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Indonesian Lesson
Question | Answer |
nama saya Johnathan | my name is johnathan |
apa nama anda? | what is your name? |
saya dari washington. | I am from washington |
anda dari manda? | where are you from? |
saya berasal dari washington | I come from washington. |
saya | i |
anda | you |
dia | it; she; he |
kita | us; we |
kami | us; we (excludes) |
mereka | they |
kalian | everyone |
tidak apa yang | no one |
siapa | who |
pemandu wisata | tour guide |
dosen | teacher |
wisata | tour |
turis | tourist |
kata benda | nouns |
orang | person |
liburan | vacation |
kuliah | class |
arti | meaning |
urusan | business affairs |
tema | theme |
topik | topic |
hal | thing |
ide | idea |
maksud | point |
raja | king |
ratu | queen |
prajurit | solider |
keraton | palace |
tempat wisata | sights |
petanda | sign |
penunjuk | landmark; sign post |
tentara | army |
benteng | fort |
kota pertahanan | fortress |
kata ganti | pronouns |
kata kerja | verbs |
beri | to give |
terima | to receive |
jalan | to walk |
lari | to run |
kerja | to work |
istirahat | to rest |
hidup | to live |
mati | to die |
buka | to open |
tutup | to close |
menulis | to write |
membaca | to read |
bangun | to wake up |
tidur | to sleep |
membeli | to buy |
menjual | to sell |
minum | to drink |
haus | thirsty |
maju | progress |
sayang | affection |
saya mau maju | i want to move on |
menurut | obey |
pendapat | opinion |
urutan | sequence |
dapat | to get |
pergi | to go |
datang | to come |
berangkat | to leave |
sampai | to arrive |
duduk | to sit |
berdiri | to stand |
suka | like |
benci | to hate |
makan | to eat |
puasa | to fast |
lihat | to see |
rindu | longing; homesick |
lupa | forget |
ingat | to remember |
punya | to have |
tanpa | without |
merasa | feel |
memberitahu | inform; advise |
bertemu | to meet |
menunjukan | to show |
tinggal | to stay; live; reside |
mana | where |
kenapa | why |
kapan | when |
bagaimana | how |
tidak apa apa | no problem |
untuk | for |
kepada | to; towards |
dari | from |
dalam | inside |
dengan | with |
waktu | time |
jam keret | rubber time |
sebelum | before |
setelah | after |
satu hari sesudahnya | one day after |
jam | hour |
masa depan | future; tomorrow |
berapa lama? | how long |
lama | long time |
selama | as long as |
masa yang lalu | the past |
awal | start; beginning |
akhir | end |
sekalian | all |
selalu | always |
kadang-kadang | sometimes |
baru | new |
tidak pernah | never |
tidak akan | will not; never will be |
sudah | already |
lebih | more |
kurang | less |
paling | most |
penting | important |
hampir | almost |
seperti | such as |
perbandingan | comparisons |
meja | table |
kursi | chair |
gelas | glass |
ruang | space |
rumah | house |
sendok | spoon |
garpu | fork |
piring | plate |
surat kabar | newspaper |
kertas | paper |
dapur | kitchen |
kakek | grandfather |
nenek | grandmother |
paman | uncle |
bibi | aunt |
saudara ipar | brother in law |
gunung | mountain |
sungai | river |
tanah | ground |
laut | sea |
timur tengah | middle east |
medan | terrain |