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Buddhism, Confuciusism and Taoism

Amaterasu Japanese sun goddess; ancestor of the Emperor
Yang male cosmic energy principle in ancient China
Asoka 270-270 B.C.E. Emperor who spread Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Bodhisattva a Buddha who decides to stay in this world to help the rest of us; a personal savior or role model in Mahayana Buddhism
Bonism the indigenous religion of Tibet, before Buddhism
Buddha "enlightened one"; mystic Siddharta Gautama Sayka was the original Buddha around 500 B.C.E.
Buddhism monastic, soteriological religion; founded by Gautama; proselytizing, spread from India to East Asia
Bushido Japanese code of knights' chivalry; blends Confucian ethics, Shinto ritual, Zen self-discipline
Cao Dai a 20th century Vietnamese sect synthesizing Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, and indigenous animistic traditions
Compassion a central Buddhist virtue exemplified by Bodhisattvas
Confucius 552-469 B.C.E. Chinese philosopher, teacher; emphasized duty to family, unequal relationships, moderation
Daoism also called Taoism; Chinese religion; emphasis on nature mysticism (Laozi), alchemy, hermits, hedonism
Detachment a central Buddhist virtue of the Theravada school: do not get too concerned about the world's suffering
Dharma Buddhist and Hindu term for doctrine, duty, or teaching
Dualism doctrine of two forces or realms
Eight fold path Buddhist formula for spiritual life on earth
Enlightenment in Buddhism, the mental & spiritual state of salvation; also an 18th century European movement emphasizing science, secularism, humanism
Filial piety devotion, respect, ritual performance for one's family and ancestors
Gautama Siddharta 6th century B.C.E. Indian prince who became the Buddha, a mystic who proselytized, developed monasteries
I Ching, Yi Jing a handbook for ancient Chinese divination using hexagrams
Koan Zen riddle or mental puzzle, designed to produce enlightenment
Lama Tibetan Buddhist head monk
Lao, Laozi 6th century B.C.E. Chinese, mystical Daoist; opposed social conventions; "Follow nature, unite with the Dao"; advocated perfect government of minimal structure
Mahayana “big ferryboat” Buddhism common in China, Japan; emphasizes bodhisattvas, "Worship Buddha as savior"
Mo, Mohism, Moism Chinese religion which taught love and a personal heaven; founder Mo Ti (Mozi) 475-395 B.C.E.
Nichiren 13th century Japanese Buddhist prophet, demanded a national shrine; emphasized chanting, inspired Soka Gakkai
Nirvana Buddhist concept of salvation; liberation from the cycle of suffering and reincarnation
Noble truths Buddhist doctrine that life is suffering caused by desire
Pagoda Buddhist temple or shrine used for ritual activity
Roshi Japanese title for Buddhist master teacher, a guru
Sakya clan to which Gautama Buddha was born
Sakyamuni a term used especially in Japan to describe Siddhartha Gautama Sakya, in order to distinguish him from other Buddhas
Satori Zen Buddhist term for mystical experience
Shinto indigenous Japanese religion; emphasizes nature, spirits, clan, ancestors, nation
Soka Gakkai modern Japanese Buddhist sect stressing chanting for financial success, political power; inspired by 13th century prophet Nichiren
Stupa a Buddhist burial site which has become a shrine
Theravada Hinayana Buddhism; predominant in southeast Asia; emphasizes individual salvation
Wheel Buddhist and Jain symbol for life as suffering and transmigration
Yin female cosmic energy principle in ancient China
Yin Yang school Chinese school of folk medicine, divination
Zen a meditative, mystical sect of Buddhism in China, Japan
Created by: 241152
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