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psyc test 2 study

ssri's, anti-psychotics, ant-depressants, maoi's, benzo's, drug abuse drugs

Mellaril thioridazine traditional anti-psychotic
Thorazine chlorpramazine traditional anti-psychotic
Prolixin fluphenazine taditional anti-psychotic
Stelazine trifluoperazine traditional anti-psychotic
Trilafon perphenazine traditional anti-psychotic
Buprenophine (Narcan) suboxone substance abuse
Antabuse disulfiram substance abuse makes the person sick when they drink alcohol
Depade, Revia naltrexone substance abuse
Dolophine, Methadose methadone substance abuse
Acamprosate campral substance abuse reduces the craving for alcohol
BuSpar buspirone non-benzo
Inderal propranolol benzo
Valium diazepam benzo
Klonopin clonazepam benzo
Ativan lorazepam benzo
Xanax alprazolam benzo
Haldol haloperidol traditional anti-psychotic
Risperdal risperidone atypical anti-psychotic
Zyprexa olanzapine atypical anti-psychotic
Lexapro escitalopram SSRI
Luvox fluvoxamine SSRI
Paxil paroxetine SSRI
Prozac fluoxetine SSRI
Celexa citalopram SSRI
Zoloft sertraline SSRI
Trileptal oxcarbazepine manic/mood
Tegretol carbamazepine manic/mood
Marplan isocarboxazid MAOI avoid tyramine
Depakote divalproex sodium manic/mood
Lithium eskalith, lithobid manic/mood
EMSAM patch selegiline MAOI avoid tyramine
Parnate tranylcypromine MAOI avoid tyramine
Lamictal iamotrigine manic/mood steven johnson's syndrome
Nardil phenelzine MAOI avoid tyramine
Desyrel trazodone atypical anti-depressant
Effexor venlafaxine atypical anti-depressant
Wellbutrin/Zyprexa bupropion atypical anti-depressant
Serzone nefazodone atypical anti-depressant life threatening hepatic failure
Cymbalta duloxetine atypical anti-depressant
Norpramin desipramine tricyclic
Elavil amitriptyline tricyclic
Anafranil clomipramine tricyclic
Tofanil impiramine tricyclic
Vivactil protriptyline tricyclic
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