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Meaning of growth Refers to an increase in physical size. Represents quantitative changes such as height, weight, blood pressure, number of words in infants vocabulary.
Meaning of Development Refers to qualitative increase in capability or function. Ability to sit up without support, to throw a ball over hand.
Infant (Birth-1 year) -Important to talk and read to infant,to absorb information -Birth weight triples - personality traits show -solitary paly -Height increase by 1 foot -Physical growth related to quality of feeding
Infant (Birth- 1 year) 4-6 months 6-8 months 4-6:Starts grasp objects,mouths objects,holds feet-pulls to mouth, holds bottle,turn abd-back @4mths,turn back-abd by 6mth,respond sound 6-8: Teething starts,recognize name,bang objects,object transfer, sits steadily without support
Infant (Birth-1year) 8-10 months 10-12 months 8-10:fine motor skills, picks up small objects, crawls, pulls self to stand by 10mth, understands words(no,cracker) first words mama,dada recognize sounds with out difficulty 10-12:walks holding furniture,plays peek a boo,
Toddlers (1-3 years) May become negative, temper tantrums(ignore), search for autonomy(use NO), parallel play,gross/fine motor skills enhanced,toilet training, walking safety,self esteem, pickie eaters, repeat play:house,3yr-start dress self,vocab:1000 words:short sentences
Preschool (3-6 years) Dresses self, most in daycare/school, runs with ease,associative:plays with others, vocab:2000 words:may not understand meaning,loves crafts,coloring,learning letters, numbers, TEACH CAVITIES, fantasy play: school,
School age (6-12 years) preforms useful work, cooperative play-baseball, fat gives away appear leaner, first tooth lost, most body organs/immunity are mature, positive self esteem, vocab increases-taught parts of speech, last time boys/girls are close in body proportions
Adolescent Puberty: sexual,physical changes, average age girls:9-10,boys-10-11,abstract reasoning,social rebel against parents, encourage positive role models, more time with friends
Nutrition (infancy) high growth rate (metabolic increases),breast feeding/formula(birth-1yr),Rice cereal(4mths),baby food(6mths),8-10 mths digestion is normal,1-2yrs vit D needed for brain development(no more 24 oz a day),allergies-hold off on eggs-2years,honey/peanut-3years
Nutrition (Toddler) Moderate growth rate: Nut decreases,frequent eating, limit juice:no more than 6oz, Look what parents are feeding them:healthy food:soft carrots
Nutrition (preschool) Participation with meal: allow to help set table, eat only at meal times, "food jag":same food over&over, limit fast food once a week or less,
Nutrition (school age) Gradual growth, concrete thinking-good time to teach about nutrition,usually eats one meal at school
Nutrition (Adolescence) calories required:sports/growth spurt,eating healthy can be challenging because most time may be spent with friends
Pain used to be under treated, cultural influences:boys hide it, girls show emotion,
Pain scale (face pain rating scale) (wong baker) Six or seven cartoon like faces with expressions from smiling to tearful, 3-adolescence, make sure child has understanding of number concepts and then teach the child to use scale,
Pain scale ( The oucher scale) Developed for whites,blacks,Hispanics,explain bottom pic is no hurt, top is most hurt you ever felt,
FLACC pain scale Designed to measure acute pain in infants and young children following surgery, Face,Legs,Activity,Cry,Consolability, 0:relaxed, 1-3:mild discomfort,4-6:moderate pain,7-10:sever discomfort
Created by: Jhoff0328
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