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Chapter 5
Question | Answer |
How many carpal bones are found in the wrist? | 8 |
The joint found between the base of the third metacarpal and carpal bone is the? | Carpometacarpal joint. |
What carpals articulate with the radius? | Scaphoid |
Which carpal bones are considered to be the largest? | Capitate |
Which one of the following carpal bones articulates with the thumb? | Trapezium |
What is the synonym for the trapezoid? | Lesser multangular |
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone? | scaphoid |
What carpal bones articulate with the base of the fifth metacarpal? | Hamate |
Which carpal bone is the smallest? | pisiform |
What is the name of the joint found between the proximal and distal phalanges of the first digit? | Interphalangeal joint |
Which of the following bony structures is found on the distal aspect of the ulnar? | head |
What structure is NOT part of the ulna? | Ulnar notch |
What structure is considered to be most proximal? | head of ulna, coronoid process, olecranon process, radial tuberosity? the olecranon process |
What structure is considered to be most lateral? | capitulum, proximal radioulnar joint, trochlea, coronoid tubercle? Capitulum |
What structure is considered to be most posterior? | coronoid process, radial tuberosity, trochlea, olecranon process? Olecranon process |
What structure is considered to be most distal? | Radial head, styloid process, radial tuberosity or capitulum? Styloid process |
What two structures primarily form the hinge-like structure and movement of the elbow joint? | Trochlea and olecranon process |
What is the name of the two small depressions found on the anterior aspect of the distal humerus? | radial and coronoid fossa |
The head of the radius articulates with? | the capitulum |
What two structures form the distal radioulnar joint? | ulnar notch and head of ulna. |
What two bony landmarks are palpated for positioning of the elbow? | Humeral epicondyles |
The smooth depressed, centyer portion of the trochlea is termed the: | trochlear sulcus |
The interphalangeal joints have a ______ type of joint movement. | ginglumus (hinge) |
The radiocarpal joint possesses a ______ type of joint movement? | ellipsoidal |
The first metacarpophalangeal joint has a _____ type of movement. | Sellar |
A ginglymus joint can also be referred to as? | hinge (ginglymus) |
A pivot joint is also referred to as a? | Trochoidal |
An ellipsoidal joint allows movement in ____ directions? | Four |
How many primary ligaments support the wrist joint? | Four |
The bending or forcing of the hand toward the lateral side of the forearm is know as (with hand pronated, PA projection)? | Ulnar flexion (deviation) |
The two fat stripes of the wrist are known as teh scaphoid fat stripe and the? | Pronator fat stripe. |
The absence of the fat pads on a well-exposed, correctly positioned lateral elbow radiograph generally suggests? | Negative study for injury. |
What is the distance between the table top and bucky tray on a floating table-top type table? | 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) |
A general positioning rule is to place the long axis of the part ________ to the part of the film. | parallel |
To minimize distortion generally requires that the CR be ________ to the part of the film | perpendicular |
Which of the following set of exposure factors would be best for upper limb radiography? | 64 kVp, 200 mA, 1/20 sec, small focal spot, detail speed screens |
Grids generally are not required unless the anatomy measures greater than? | 10cm |
Where is the CR placed for a PA projection of the 3rd digit? | At the proximal interphalangeal joint |
From a pronated position, how much obliquity is required for a PA oblique of the 4th digit? | 45 degrees |
Why is it recommended that the medial oblique be performed rather than the lateral oblique for the 2nd digit? | minimize OID |
Where is the CR placed for a PA projection of the hand? | 3rd metocarpophalangeal joint |
How much obliquity is required for the PA oblique of the hand? | 45 degrees |
Which specific anatomy is better visualized with a fan lateral as compared with the other lateral projections of the hand? | phalanges |
Which lateral projection of the hand will demonstrate displaced fractures of the metacarpals? | A. fan lateral B. lateral-in-flexion C. lateral-in-extension >>>>>D. All of the above<<<<<< (answer) |
What projections of the wrist will best demonstrate the wrist joint and intercarpal joints if patient can assume this postition? | AP |
Why should the hand be slightly arched for a PA projection of the wrist? | Reduce OID of the carpal bones |
How much rotation is required for the AP medial oblique of the elbow? | 45 degrees |
How much elevation of the hand is required for the Modified Stecher method? | 20 degrees |
Which special projection of the wrist will open up the interspaces on the ulnar side of the wrist?q | Radial flexion |
