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Ward First Aid


How much of air is Nitrogen? 78%
What is CPR and how effective is it? Resesitate relationship between heart & lungs, 5%
AED is how effective? What does it do? 50%, Shocks heart back into rhyme.
What is the heart? Is an involuntary muscle that can be trained into being stronger. The slower the heart rate the better.
Perfusion Adequate flow of o2 and blood
Ischema inadequate flow of o2 and blood
CVD (Cardiovascular Disease)Risk Factors Cant Control: Genetics, Gender, Race, Ageing
CVD (Cardiovascular Disease)Risk Factors Can Control: Smoking, Drinking, Obesity, Diabetes, Stress
Myocardial Infarction when blood flow to a part of your heart is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies.
Angina Pectoris The sharp string sensation in chest.
Symptoms of Heart attack: Chest pains (heavy squeezing pressure), Shortness of breath, Radiation of pain (pain all over), nausea (stomach upset), alot of sweating, Jaw pain
AED (Automated External Defibrillator): Get heart back into reg rhyme through shock.
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Gastric Distention: When stomach rises instead of lungs.
AED Prepping: Make sure body isn't wet. Remove all metal objects from wrist up.
How long to do ABCs? No more than 10secs
How many cycles in how many minutes? 5 cycle in 2 half mins
EAP (Emergency Action Plan)- 1.Survey Scene 2.Primary Survey-look for life threatening issues 3.Call 911 (if necessary) 4. Secondary Survey
Spinal Column (top to bottom) 1.Cervical (C1-C7) 2.Thoracic (T1-T12) 3.Lumbar (L1-L5) 4-5. Sacrum/Coccyx (SC1-SC9)
Five Arteries: Aorta: Largest & Strongest Carotid: carry blood & o2 to brain Brachial: locate bwt bi&ticup Radial: located each hand, carry blood & o2 hands Femoral: Carry blood & o2 to below wrist
Signs Of Death: Presumptive -Preassuming their dead -No Pulse -No breathing -No blood pressure -Body Temp-95 -No papillary response -No pain response -Cyanasis (victim turns blue)
Signs of Death:Definitive -Rigor Mortis (stiffness of body) -putrefaction (body smells) -Moral Trauma (no head) -Dependent Lividity
Triage Determine who you help first because that person benefits the most. (Breathing before blooding)
BSI-(Body Substance Isolation): Prevent the transference of body fluid.
Universal Precautions: Safety gear depending on situations
AVPU A-Awake/Alert V-Response to verbal stimulus (Talk) P-Response to painful U-Unresponsive/Unconscious
PERRL Pupils Equal Round Responsive Responsive to Light
Why use PERRL? Check for adequate flow of blood and o2 going to brain.
ABC's Airway Breathing Circulation
PMS Pulse, Motor skills, Sensation
SAMPLE Signs & Symptoms Allergies Medications Past History Last Oral Intake Events
DCAP-BTLS Deformities Contusions Abrasions Punctures Burns Tenderness Lacerations Swelling
Palpation Through touch
Auscultation Through sound
Good Samaritan Law Law that protect from civil and criminal prosecuting. Providing that you do what your trained to do. (Stay within your Limits)
Golden Hour Hour from Scene to Hospital (increase living chances)
Key of Life o2
Jeopardy Is a legal Obligation applies when you do help.
Four Reason to Leave: Victim Stable Scene is Unsafe Pass the victim to someone of higher training Physically not fit
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Network: 1.Citizen Responder 2.Call 911-Dispatch 3. 1st responders 4. EMTs/Paramedics 5. Transport 6. Hospital
RCE (Respiratory Cardiac Emergency: BSI AVPU ABCs -Check/Call/Care -look-chest to rise -Listen-sound of breathing -Feel-pulse,carotid artery
Chest Compression 2in (adults) 1 1/2in (infants)
PMS Pulse, Motor Skills & Sensation
How much o2 is given and used by victim? 21% but only 5% is used my victim.
Steps for Unconscious Choking: 1.BSI 2.AVPU 3.ABCs 4.2 Breathes 5.Recheck ABCs 6.Retilt Head 7.2 Breathes 8.Recheck ABCs 9.Call 911 10.30 chest, finger swipe, 2 breathes 11.Recheck ABCs 12. Cont...
CPR Steps: 1.BSI 2.AVPU 3.ABCs 4.2 Breathes 5.Recheck ABCs 6.Call 911 7.30 chest,2 breathes 8.After 5 cycles Recheck ABCs
Created by: abbywells10
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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