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Gillam ch 10-17,28
gillambiology ch 10-17,28 review randomized list
Question | Answer |
EXOSKELETON | Arthropods have an -?- made of chitin. |
OXYGEN | There was no -?- in the early Earth's atmosphere. |
CHROMOSOMES | Humans have 46 -?- |
OPEN | Arthropods have an -?- circulatory system. |
RADIATION | Chemicals, viruses, and -?- can all cause mutation. |
BOOK LUNGS | Scorpions use -?- for respiration. |
GENERATIONS | It takes many -?- for evolution to occur. |
EMBRYOS | The similarities in -?- of different species can be explained by the theory of evolution. |
TRAITS | Many of your -?- caused by your genes can not bee seen. |
SEGMENTED | Arthropods have a -?- body. |
HEREDITY | Genetic scientists study -?-, and try to understand how traits get passed on to offspring. |
LIVE | A person can -?- without a Y chromosome, but not without an X chromosome. |
INSERTIONS | Substitutions, deletions, and -?- are all examples of point mutations. |
STOP | Natural selection will -?- evolution when the species is perfect. |
THEORY | It is a -?- that evolution has created all the different species that exist on Earth today. |
JOINTED | All arthropods have -?- appendages. |
PAIRS | Humans have 23 -?- of chromosomes in each cell. |
SEGREGATION | During -?- a "coin" is flipped to see which allele a person is carrying will be give to the gamete they are producing. |
MENDEL | Who was the "father" of genetics? |
CELLS | According to figure 10-1 all snails have the same size -?- |
INTERPHASE | According to figure 10-4 the cell cycle can be divided up into two main segments: cell division and -?- |
HIMALAYAN | According to figure 11-12, what color coat is recessive to all other colors accept albino? |
POLYPEPTIDE | According to figure 12-18 , what is another name for a protein, or chain of amino acids. |
BEAGLE | Darwin took a 3-year voyage on a ship named -?-. |
PHENOTYPE | The colors in a pedigree chart represent the -?- of the individuals. |
SEXUAL | Most variation in a population is the result of -?- reproduction. |
ABSOLUTE | Carbon-14 dating is a method of finding the -?- age of fossils less than 60,000 years old. |
GRADUALISM | Darwin believed in a slow and steady evolution know today as -?- |
BLUEPRINT | RNA is like a -?- of the parts of the master plan. |
SCORPION | A -?- is a carnivorous arachnid with pincers and a poison barb at the end of its abdomen. |
BOOK LUNG | Spiders use a -?- for respiration. |
FRAME | A deletion of a base in DNA results in a -?- shift mutation that will affect many amino acids. |
FALSE | In Griffith's experiments a mixture of nice and killer bacteria would probably not harm the mice. truth or false |
VIRUS | A bacteriophage is a -?- |
CHROMOSOME | A -?- is a highly coiled DNA molecule visible only during cell division. |
BARR BODY | Cells in a girl often have a -?- because the cell deactivates one of the X chromosomes and pushes it to the side. |
CHROMATID | Each half of a chromosome is called a -?- |
POLYPLOIDY | A condition where a plant has an entire extra set of chromosomes. |
CENTIPEDE | A -?- is a carnivorous arthropod with 2 legs per segment. |
POPULATION | A -?- is a group of the same species that interbreed. |
CORE | The -?- of a virus is made of DNA |
CEPHALOTHORAX | What part of a crayfish is covered by the carapace. |
MILLIPEDE | A -?- is a detritivore, with 4 legs per segment. |
RESTRICTION | -?- enzymes are able to cut DNA at specific base sequences. |
MALARIA | The good thing about having half your blood cells sickle shaped is that you are less likely to get -?- |
SPECIATION | -?- occurs during adaptive radiation. |
POINT | A mutation that affects just one base is called a -?- mutation. |
RECOMBINATION | Crossing over is also know as -?-, the frequency of which can be measured as an indication of how close genes are on a chromosome. |
SPIRACLES | The air exits an insect's tracheal tubes through holes called -?-. |
THORAX | The legs of an insect are attached to the -?- |
LARGE INTESTINE | If we ANALYZE DATA we find that the cells of the -?- take about 6 days to complete a life cycle. |
SPECIALIZATION | It is -?- and division of labor that allows insect societies to do so much. |
FOSSILS | Darwin collected -?- and samples of the living species during his voyage. |
ZERO | Spiders have -?- antenna. |
