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marchbio ch3A root words
root | meaning |
cyto- -cyte -cytic | Gk. KUTOS hollow or cell |
-logy -logo | LOGOS word (the study of) |
cell | L. CELLAE chambers |
proto- prot- | Gk. PROTOS first |
-plasm -plasmo | Gk. PLASSEIN to mold |
-gestion | L. GERERE to carry |
excretion | L. EXCERNERE to separate |
excretion | to separate |
e- ex- | L. E- out |
-desmata | Gk. DESMA bond |
eu- | Gk. EU- good or true |
-karyotic | Gk. KARUOTIS with a central part |
organelle | L. ORGANUM organ |
pro- | Gk. PRO before |
chirality | Gk. KHEIR hand |
mito- | Gk. MITOS warp thread |
-chondria | Gk. KHONDROS grain or granule |
cristae | L. CRISTA tuft |
reticulum | reticulum |
centro- | L. CENTRUM center |
-some | Gk. SOMA body |
flagellum | L. FLAGELLUM little whip |
cilia | L. CILIUM eyelid |
kineto- | to move |
-tubule | L. TUBULE tube |
-filament | L. FILIUM thread |
pseudo- | Gk. PSEUDES false |
-podia -podium -pod | Gk. PODOS feet |
leuco- | Gk. LEUKOS white or clear |
chromo- chroma- | Gk. CHROMA color |
chloro- | Gk. KHLOROS greenish yellow |
thylakoids | Gk. THYLAKOS a sack |
grana | L. GRANUM seed |
vacuole | L. VACUUS empty |
vesicle | L. VESICULA little bladder |
-gestion | to carry |
turgor | L. TURGERE to be swollen |