How much CR angulation to the long axis of the hand is required for the carpal canal projection? | 25 to 30 degrees. |
Which special projection of the wrist is ideal for demonstrating possible calcification in the dorsal aspect of the carpals? | Carpal bridge (angle CR 45 degrees) |
what action will lead to the proximal radius crossing over the ulna? | pronate the hand |
What is the purpose of performing the partially flexed projection of the elbow? | To provide an AP perspective if patient cannot fully extend the elbow |
Which basic projection of the elbow best demonstrates the radial head and tuberosity free of superimposition? | AP oblique with lateral rotation |
Which basic projection of the elbow best demonstrates the olecranon process in profile? | Lateral |
Which basic projection of the elbow best demonstrates the trochlear notch? | Lateral |
How should the humeral epicondyles be positioned for a lateral projection of the elbow? | perpendicular to the film |
A radiograph of the elbow demonstrates the radius directly superimposed over the ulna and teh coronoid process is in profile. Which projection of the elbow has been performed? | Medial rotation oblique |
Which basic position of the elbow will best demonstrate the posterior fat pad? | lateral |
With the radial head projections,what is the only difference between the four projections? | position of the hand/wrist |
What is another name for the acute elbow flexions projection? | Jones method |
True or False. the skin dose for a lateral elbow is in the 75-100 mrad range. | False |
True or False. For an AP projection of the humerus for an adult you must pronate the hand. | False |
A radiograph of a PA oblique of the hand reveals that the midaspect of the 4th and 5th metacarpals are partially superimposed. What is the specific postitioning error? | Excessive lateral rotation |
A radiograph of a PA projection of the hand reveals that all of the distal radius and ulna and part of the proximal row of carpals were cut off. What should technologist do to correct this problem? | Repeat the PA projection to include all the carpals and about 1 in (2.5 cm) of the distal radius and ulna. |
A radiograph of an AP projection of the elbow reveals taht there is complete separation of the radius and ulna. What positioning error has been committed? | Excessive lateral rotation |
A radiograph of a carpal canal projection of the wrist reveals that the hamate is superimposed over the pisiform. Which one of the following measures will correct this problem? | rotate wrist and hand 10 degree internally |
A radiograph of an AP oblique elbow with medial rotation reveals that the radial head is superimposed over part of the coronoid process. What positioning error has been committed? | Excessive medial rotation |
A radiograph of the PA scaphoid projection reveals extensive overlap of the distal scaphoid and adjacent carpals. Which one of the following factors can lead to this problem? | Insufficient ulnar flexion |
A patient enters the ER with a possible Bennett's fracture. Which one of the following routines should be performed to confirm this diagnosis? | Thumb |
A patient enters the ER with a possible scaphoid fracture. The patient is unable to assume the ulnar flexion position. Which one of the following positions should be performed to confirm the diagnosis? | Modified Stecher |
A patient with a fractured forearm had the fracture reduced & a fiberglass cast put on. The surgeon orders a postreduction study. The original technique was 60 kVp at 3 mAs. Which technique should be selected for the postreduction study? | 64 kVp, 3 mAs |
A patient enters the ER with a possible dislocation of the elbow. The patient has the elbow flexed more than 90 degrees. Which one of the following routines should be performed to confirm the diagnosis? | Jones method and limited lateral projection |
A patient enters ER with an elbow injury. The partial flexion AP & lateral positions reveal a possible fracture of the coronoid process. The patient's elbow is partially flexed, he refuses to extend it further. What projection will confirm the diagnosis? | coyle method with 80 degree flexion, CR angled 45 degree distally. |
A patient comes to radiology with a history of carpal tunnel. The physician wants to rule out abnormal calcifications in the carpal sulcus. What projection would best demonstrate this region? | Gaynor-Hart method |
Another name for AP Oblique Bilateral Projection: Hand | Norgaard Method, of "Ball-Catchers Position" |
Another name for the PA Scaphoid-Hand Elevated and Ulnar Deviation: Hand? | Modified Stetcher Methon |
Another name for Carpal Canal (Tunnel) Tangential, Inferosuperior Projection: Wrist? | Gaynor-Hart Method |
Another name for Acute Flexion Projectios: Elbow? | Jones Method |
Another name for Trauma Axial Laterals-Axial Lateromedial Projections: Elbow? | Coyle Method |