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Cylinder Duration of flow
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Dynamic Compliance
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Calculations CRT

Cylinder Duration of flow psig X Tank Factor / flow Full tank is 2200 psi
Dynamic Compliance Exhaled volume/ PIP-PEEP
Static Compliance Exhaled volume/Plateau-PEEP
Alveolar minute ventilation *Shortcut lml per # of body weight (i.e. if someone weighs 110lb, it would be 110ml)
Suction Catheter Size ***Shortcut Multiply the ID size x 2 and use next smallest Fr size cathether
Pulse Pressure Systolic - Diastolic
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) (2 x Diastolic) + Systolic / 3
Cardiac Output (CO) using stroke volume Heart rate x stroke volume
Stroke Volume Equation Cardiac Output (QT) / Heart Rate
Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) (MAP-CVP) / CO
Conversion mm Hg/L/min to Dynes/sec/cm Multiple mm Hg/L/min by 80
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) (MPAP- PWP) /CO
VD/VT PaCO2-PECO2/PaCO2 x 100
P(A-a)02 *Shortcut (FIO2 x 7) - CO2 - PaCO2
A-aDO2 **Shortcut (FIO2 x7- CO2)-PaO2
PAO2 **Shortcut (FIO2 x 7)- PaCO2
PaO2 **Shortcut Estimate by subtracting 30 from SaO2
I:E Ratio given both I time and E time are given Divide both sides by the Inspiratory time.
Inspiratory Time Total cycle time = 60/f or RR total cycle time/sum of I:E ratio parts
Ventilator Inspiratory Flow (VCV) ***Short cut add the I:E parts and then multiply by the minute volume (you can then estimate)
mg/mL 10 x % concentration
Created by: kgnatzig
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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