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Oxygenation Unit II


The transfer of heat from the surface of one object to the surface of another W/ direct contact between the two. Radiation
The transfer of heat from one object to another with direct contact. Conduction
The transfer of heat away by air movement. Convection
The transfer of heat energy when a liquid is turned into a gas. Evaporation
Body temperature changes within a 24 hr period. Circadian Rhythm
A constant body temperature continuously above 38 Celsius that has little fluctuation. Sustained
Fever spikes interspersed with usual temperature levels. Intermittent
Fever spikes and falls without a return to normal temperature values. Remittent
Periods of febrile episodes and periods with acceptable temperature values. Relapsing
Another name for itching. Pruritus
Drugs that reduce fever. Antipyretics
A feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness, an "out of sorts" feeling, often the first indication of an infection or other disease. Malaise
Easy, free respiration; the type observe in a normal individual under resting conditions. Eupnea
Accumulation of serious fluid in peritoneal cavity. Ascites
The sounds auscultated during BP measurements. Korotkoff Phases
To cough up and spit out mucus. Expectorated
Located in the medulla, Aortic Bodies, and Carotid Bodies sense of changes in chemical content of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon Dioxide levels in the blood. Chemoreceptors
This controls of automatic control of respirations. Medulla Oblongata
This is where control of voluntary respirations deliver impulses to respiratory motor neurons by the way of the spinal cord. Cerebral Cortex
Maintains rhythm and depth of respirations and balance between inspiration and expiration. Neural Regulation
This is a systems model utilizing external and internal stimuli; and the clients adaptation level to maximize health status. The Roy Adaptation Model
Describes the three broad categories of factors that are thought to contribute to thrombosis. (Hypercoagulability, Hemodynamic Changes, and Endothelial injury/dysfunction. Virchow's Triad.
Example of Capillary refill. Blanchable Erythema
Is a transient imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand. Andina Pectoris
Results from sudden decrease in coronary blood flow or an increase in myocardial oxygen demand without adequate coronary perfusion. Myocardial Infarction
PaCO2 35-45 mmHg
PaO2 95-100 mmHg
Refers to a decrease in amount of oxygen at the cellular level. Hypoxia
Is a clinical sign of hypoxia. Dyspnea
Blood in sputum. Hemoptysis
Is an abnormal condition in which the client uses multiple pillows when lying down or must sit with arms elevated and leaning forward to breathe. Orthopnea
Expectorating blood from the G.I. tract. Hematemesis
Helps clients to make an objective assessment of their dyspnea. Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Natural ephedrine, which acts like epinephrine. Mahuang
Obliteration of the normal angle between the vase of the nail and the skin often occur in patients with prolonged oxygen deficiency, endocarditis, and congenital heart defects. Clubbing
PMI Point of Maximal Impulse
Is a palpable vibration on the body. Tactile Fremitus
PPD Purified Protein Derivative
CK in Males? 55-170 units/L
CK in females? 30-135 units/L
Troponin level? <0.2 ng/ml
K+ levels? 3.5-5 mEq/L
Fasting Total Cholesterol level? <200 mg/dl
Low Density Lipoproteins (Bad) levels? 60-180 mg/dl
High Density Lipoproteins (Good) levels? Males: >45 mg/dl, and in Females:>55 md/dl.
Triglycerides in Males? 40-160 mg/dl
Triglycerides in Females? 35-135 md/dl
Radionuclide angiography. Used to evaluate cardiac structure, myocardial perfusion and contractility. Scintigraphy
A group of therapies used to mobilize pulmonary secretions (i.e. postural drainage, chest percussion, and vibration). Chest Physiotherapy
Is a componen of hygiene; it consist of drainage, positioning and turning and is sometimes accompanied by chew percussion and vibration. Postural Drainage
Is characterized by abnormal transept of chloride and sodium across epithelium, leaden to thick, viscous secretions. Cystic Fibrosis
Created by: BOjangles1006
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