual fluid, it forms long stiff, rodlike structures that bend the red blood cells into a sickle shape, they rupture easily. Symptoms is difficult breathing. |
What is the cause and symptoms of hemophilia? | deficiency of clotting where bleeding is spontanous of after minor trauma. Symptoms: nosebleeds, blood in urine and hemorrhages in joints produce pain and tissue damage. |
what is the symptoms and cause of luekemia? | disease of blood- functioning tissue chacterized by uncontrolled production and accumulation of immature leukocytes. symptoms: weakness, fatigueness, and get sick easily. |
What is an reticylocyte? | counting the volume of reticylocytes in blood measures the rate of red blood cells. |
what is Hematocrit? | the percentage of blood that is made up of red blood cells. |
what is differential white blood cell count? | counts different forms of white blood cells to assees for diseases. |
what is a cbc? | it measures the volume of blood components. and componets that are out of range. |
emia? | blood condition |
Erythro? | red |
Gluco? | sugar |
Glyco? | sugar,sweet |
hemo,hemato? | blood,hemorrhage |
rrhagia? | hemorrhage, excessive discharge |
phlebo? | vein |
thrombo? | blood clot. |