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Question | Answer |
What does Industry refer to? | Manufacturing of goods in a factory. |
In which four regions are 75% of manufacturing located? | Northwestern Europe, Eastern Europe, Eastern North America, and East Asia |
What are the four main industrial districts in Western Europe? | UK, Rhine-Ruhr Valley, Mid-Rhine, and Northern Italy. |
Why are they important? | Access to Raw Materials(Coal and Iron ore) and Access to markets(Wealthy Europeans) |
What did UK produce the most? | Cotton Fabric, Iron, and Coal |
When did it begin? | When innovative thinkers created mechanical devices that increased productivity. |
What did it help spur? | Social,political,and economic changes |
Why is UK no longer the world's leading producer of goods? | Factories became outdated and it introduced new high tech industries to Europe. |
By what other ways has Britain attempted to attract businesses? | 1. Lowering Taxes 2. Reducing government regulations 3. Converting government monopolies to private ownership. |
What countries does the Rhine-Ruhr Valley contain? | NW Germany, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands. |
What delayed the Industrial Revolution from diffusing? | Political instability and wars. |
What was another problem? | The development of railroads for transportation was slow: 1. Each European nation needed to work together to create an efficient system 2. It was difficult to get the governments together, so the process was delayed. |
Which region is Europe's most important industrial area? | Rhine-Ruhr valley. |
What 2 raw materials are heavily concentrated in this region? | Iron and Steel |
What is the 2nd most important industrial region in Europe? | Mid-Rhine, which consists of Southwest Germany, Northeast France, and Luxembourg |
What are two important things about this region? | It lacks the raw materials of the Rhine-Ruhr valley and it is at the center of Europe's consumer market. |
Around which river did Northern Italy originate? | Po River Basin |
Why is this region attractive? | Numerous workers willing to accept lower wages, and inexpensive hydroelectricity from the alps. |
How many industrial districts does Russia have?(the main ones) | 4 in the European part and 1 in the Asian part. |
Which two were established in the 19th century? | Central Industrial District and St.Petersburg |
Which three were established in the 20th century? | Volga, Ural, and Kuznetsk |
Which is the oldest industrial center? | Central Industrial District, centered around Moscow |
What are 2 things about this region? | It lacks raw materials and it is close to largest markets. |
What does this area specialize in? | Fabrics, Chemicals, and light industrial goods. |
What is Europe's 2nd largest city and the 1st the build railways? | St. Petersburg |
What is so special about it? | Close proximity to Baltic Sea. It specializes in ship building for the navy. |
What does St. Petersburg also produce? | Consumer goods for local market. |
Which region grew during and after WWII? | Volga Industrial District |
What does Volga contain? | Russia's largest oil and natural gas fields. |
What is so special about Ural? | Very wealthy in mineral resources from Ural Mountains.(Over 1000 minerals) |
What is the Ural hindered by? | Lack of energy resources, so coal and oil are shipped here. |
What is so important about Kuznetsk? | Most important manufacturing center east of the Urals. Also, largest supply of Coal in Russia, as well as abundant iron ore. |
What do you get when you mix coal and iron ore? | STEEL. |
What does Eastern Ukraine have? | Large reserves of coal, iron ore, and natural gas. It is Eastern Europe's largest producer of steel. |
Which countries does Silesia contain? | Southern Poland and Northern Czech Republic. |
What does Silesia specialize in? | Steel, due to large coal reserves, although iron ore must be imported. |
By 1860, US was ____ only to the UK. | 2nd |
Around this time, what did US do? | It exploited abundant food and lumber supplies, not steel and iron. |
Where is manufacturing in North America concentrated in? | Northeast US and Southeast Canada |
What is special about this area? | Abundant iron ore and coal, and access to waterways. There is also proximity to continent's major markets. |
In which industry did New England develop in, in the 19th century? | Textile Industry |
What did New England import? | Cotton from south, and exported finished products to Europe. |
What is one asset here? | European immigrants provided Cheap and abundant labor. |
Which region is situated in the largest market? | Middle Atlantic |
Why do many industries that settle here rely on port cities? | To import raw materials. |
Which region developed in in upstate New York along Erie Canal? | Mohawk Valley |
Why is it attractive? | Inexpensive hydroelectricity from Niagara Falls has attracted many businesses. |
Which region was the greatest steel manufacturing sector in the U.S. during the 19th Century? | Pittsburgh-Lake Erie |
Why is steel centered here? | Vast resources of the Appalachian Mountains. |
Which city is the 3rd largest urban center in the US? | Chicago |
What was Chicago's greatest asset? | Many transportation systems pass through Chicago. |
Canada's industrial areas stretch along _______________ along the province of ____________. | St. Lawrence River; Ontario |
What is this region's greatest asset? | Inexpensive hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls. |
What are East Asia's 2 problems? | Isolation(Transportation Costs) and Lack of Raw Materials. |
What is their one abundant resource? | Cheap Labor |
Which country became an industrial power in the 1950s by producing goods(as well as higher end goods) at lower prices? | Japan |
Which country has now become the 2nd leading manufacturer in the world with the largest labor force? | China |
Industry wants to ________profits by minimizing ______. | Maximize;costs |
What 2 factors explain why industries are where they are? | Situation and Site |
Businesses try to limit transportation costs of what? | Importing raw materials and Exporting finished product. |
What is copper?(not definition) | A bulk reducing industry |
It's important that the early stages of the process are near what? | The mines |
Steel making is also what? | A bulk reducing industry |
How is steel created? | An alloy of iron by removing impure elements and adding others. |
Steel is ___________ than wrought or cast iron and is used to make what? | more durable;Weapons, tools, and structure. |
What is the difference between Wrought iron, Cast iron, and Pig iron? | a)iron that is rolled into shapes, b) heated until liquid and poured into molds, and c) iron that is further processed. |