CODOMINANT | Since people who are heterozygous for the sickle cell anemia gene have both round and crescent shaped cells, the normal and the sickle cell gene must be -?- |
RECESSIVE | Lethal genetic disorders are usually -?-, otherwise they would never get passed on to the next generation. |
ADENINE | Guanine and -?- are both purines. |
WALLACE | It was an article by -?- which contained many ideas identical to Darwin's, that finally forced Darwin to publish "On the Origin of Species". |
PROTEINS | Bad DNA creates bad -?- that create bad traits. |
TICK | A -?- is basically a parasitic arachnid. |
NATURAL | -?- selection can be stabilizing, disruptive, or directional. |
CUAAUGU | What would GATTACA be transcribed into? |
ARTIFICIAL SELECTION | Humans have been able to mold species to our liking through hundred of years of -?- |
CENOZOIC | The -?- era began about 65 million years ago. |
RELATED | DNA is now being used to prove that species are -?- |
DNA | One reason really big cells cannot exist is that the -?- can only control so much. |
SURFACE | One reason really big cells cannot exist is that as the cell gets the bigger the -?- to volume ratio goes down. |
EIGHT | How many different blood types are there? |
THREE | Insects have -?- body segments. |
TWO | Spiders have -?- body sections. |
TODAY | Lyell wrote a book about geology where he suggested that the past must be explained by what we see happening -?- |
THOUSAND | Prior to the books by Lyell and Hutton, everyone assumed the Earth was just a few -?- years old. |
CLONE | An identical twin born to a different mother at a different time would be a -?- |
VENTRAL | Bugs have a brain connected to a -?- nerve cord. |
ILLEGAL | It is possible but -?- to clone humans today. |
POLYGENIC | I.Q. is determined by the interaction of many genes working together, in other words I.Q. is a -?- trait. |
POLYGENIC | -?- traits cannot by crossed using a Punnett square. |
INTRONS | What do we call the parts of the DNA that don't say anything? |
EXONS | What do we call the parts of the DNA that actually code for proteins? |
MUTATION | What do we call a change in the base sequence in the DNA? |
GENE | What do we call a section of DNA that codes for a protein? |
DIRECTIONAL | -?- selection will cause the average of a polygenic trait to shift either higher or lower. |
DISASTERS | Natural -?- can cause evolution, even in the absence of natural selection. |
INBREEDING | Although -?- can cause problem, it does maintain the desired characteristics in the offspring. |
GENETICDRIFT | -?- is evolution caused by accident rather than natural selection. |
IDENTICAL | Mitosis produces new cells that are genetically -?- to each other and the cell they came from. |
DIFFERENTIATION | The specialization of cells into different tissues is know as -?- |
DIFFERENT | Meiosis produces new cells that are genetically -?- from each other and the cell they came from. |
ADAPTED | Darwin said species changed as they -?- to their environments. |
SPINY | The echinoderms are characterized by their -?- skin. |
SQUARE | In a pedigree chart a male is represented by a -?- |
PAIRS | Humans have 23 chromosome -?- |
LETHAL | Having an extra chromosome is usually a -?- condition. |
TRANSGENIC | Most of the cloned organism have been rare -?- organism made with recombinant DNA technology. |
MATES | Most non-social insects communicate in order to find -?- |
CYTOSINE | What is the complimentary base that goes with guanine in a DNA molecule? |
POOL | The gene -?- consists of all the alleles in a population. |
ENVIRONMENTS | Species on different continents look similar because they have been evolving in similar -?-. |
NERVES | Knowing how to control the cell cycle could lead to a cure to cancer and treatments to repair damaged -?- |
CHROMOSOME | DNA that is copied and bundled is called a -?- |
PLATE | In plants cells cytokinesis is performed by the construction of a cell -?- across the middle of the cell. |
OVER PRODUCTION | Malthus helped Darwin realize that all species have the capacity for -?-. |
EVOLUTION | Today -?- is defined as a change in the frequency of the alleles in a population. |
PALEOZOIC | The -?- era did not follow a mass extinction. |
EMBRYO | The only real difference between a clone and any other individual is the way the -?- was made. |
