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AR Ch 1-3

Perry Hanavan's AR Class Exam 1

Aural Rehab assessment, intervention, and management of communicative consequences of HL
Conversational Fluency How smoothly convo unfolds and is reflected by time spent in repairing comm. breakdowns, exchange of ideas, and shared speaking time.
Hearing Related Disability Multi-Dimensional loss of function imposed by HL
Impairment A loss or abnormality of body structure of physiological or psychological function.
Handicap psycho-social disadvantages that result from a functional impairment
Deafness Complete loss of ability to hear from one or both ears
Activity Limitation loss of function at the level of the person
Participation Restriction Functioning at he level of the world/social. Activities, health, context. Related broadly to impairment.
Health Related Quality of Life HRQL Functional effect of illness or consequent therapy on a patient
Communication Partner Person with whom one is in convo engaged.
Unserved Group of patients in need of but not receiving services
Underserved Group of patients receiving less that "ideal" services
Evidence Based Practice EBP Clinical decision making based on review of scientific data/evidence of cost/benefit of alternative forms of treatment. CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF PAST AND CURRENT PRACTICES!
Outcome Measure Amount/Type of benefit experienced to a specific treatment or series of treatments AND/OR indicates response to treatments
Connexin 26 CX26 Gene in which a defect on Chromosome 13q 11-12 links to 60-75% of non-syndomic HL in children.
X-Linked Related to Y-Chromosome. Transmitted by mother's to 50% of sons and 50% of daughters. Daughters with then carry, while sons will transmit.
BOR (Bronchio-oto-renal) Syndrome associated with HL: Neck cysts, ear tags, kidney prob.
Stickler Syndrome associated with HL: Unusual facial features, cleft palate, eye problems, arthritis, heart problems.
Usher Syndrome associated with HL: Progressive Blindness
Pendred Syndrome associated with HL: Thyroid enlargement or low thyroid function.
Medicare vs. Medicaid MEDICARE: US SS program that reimburses for medical expenses for those 65 and over MEDICADE: US Title XIX under SS that reimburses healthcare providers
Traditional variables Time of Onset, Degree of Loss, Type of Loss, Etiology
Aural habilitation vs. Aural rehabilitation HABILITATION: Develop skills not present beforehand, Infants/Children, Congenital or pre-lingual onset REHABILIATION: Restore lost function, Adults, Acquired HL
29. Aural rehab vs. audiologic rehab Aural Rehabilitation: Broad range of services, Variety of providers. Aimed at minimizing and alleviating Comm. Difficulty. Audiologic Rehabilitation: Audiology professional providers. Any activity, method, resource, tech, or device enhancing comm.
30. Hard of hearing vs hearing impaired Hard of Hearing: Someone who doesn't hear well Hearing Impaired: Related to activity limitation
31. Deaf vs. deaf DEAF: Culturally Deaf deaf: clinically deaf.
32. Statistics regarding hearing loss: babies born per year in U.S. vs. babies born with hearing loss 1-6/1000 born with HL vs 4,000,000 Born a year
33. Hearing loss and impact on income comparing person with and without hearing aids More than 60K annual difference.
34. WHO World Health Organization
35. Prevalence of hearing loss as it relates to aging up to 30% HL at 75. Goes up as age by 5-10%
36. Percentage who wear hearing aids with hearing loss only 1 in 4
37. HLAA, ALDA, NAD HLAA: Hearing Loss Ass. America ALDA: Ass. Late-Deafened Audults NAD: Nat'l Ass. of the Deaf
1. Speech recognition Ability to perceive spoken lang. and make decisions about its lexical comp. using auditory and visual cues.
2. Speech recognition testing Testing to determine how well someone can recognize speech units.
4. Pure tone average PTA: Average of three hearing thresholds at 500, 1000, and 2,000 Hz.
5. Audiogram graphic representation of hearing thresholds
6. SRT Speech Reception Threshold: Threshold level for speech recog. Lowest 50% spondee words can be correctly identified.
