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A slender and light body figure with a long and narrow thorax is known as?
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What level of the spine do the kidneys lie at?
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RADT 456

ARRT registry review covering Radiographic Procedures

A slender and light body figure with a long and narrow thorax is known as? Asthenic. Pg. 78.
What level of the spine do the kidneys lie at? T12-L3. Pg. 81.
How many bones are in the body? 206 bones. Pg. 91.
The (appendicular or axial skeleton) consists of the extremities, the arms, legs , and the shoulder and pelvic girdles. Appendicular skeleton. Pg. 93.
Severe fracture and posterior dislocation of the elbow joint is called what? Colles fracture. Pg. 97.
Where do humeral fractures usually occur? Surgical neck. Pg. 99.
Is (superior/inferior) dislocation of the acromioclavicular more common? Superior dislocation is more common. Pg. 101.
Where is the CR directed for a AP thumb? MCP. Pg. 103.
Where is the central ray centered for an AP shoulder? Coracoid process. Pg. 106.
What is another name for the calcaneus? Os calsis. Pg. 109.
What degree of obliquity is needed for a medial oblique foot? Rotate medially 30 degrees. Pg. 119.
What degree of angle and which way for a plantodorsal axial calcaneus? 40 degree cephalic. Pg. 121.
If a patient has a 19cm or less distance between their ASIS and the tabletop, what degree of angulation is necessary? 3 to 5 degrees caudad. Pg. 124.
For an AP proximal femur, how far in do the legs have to be rotated? Internally rotate leg 15 degrees. Pg. 125.
For an inlet projection of the pelvis, what degree of CR angulation is needed? 40 degrees caudad. Pg. 127.
What degree is needed for an AP axial SI joint? 30 to 35 degree cephalic. Pg. 128.
What does arthrography examine? Articular cartilages, menisci, ligaments, and bursae. Pg. 129.
What is the nural arch composed of? Two pedicles, two lamina, two transverse processes, and one spinous process. Pg. 133.
What does the axial skeleton consist of? Facial and cranial bones of the skull, the five sections of the vertebral column, and the sternum and ribs of the thorax. Pg. 133.
What is the common name for C1? Atlas. Pg. 135.
What level is the central ray for a lateral cervical spine? C4. Pg. 137.
For an RPO cervical spine, which side of inter-vertebral foramina will you be viewing? Side furthest from the IR. Pg. 137.
For an RPO lumbar spine, which set of apophyseal articulations would you see? Side furthest away. Pg. 141.
What degree of angulation is necessary for an AP coccyx? 10 to 20 caudal angle. Pg. 145.
What is the elongated skull termed? Petrous pyramids and MSP form 40 degrees. Dolichocephalic. Pg. 148.
What is the largest facial bone? The mandible. Pg. 155.
How many bones make up the human orbit? Seven bones. Pg. 159.
What projection will demonstrate orbital floor fractures? Parietoacanthial waters projection. Pg. 159.
What degree is the OML from the IR in a waters projection? 37 degrees. Pg. 159.
What is a thoracentesis? Procedure to remove significant amounts of air, blood, or other fluids in the pleural cavity.
Created by: burton08L
Popular Radiology sets




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