HOMOLOGOUS | -?- structures look different but evolved from the same organs. |
FERTILIZATION | During -?- the DNA of two cells is joined into one. |
GEOGRAPHICAL | If one species does not mate with another species because a river separates them, then that is a -?- isolation technique. |
VARIATION | Artificial selection works due to the natural -?- that exists in all species. |
POLLINATION | Many foods we eat depend on -?- by insects. |
SIMILARITIES | Much of the evidence for evolution comes from the fact that the many -?- among the different species suggest a common ancestry. |
FOSSIL | The most compelling evidence that evolution has occurred is the -?- record. |
TIME | Darwin used the evidence provided by Hutton and Lyell to show that there was lots of -?- for evolution to occur. |
ANCESTORS | The theory of evolution includes the idea that fossils represent the -?- of species alive today. |
ALL | Darwin's theory of evolution attributed -?- life on earth to a common ancestor. |
ACQUIRED | Lamarck believed that evolution was the result of -?- traits being passed on. |
OPERATOR | In bacteria gene expression can be controlled when repressor proteins knot the DNA by attaching to the -?- site on the DNA strand. |
COMPOUND | Insects have -?- eyes. |
DOMINANCE | Mendel believed the F1 generations of hybrids were all the same was due to the -?- of certain traits. |
CAN | It is a fact that evolution -?- occur. |
ASEXUAL | -?- reproduction is fast, but produces no variation. |
POLAR BODIES | Meiosis in females results in one egg and 3 -?- |
MAMMALS | There were a few small -?- alive during the Mesozoic era. |
PRECAMBRIAN | -?- was the first and longest period of time in the geologic time scale. |
PROPHASE | What is the first step of mitosis? |
AUG | What codon codes for methionine? |
GILLS | Crustaceans use -?- for respiration. |
ACHONDROPLASIA | The fancy name for the disorder caused by a dominant gene which results in little people. |
TETRADS | During meiosis -?- form as 2 homologous chromosomes (4 chromatids) line up together in the middle of the cell. |
RELATIVE | -?- dating of fossils tells us which came first and which came last, but not how old they are. |
SEDIMENTARY | Most fossils are found in -?- rocks. |
TRILOBITES | Arthropods have evolved from -?-. |
AVERY | Who discovered that gene were made of DNA in 1944? |
ELECTRICITY | In order to get an egg to accept the replacement DNA scientist use -?- to encourage the cell to fuse and begin mitosis. |
PNEUMONIA | What disease did Griffith inject into mice? |
MESOZOIC | The -?- era had a mass extinctions before and after it. |
RECOMBINANT | -?- DNA technology has allowed us to create glowing mice. |
URACIL | Unlike DNA, RNA has a -?- base. |
ABPOSITIVE | What blood type has the most protein antigens in it? |
FOUR | The crustaceans usually have -?- antennae. |
OPERONS | Humans do not have -?-, so our cells can access each gene individually. |
READ | After completing the HGP people were heard to say, now that we have the book we need to how to -?- it. |
TWENTY THREE | A normal human egg has -?- chromosomes. |
EARTH | Darwin figured that if the -?- could change as Hutton and Lyell suggested, them maybe life could change. |
REPRODUCTIVE | Meiosis occurs only in the -?- organs of a birds body. |
UNZIP | The first step in replication of DNA is to -?- the DNA molecule. |
GENES | Differentiation is accomplished in humans by the control of the expression of -?- |
POPULATIONS | -?- evolve, not individuals. |
MOLTING | During -?- an insects sheds its old exoskeleton. |
ZERO | If big toes is dominant, and little toes is recessive, what is the probability of getting a little toed kid when a homozygous big toed person is crossed with a homozygous little toed person? |
DNA FINGERPRINT | A -?- is produced by analyzing the junk DNA between the genes. |
SINGLE | Unlike DNA, RNA is a -?- strand. |
EQUILIBRIUM | If a population is not evolving then it must be in a state of genetic -?- |
WEATHER | The different Galapagos islands had a variety of -?- patterns. |
ENVIRONMENT | During natural selection it is the -?- that determines which organisms will survive. |
MILLIONS | Hutton said that it took -?- of years for the Earth's features to form. |
MAN | During artificial selection, it is -?- that decides who will live and die. |
