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RADT 456
ARRT registry review covering Radiographic Procedures
Question | Answer |
A slender and light body figure with a long and narrow thorax is known as? | Asthenic. Pg. 78. |
What level of the spine do the kidneys lie at? | T12-L3. Pg. 81. |
How many bones are in the body? | 206 bones. Pg. 91. |
The (appendicular or axial skeleton) consists of the extremities, the arms, legs , and the shoulder and pelvic girdles. | Appendicular skeleton. Pg. 93. |
Severe fracture and posterior dislocation of the elbow joint is called what? | Colles fracture. Pg. 97. |
Where do humeral fractures usually occur? | Surgical neck. Pg. 99. |
Is (superior/inferior) dislocation of the acromioclavicular more common? | Superior dislocation is more common. Pg. 101. |
Where is the CR directed for a AP thumb? | MCP. Pg. 103. |
Where is the central ray centered for an AP shoulder? | Coracoid process. Pg. 106. |
What is another name for the calcaneus? | Os calsis. Pg. 109. |
What degree of obliquity is needed for a medial oblique foot? | Rotate medially 30 degrees. Pg. 119. |
What degree of angle and which way for a plantodorsal axial calcaneus? | 40 degree cephalic. Pg. 121. |
If a patient has a 19cm or less distance between their ASIS and the tabletop, what degree of angulation is necessary? | 3 to 5 degrees caudad. Pg. 124. |
For an AP proximal femur, how far in do the legs have to be rotated? | Internally rotate leg 15 degrees. Pg. 125. |
For an inlet projection of the pelvis, what degree of CR angulation is needed? | 40 degrees caudad. Pg. 127. |
What degree is needed for an AP axial SI joint? | 30 to 35 degree cephalic. Pg. 128. |
What does arthrography examine? | Articular cartilages, menisci, ligaments, and bursae. Pg. 129. |
What is the nural arch composed of? | Two pedicles, two lamina, two transverse processes, and one spinous process. Pg. 133. |
What does the axial skeleton consist of? | Facial and cranial bones of the skull, the five sections of the vertebral column, and the sternum and ribs of the thorax. Pg. 133. |
What is the common name for C1? | Atlas. Pg. 135. |
What level is the central ray for a lateral cervical spine? | C4. Pg. 137. |
For an RPO cervical spine, which side of inter-vertebral foramina will you be viewing? | Side furthest from the IR. Pg. 137. |
For an RPO lumbar spine, which set of apophyseal articulations would you see? | Side furthest away. Pg. 141. |
What degree of angulation is necessary for an AP coccyx? | 10 to 20 caudal angle. Pg. 145. |
What is the elongated skull termed? Petrous pyramids and MSP form 40 degrees. | Dolichocephalic. Pg. 148. |
What is the largest facial bone? | The mandible. Pg. 155. |
How many bones make up the human orbit? | Seven bones. Pg. 159. |
What projection will demonstrate orbital floor fractures? | Parietoacanthial waters projection. Pg. 159. |
What degree is the OML from the IR in a waters projection? | 37 degrees. Pg. 159. |
What is a thoracentesis? | Procedure to remove significant amounts of air, blood, or other fluids in the pleural cavity. |