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EQ sinusotomy
Vet Dentistry
Question | Answer |
What two different sinusotomy flap approaches can be used? | 1. maxillary 2. frontonasal |
Which sinusotomy approach is the most versatile? why? | frontonasal: provides access to all compartments of ipsilateral paranasal sinuses |
Which compartment is not possible to access through a maxillary flap? | ventral chonchal (in horses <6 yrs old) |
Where does the caudal extent of the incision for a frontonasal sinusotomy flap start? | dorsal midline midway between the supraorbital foramina and the medial canthi of the eyes |
to what extent does the caudal aspect of the incision for a frontonasal sinusotomy flap extend laterally? | to a point 1.5-2 cm medial to the most medial aspect of the rim of the orbit |
Where does the rostral extent of the incision for a frontonasal sinusotomy flap start? | on dorsal midline 1-2 cm daudal to the plane where the nasal bones begin to diverge |
to what extent does the rostral aspect of the incision for a frontonasal sinusotomy flap extend laterally? | to an imaginary line extending from the medial canthus of the eye to the nasoincisive notch |
What structure must be avoided when connecting the rostral and caudal incisions for the frontonasal sinusotomy flap? | nasolacrimal duct |
What is the course of the nasolacrimal duct? | from the medial canthus of the eye, through a point midway between the infraorbital foramen and the nasoincisive notch |
What landmarks are used to create a portal into the maxillary sinus for lavage? | 2 cm ventral and 2 cm rostral to medial canthus |
What landmarks/imaginary lines are used for a conchofrontal approach to the paranasal sinuses with a 2" diameter trephine? | trephination site is 5 cm axial to line betweem madial canthus and nasoincisive notch 2 cm rostral to a line between the medial canthi 4 cm lateral to the dorsal midline |
What external anatomic landmarks bound the caudal border of the maxillary sinus? | middle of the eye to the facial crest |
What external anatomic landmarks bound the ventral border of the maxillary sinus? | along and just dorsal to the facial crest |
What external anatomic landmarks bound the rostral border of the maxillary sinus? | line from infraorbital foramen to rostral border of the facial crest |
What external anatomic landmarks bound the dorsal border of the maxillary sinus? | line from the medial canthus to the infraorbital foramen |
Where does the skin incision start for maxillary osteoplastic flap to access the 08-10 teeth? | 1 cm rostral to and slightly ventral to the medial canthus extends ventrally to 1 cm dorsal to facial crest turns dorsally 1 cm caudal to the rostral extent of the facial crest extends to a point 1 cm daudal to the infraorbital foramen |
What muscles may be transected by the incision for a maxillary osteoplastic flap? | nasolabialis levator labii superioris |
What vascular structures are often transected by the incision for a maxillary osteoplastic flap? | angularis oculi aretery and vein |
Along what border of the maxillary osteoplastic flap is there most risk for injury to the infraorbital canal during bone cutting? | dorsal, rostral end of bone flap |
What is the most common origin of inspissated exudate in the ventral conchal sinus? | primary bacterial sinusitis, not often associated with dental infection |
Where is the hole created to allow lavage of the caudal maxillary sinus after a maxillary osteoplastic flap has been created? | caudal to the flap, 1.5 cm ventral to the most ventral aspect of the orbit |
Which soft tissues are apposed w/sutures following the creation of a sinusotomy flap? | subQ and skin |