MUTATIONS | Though out history it has been the introduction of random -?- that has provided the source of useful and novel characteristics along with genetic disorders. |
TELOPHASE | What is the last step of mitosis? |
FITTEST | Natural selection only lets the -?- survive. |
PAGE | A gene is like a -?- in the master plan. |
BOOK | A chromosome is like a -?- in the master plan. |
CODOMINANT | If a bear looks gray because it has white hairs and black hairs then the black and white genes must be -?- |
DINOSAURS | There were a lot of -?- during the Mesozoic era. |
FISH | There were a lot of -?- during the Paleozoic era. |
THREE | How many bases make a codon? |
STABILIZING | -?- selection will make the bell shaped curve of phenotypes taller with steeper sides. |
SPECIES | Darwin wondered so many different -?- existed. |
PUNCTUATED | The fossil record matches better with a -?- equilibrium pattern of evolution. |
ORGAN | Someday soon we may have transgenic pigs that can act as -?- donors for humans. |
NONE | What animals did Mendel do genetic experiments on? |
NUCLEOTIDES | What are the monomers used to make DNA? |
REPRODUCE | By definition, the most fit organisms are the ones that -?- most. |
NONDISJUNCTION | Down syndrome is most often the result of -?- that occurs during the formation of an egg cell. |
MANDIBLES | Crustaceans usually have mouth parts called -?-. |
RIBOSOME | Where is the mRNA translated? |
SUBSTITUTION | What type of mutation will only affect one amino acid in the resultant protein? |
COLEOPTERA | What is the name of the insect order with the most species? |
DEOXYRIBOSE | What is the name of the sugar in DNA? |
RIBOSE | What is the name of the sugar in RNA? |
HYBRIDIZATION | -?- can produce new types of plants with traits that represent the best of both worlds. |
MITOSIS | What process creates new skin cells to replace old ones? |
CYCLINS | What are the newly discovered chemicals called that have a controlling influence over the cell cycle? |
CONTACT | -?- inhibition cause normal cells to stop growing when they become crowded by neighboring cells. |
NUCLEUS | Prokaryotic cells do not have a -?- to hold their single strand of DNA |
DISRUPTIVE | -?- selection will not change the average of a polygenic trait, but it will reduce the number of individuals that have the average. |
REFLEXES | Since Echinoderms do not have a brain it is assumed that there responses to stimuli are guided by -?- |
CHROMATIN | DNA that is not bundled up is called -?- |
RRNA | What type of nucleic acid is a ribosome made of? |
TRNA | What type of nucleic acid brings amino acids to the ribosomes? |
RANDOM | Since all naturally occurring mutations are -?-, it is very rare for it to be beneficial. |
GENE | The modern definition of a -?-, is a section of DNA that controls a particular trait. |
GEOGRAPHIC | The -?- distribution of species can be explained by the fact that species on different continents descended from different ancestors. |
THOUSANDS | Humans have -?- of genes. |
THOUSANDS | There are -?- of genes on your DNA. |
MALE | The anterior pair of swimmerets are enlarged in the -?- crayfish. |
CROSSING OVER | The process of -?- allow for novel combinations of genes to be created from a limited pool of chromosomes. |
LAY EGGS | The job of a queen insect is to -?- |
GATTACA | If one side of a DNA molecule had CTAATGT on it, what would the other side have on it? |
LARVA | The immature form of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis is called a -?- |
BILLIONS | Humans have -?- of bases in their DNA. |
KIDNEYS | The malpighian tubules of insects have the same function as human -?- |
ANAPHASE | During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids get pulled apart? |
METAPHASE | During which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell? |
FREQUENCY | The relative -?- of an allele gives its percentage of the gene pool for that trait. |
INTRON | Usually a mutation of an -?- will not harm a person. |
BEHAVIORAL | If one type of ant won't mate with another species of ant because it does not smell right, then those two species are using a -?- isolation technique. |
ALLELES | The various forms of a gene are called -?- |
CYTOKINESIS | The final part of the cell cycle when the cell becomes two cells is called -?- |
BACTERIA | The first forms of life on Earth were -?- |