7. MCL Most Comfortable Loudness; Maximum Comfort Level
8. UCL Uncomfortable Loudness Level
9. Phoneme Speech Sound
10. Nonsense syllables Single Syllable of speech that has no meaning.
12. PB Phonetically Balanced
13. Acoustic lexical neighborhood A set of words that are acoustically similar and have approximately the same frequency of occurance
18. Detection Recognize when a sound is present or absent
19. Discrimination Distinguish if sound is same or different
20. Recognition Ability to recognize and identify
21. Comprehension Ability to Understand
Speechreading enhancement Auditory enhancement the diff. between speech recog. performance in a visual only environment and auditory plus vision enviroment.
27. CAVET *WORD RECOGNITION* - Children's AudioVisual Enhancement Test -Assess Speech Reading Ability - 3 lists of 20 words each
28. Open set Does not provide a set of choices to the patient
29. Closed set Fixed number of items that are known to the patient
30. Learning effects Familiarity with item, procedures, not a change in a ability. (Repeated Frame)
31. Equivalent lists Contain items that are presumed to be equally difficult to recognize. (PB, Sentences)
32. Test-retest variability
33. Reliability
34. Validity
35. Clinical significance
36. Statistical significance
37. Monolingual One language
38. Bilingual Two languages
39. Synthetic sentences Syntacticallt correct but meaningless sentences including noun, verb, and object.
40. Monosyllabic One Syllable word
41. Spondees two syllable word with equal stress on both syllables.
42. Trochees stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable, as in season, or of a long syllable followed by a short syllable
43. WIPI *WORD RECOGNITION* -Word Intelligibility by Pic Identify -Closed Set -Lang Ability between 5yrs - 10/11 -25 Monosyllabic word lists -26 Color plates, 6 pics per pg
44. ANT *RECOGNITION* -Auditory Numbers Test -Identify Tactile from Auditory -Closed Set Word -3yrs to 8 yrs w/severe to profound
45. CAT *Word Recognition* -Children's Auditory Test -12 words consisting of Trochees, Spondees, and Monosyllabic words - Ability to perceive stress patterns and word recog.
46. BKB
47. CID
48. CUNY
49. HINT
50. SIN
51. DSI
52. SSI
53. Ling-6
54. Classify tests in chapter 2 as to detection, discrimination, recognition, comprehension
Define Detection, Discrim, Recog, and Comp.
55. What are the Ling 6 phonemes?
1. Hearing aid
2. HAT
3. Cochlear implant
4. Brainstem implant
6. Microphone
7. Receiver
8. Amplifier
9. Battery
10. Earmold
11. Zinc-air
12. Analog hearing aid
13. Programmable hearing aid
14. Digital hearing aid
15. RITE
16. RITA
17. ITE
18. BTE
19. ITC
20. CIC
21. Body aid
22. Eye-glass aid
23. Bone conduction hearing aid
24. Directional microphone
25. Omnidirectional microphone
26. Audio boot (shoe)
27. Head shadow
28. Loudness summation
29. Binaural squelch
30. Localization
31. Prescription procedures
32. Verification
33. Category scaling
34. Paired comparisons
35. Clarity
36. Probe microphone
37. Real ear measures
38. Hearing aid orientation
39. Troubleshoot
40. Self-report measures or questionnaires such as the HAPI, APHAB, PAL, GHABP, SADL, SSQ
41. Speech processor
42. Electrode array
43. Round window
44. CICI
45. External components
46. Internal components
47. Multichannel
48. Hybrid
49. T-level
50. C-level
51. Loudness balancing
52. Pitch ranking
53. Mapping
54. Radio frequency (wireless or FM)
55. FM systems
56. Blue tooth
57. DAI
58. Neckloop
59. Silhouette
60. Infrared
61. Induction loop
62. Hardwired system
63. Closed caption decoder
64. Telephone amplifier
65. Relay system
66. Tactile aids
67. TTY
68. TTD
69. Functional gain
71. Binaural vs. monaural fitting
72. Various types of hearing aid verification
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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