NYMPH | The immature form of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis is called a -?- |
COMPETE | Overproduction causes the offspring to -?- for the limited resources. |
BOYS | A recessive gene on the X chromosome will be expressed most often in -?- |
GIRLS | A dominant gene on the X chromosome will be expressed most often in -?- |
TRANSFERRNA | The anticodons are on the -?-. |
CEPHALIZATION | What is the one thing that all Echinoderms lack? |
MEIOSIS | What process turns one normal diploid body cell into 4 haploid sex cells. |
GREEN GLANDS | What crayfish organ lies in the head near the brain? |
CELLS | How naturally created organic chemicals could have formed into living -?- is still a mystery to science. |
CYSTIC FIBROSIS | Approximately 1 out of 30 people is a carrier for the gene that causes -?- |
PROTEIN | What is the outside of a virus made of? |
HYBRIDS | If the male P-generation and the female P-generations were different, then the offspring would be -?- |
ARTIFICIAL | Darwin noticed that people have been changing species for hundreds of years using -?- selection. |
SEVEN | The time-line on pg 292 is misleading because 1960 to 1977 (17 years) is 3 cm , but 1951 to 1953 (2 years) is about -?- cm. |
TEMPORAL | -?- isolation keeps plants that bloom in the spring from mating with plants that bloom in the fall. |
RNA | What solves the problem of having the instructions for proteins being in one spot, and the construction site in another. |
HGP | What government sponsored project was completed in the year 2000. (acronym) |
HISTONES | What are the protein molecules called that help DNA bundle in Eukaryotic cells? |
INCOMPLETE | The fossil record provides an -?- history of life on Earth. |
TRUTH | The bacteria became radioactive after the virus with tracers on its DNA infected it. truth or false |
TRACERS | What are the radioactive atoms called that scientists can detect with instruments. |
CHROMOSOMES | True independent assortment rarely happens because the genes for traits are bundle together on -?- |
DNA POLYMERASE | What enzyme reads/copies the DNA molecule during replication. |
DNA | Lamarck did not realize that the only thing a parent passes on to its offspring is -?- |
PKU | What is a recessive autosomal disease that all babies are checked for immediately after birth? |
FAR APART | If the recombination frequency is high then the genes must be -?- on the chromosome. |
CLOSE TOGETHER | If the recombination frequency is low (don't recombine much) then the genes must be -?- on the chromosome. |
SALT | A "spiky" looking red blood cell was probably placed in -?- water. salt or pure |
EXTERNAL | Echinoderms use -?- reproduction, and the parents never meet each other. |
ENDOSYMBIOTIC | The -?- theory says that the organelles of the first eukaryotic cells were actually bacteria living symbiotically within other bacteria. |
BASES | In translation a sequence of -?- becomes a sequence of amino acids. |
RNABASES | Transcription changes a sequence of DNA bases into a sequence of -?-. |
CONVERGENT | Different species in similar environments will likely undergo -?- evolution. |
PHOSPHATE | What molecular group sits between the sugars in a DNA molecule? |
MUTATIONS | -?- are a source of variation in an asexually reproducing population. |
REPRODUCTIVELY | In order for speciation to occur, a population must be split into two -?- isolated groups. |
ANCESTOR | Proving that different species have a common -?- proves evolution. |
FANGS | The chelicerae of spiders are basically -?- |
EMBRYOS | Where do human stems cells come from? TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY |
MRNA | What nucleic acid tells the ribosome which amino acid comes next? |
METEORITE | The evidence suggest that it was a -?- that caused the mass extinctions. |
PALEONTOLOGISTS | -?- are scientists that collect and study fossils. |
SPREAD DISEASE | The insects that cause the most harm to humans are the ones that -?- |
FLEX | Bugs have muscles that extend and -?- joints. |
SMOOTH | In Griffith's experiments the colonies of killer bacteria looked -?- |
CHARGAFF | Who discovered that the amount of C and G are always the same in samples of DNA? |
UNBRANCHED | The appendages of the uniramians are -?-. |
PERIODS | The Eras of the Geologic time scale are divided up into -?- |
GRAY | What color would the feathers be of a heterozygous bird be if they carry a black gene that has incomplete dominance over the white gene it carries? |
VESTIGIAL | Evolution can explain the presence of -?- organs such as the human appendix and wisdom teeth. |
ENVIRONMENTAL | Many traits are the results of an interaction between genetic factors and -?- factors. |
GALAPAGOS | Darwin noticed that the climate of the different -?- islands varied along with the species that lived on them. |
CENTROMERE | The thing in the middle of a chromosome that holds the chromatids together is called a -?- |
DNA | What was transforming the nice bacteria into killer in Griffith's experiments? |
NICE | In Griffith's experiments the bacteria that formed into rough colonies were the -?- bacteria. |
BELL | The graph of the phenotypes of a polygenic trait will usually be a -?- shaped curve. |
LAVA | A one point the entire Earth was one big ball of -?- |
ANALOGOUS | -?- structures look the same but evolved from different organs. |
SPERM | The gender of the offspring is determined by which sex chromosome the -?- was carrying. |
AGE OF THE WIFE | The odds of having a Down syndrome child goes up as the -?- of a man goes up. |
GELELECTROPHORESIS | -?- is used to make DNA fingerprints and to separate DNA pieces based on their sizes. |
RANDOM | If evolution is to be stopped then the matings must be -?- |
SMALL | It is impossible to stop a very -?- population from evolving. |
MARKERS | It is important to place -?- on the DNA of transformed organism so that we can tell them apart from the natural species. |
THERAPY | Gene -?- attempts to cure genetic disorders by inserting good DNA into cells of the patient. |
ONE HUNDRED | If big toes is dominant, and little toes is recessive, what is the probability of getting a heterozygous kid when a homozygous big toed person is crossed with a homozygous little toed person? |
RNA POLYMERASE | What enzyme transcribes DNA into RNA. |
GENETIC | DNA stores and transmits -?- information. |
INDIVIDUALS | There are always twice as many alleles as there are -?- in the population. |
ALLELES | All organisms have two -?- for any given gene. |
AUTOSOMES | A karyotype shows two sex chromosomes and 44 -?- |
HOMOZYGOUS | A genotype with two identical alleles is said to be -?- |
HETEROZYGOUS | A genotype with two different alleles (such as in most hybrids) is said to be -?- |
O NEGATIVE | What blood type can give to all other types? |
TRANSFORMATION | Bacteria cells suck up DNA from their surroundings in a process know as -?- |
CHEMICALS | The Miller and Urey experiments showed how some organic -?- could be made by natural processes. |
TUBEFEET | Star fish respirate, urinate, and locomate with their -?-. |
PEDIGREE CHARTS | Today the use of DNA analysis has largely replaced the use of -?- to determine an individuals genotype. |
TERRESTRIAL | -?- arthropods must use a form of internal fertilization, or else the gametes would dehydrate and die. |
MISSING LINKS | -?- are used by creationists as proof that the fossil record does not show evolution. |
PROBABILITY | Punnett squares are used to predict the -?- of genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring of a cross. |
WAX | Humans get such useful items as silk, -?- and honey from insects. |
CARNIVORES | Spiders are -?-, using their silk to make webs and catch prey. |
RECESSIVE | -?- genes will usually not affect the phenotype unless they are present in a double dose in the individual. |
SEXLINKED | -?- genes are usually on the X chromosome, and cause disorders that are expressed much more often in males. |
ANSWER | Darwin came up with the theory of evolution as an -?- to the many questions raised by his observations. |
GLUTAMINE | What amino acid would be coded for by CAG on the RNA molecule? |
PROLINE | What amino acid would GGG on the DNA eventually result in after transcription and translation? |
HISTIDINE | What amino acid would GTA on the DNA eventually result in after transcription and translation? |
PHENYLALANINE | What amino acid would AAA on the DNA eventually result in after transcription and translation? |
HUTTON | What geologist who wrote a book in 1795 about how geological forces have shaped the Earth? |
FRANKLIN | Who took the x-ray photos of DNA that helped Watson and Crick figure out the structure of DNA? |
KARYOTYPE | A picture of your chromosomes during mitosis. |